Figuring it out P3

Just before they got in to the car park at work.

"Be safe my little food monster", "you too my growler."

"I don't think I'll be out much today" he growled

"Okay. Good" she whispered

He turned as if he had heard that. She smiled "come on let's get you upstairs so you can ice the knee."

Just as they got out of the car Dinozzo appeared

"Morning boss"

"Morning err here" handing him a cookie in a bag

"Ooh thanks"

"For yesterday sorry."
"Don't worry boss all good I promise." Huh Tony thought

He hobbled over to the elevator

They followed suit

"Any leads on the car?"

"McGee may have something"

"He already here"

"Yeah boss..." as they entered the elevator

"McGee" growled Gibbs as he rested on the desk

"Oh morning all we found something"

"You pull an all-nighter?"

"Not quite Bishop, but we have found the car"


"Abby is in too Tony"

"Okay great can you..."

"Already being brought in.. is it alright if I go get coffee"

"Yeah go..." Gibbs then rubbed his ribs the bruise was less painful but still he was in pain.

He finally sat down and McGee brought back coffee which was welcomed.
Abby then called him down, so he slowly made his way down to her lab.

"Abs what you got?"
"How are you? I hear the knee is giving..."
Handing her the Caf-pow and giving her his tired look was enough
"Okay but no going to crime scenes."

"A car with nothing in"


"This car is totally brand new correct plates but I think we've been set up."


"Sorry Gibbs I'll keep digging but I think this one was either brought or stolen from a car dealer."

"Thanks Abs"

His phone rang

"Yeah Gibbs"

"What do you mean okay let's go and pick me up a vest?"
He was getting a look from a concerned Abs, "I'll be careful I promise."

They drove out downtown to where they saw the officer who called in the body now standing on a ledge threatening to jump.

"Boss this is the officer who was due to come today, now apparently he went mad last night drank a few too many"


"Possible McGee is looking in to it, now there is a step up to where he is, I can do it or we can get Probie."
"No, I'll go" he growled out

"Are you sure with that knee?"

"He only wants to speak to Gibbs Tony" McGee advised sternly

"I'm fine" putting on the vest over his hoody.

He then hobbled over and took a deep breath.
"Who are you?" asked the officer who was stood on the ledge

"Special Agent Gibbs Just wanna talk."

"I err all I need to say is I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore"

"No need to be sorry that dummy was a good fake. Even my people missed it."
"It's not just that he's after me"



Gibbs then got closer despite the pain and well he even felt a little light headed.

"Don't come any closer..."

"Just want to understand"

"Well I don't I've wasted your time"

"No, come on who is after you did you dress the body?"

"I'm sorry..."

Gibbs closed his eyes briefly until he heard the thump.

"Damn it" he growled out he then slowly got down taking in some deep breaths.

"Ah Gibbs. He looked like he was drugged up boss"

"I know..." just he then kicked an old can out of the way which didn't help his knee much.

He stayed whilst they took the body.

"Witnesses say much before we got here?"

"No not really apparently he got super drunk last night and began hallucinating"

"Okay get the body back."

Back in the squad room


"Gibbs that was a tough call. Any leads on why us or can we hand this back."

"Nothing yet Leon"

"Fine I'll give your team the day to see if anything pops. Let's hand it back if we can Gibbs and"

"Yes sir?"

"Don't beat yourself up too much. From the looks of it seems he was drugged up."

"Uh huh"


Vance then left them to it, bumping in to Bishop as she was coming back down the stairs. "Is he in pain?"
"Yes sir I believe it is the knee and his ribs."
Vance nodded and they both went their separate ways.

Soon enough they were handing it back. Despite Gibbs reservations the officer was on drugs and had done it as a prank. So they handed it back to the officer's team and closed it up.

He then took his food monster to the cone of silence.

"Free later"


"Meet you at yours at 8?"


He smiled then the pain came again. "Off to see Ducky" as he noticed he couldn't hide the pain from her.

"Ah Jethro how is the pain"


"Here have these and this"

"Thanks how long will these last"



"Really" Ducky replied with a knowing smile.

"Ah hell a proper apology okay."

"They will last just drink beer rather than bourbon"

"Got it. Thanks Duck"

"Your welcome. I hear you've had quite the day."

"Yeah he jumped on me. I'm fine Duck he was going regardless but yer know"

"He was young"

"Yeah, these and dinner will help."

"Hmm have to keep an eye on both of them now." He whispered to the now empty autopsy room.

He booked a bistro out of town for them to go to.

Just before they left Tony was making conversation.

"Plans bishop"

"Ah just catching up dinner with a friend"


"Cinema for me, Tim?"

"Delilah is out so gaming for me."

"Err don't stay here too long. See you tomorrow." As he hobbled to the elevator.

"Night boss."



He smiled as the doors closed and then he text bishop getting a taxi need to do a few things. X

Okay be safe my growler x

Later he had gone over to hers

"So catching up with a friend" after he had given her a kiss.

"I'm sorry I couldn't think of what to say"

"No it works, god you look gorgeous" he said looking at her dressed in a simple black dress. He was in his blue suit with a crisp white shirt.

"Well you look very handsome." He pulled her in for a long kiss "Maybe I should just kiss you all night.."
She giggled "Hey you drove.."

"Painkillers are working for now"

He then gave her a red rose

"Thank you" she quickly put it in the sink so it wouldn't dry out

"Ready..." and then he drove her to the bistro.

"It's sea food"

"Delicious can't wait"

"You come here before"

"No Vance recommended it to me a while ago. Hope its okay."

"It's perfect"

The bistro was relatively busy but neither knew anyone. The waiter showed them to a corner table and soon they were enjoying each other's company.

"Not good with small talk"

"Me neither" they both giggled

He held her hand across the table

They ordered, he drank water even though he could have had beer.

She drank wine.

"No beer?"

"Ah just didn't want to, plus Duck gave me some painkillers."

"How is the pain?"

"About 6"

She looked concerned

"It's halved since earlier and you make it easier."

"You know we could have stayed at home"

"I know but I wanna do this right" despite him wanting to kiss her all night.

She smiled

"So your yer art is good, you should paint more."

"I should it relaxes me do you ever do anything other than the wood?"

"Wanted to do watercolour"


"Yeah everyone seems so so shocked"

"Well maybe it's the sawdust.."

"And don't forget my boat" He laughed she loved his laugh

"So maybe we should do some art one night"

"Huh yeah sounds fun"

"At mine"

"Even better."

"Like to take you away"

"Now that would be nice, you still got the cabin?"

"Yes I have."

"A nice roaring fire and hot chocolate would make the perfect date."

"After fire cooked steak."

"Of course."

They decided not to have dessert. So went for a walk outside just holding hands in the evening breeze.

"Enjoy that my little food monster"

"Yes it was yummy sets a standard"

He blushed she laughed "sorry couldn't resist that was nice Growler it was."

"Huh your enjoying this aren't you" rubbing his neck

"Well as first dates go that was pretty darn good."

"Good. Ah if only we didn't have work."

They sat together on a bench overlooking the water's edge.

She snuggled up to him

"Amen to that mr"


"Sorry my growler" kissing him



"I need to take things slow."

"That's fine by me."

"I mean the other night when you said to me I remind you of Shannon"

"Too much?"

"No I'm honoured I really am it's just"

"Ah my food monster..."

He looked at her

"Stop over analysing this for now I understand dates and just being close is fine for me too. You bring me a calmness that she did to me, but as I told yer no pressure I just want to protect you."

They kissed deeply.

"Come let's get you warm" as he noticed she look a little chilled.

He took her home and gave her a good night kiss before heading back to his.

Hope you have enjoyed chapter 7, more to come as they continue to figure things out, thanks for reading X
