Ignore the mistakes ...it's unedited !

After all the tiring sight-seeing , Manik along with Nandu walked backed to their room with sleeping Trisha in his arms.

Tired ?..he asked her, as he settled Trisha on bed and Nandu gulped down whole glass of water.

Very much !!..she replied.

Take rest after you freshen up !!..he spoke removing Trisha's shoes and covered her properly with a blanket not wanting her to catch cold.

Nandu got freshen up and walked out in room to see Manik standing near the window, talking to someone on phone, with only just towel hanging around his waist.
She was shamelessly staring at him. Seeing his sexy back, she gulped down the lump formed in her throat. She was about to continue her gawking session more but Manik turned around as he ended the call and smirked seeing her.

Liked the view wifey ?...he asked in husky tone as he walked towards her and sandwiched her frame between him and wall.

There was no response from her side, as he was driving her crazy.

I asked , ' Did you liked the view ?'.
He spoke blewing some air on her face.

Nandu saw him smirking again.

Yes, I liked the view ! Infact, I loved the view Hubby !!..she replied confidently.

Nice Wifey !!...saying he sucked her collarbone, which was enough to drain her all courage.

Manik !!..she whispered as he pulled her towards him and her hands landed on his bare chest.

What? !...he asked seeing her all blushing and her eyes closed.

How much he loved her this shy side!!

Nothing !! I'm tired !!..she spoke with a pout !!

Take Rest !!...saying he pecked her cheeks and left to freshen up.

Settling on bed, Nandu changed Trisha's clothes with attention and not letting her break her sleep.

When, Manik came out of washroom, he saw Nandu busy in caressing Trisha's face. All dressed up in comfortable clothes, he walked near his neatly kept stuff to grab a box. Carrying that two boxes he walked near Nandu.

This is for you! I would love to see you in this in the evening!!...he spoke before she would speak and handed her the box.

What's this ?! ...she asked as she opened the lid of it and eyes widen in shock seeing the gorgeous knee length black colour gown.

It's pretty Giraffe!! I'm impressed with yiur choice and how long have you been planning for my birthday?...she asked him as he settled next to her and began playing with Trisha's tiny fingers.

Long time !! The Day I filled your admission form, I got to know about your birthday and I wanted to make you feel special, so it's a small token from my side for been by my side through all tough times, Potato !!...he spoke seeing her stare at him.

She was all in tears, as he spoke his heart out !!!

Don't start crying now Please Potato!! Come let's sleep !!...he spoke opening his arms for her and she settled herself in his embrace.


Trisha and Nandu were twinning. Both looking beautiful. Seeing her dressed up like her momma Trisha, was all excited and her happiness knew no bounds. She was from time to time showing her dress to Nandu, who was adoring her daughter. Mansi and Navya had helped Nandu get ready and had left just now as they do wanted to dress up.

Nandu was adjusting her hairs, which were tired in bun , then Manik stepped inside the room. Trisha who was busy grazing at her shoes which were making sound, screamed seeing her Dadda which grabbed Nandu's attention. Feeling his intense gaze on her, Nandu lowered her eyes not wanting to meeting his eyes.

Pa..Pa...saying Trisha asked Manik to pick her up and Manik did as his daughter wanted him to do.

She was showing Manik, her watch and the small clip stuck on her hairs, but Manik's eyes were stuck on Nandu.
Manik not replying to Trisha, she got angry and pulled his hairs to get his attention towards her saying.

Princess !! My hairs !!...he screamed in pain, to which Trisha ignored his scream and pulled his hairs again.

That's an bad habit darling!!...Nandu spoke to Trisha but Trisha didn't paid any heed to her saying and hide herself more into Manik's neck.

Aryan walked after knocking the door and left asking them to come soon, as Trisha might sleep soon and they had to finish the small birthday party they had arranged.

Aryan left with Trisha, who happily went towards him.

You look beautiful Potato!!..Manik complimented Nandu as soon as Aryan left.

Thank you for the dress, it's pretty and even you look cute!...she spoke slowly.

What ? Cute ? ! ...he asked her in shock.

Yes !! You look Cute!..she spoke again giggling observing his grumpy face.

Ohh !! Stop this !! Say that I look HOT! ...he demanded .

You look Cute !! ...she again spoke.

Say I look H. O. T !!..he demanded again

C. U. T. E.!! Giraffe is looking C.U.T.E. !! ..she spoke again giggling trying hard not to burst into fits of laughter!!

Say my husband is H.O.T !!..he spoke taking slow steps towards her.
She stumbled upon bed and was going to fell, but Manik pulled her in no time towards him!!!

Wifey !! Open your eyes !!..he spoke.

I won't, I'll tell down !!!..she spoke in fear.

Such an baby !!..he spoke pecking her lips lightly and she opened her eyes in horror.

You monkey Malhorta ruined my lipstick!! I'll kill you !!...she spoke in stern tone and jerked his one hand but he held her tight.

It's half ruined, let me ruin it fully now wifey !!..saying he pulled her into an Passioante kiss!!


As soon as, Nandu stepped her feet into the hall where she was guided by Navya and Mansi, she would see that it was all dark, only whispers of Trisha's giggles were coming from.

Trisha !! Manik !!...she called out and boom the light was back. It was decorated all beautifully, she saw Manik standing around the Brithday cake with Trisha in his arms, who was ready to grab the cake.

Cut the cake first, this little devil wants to eat it !!..saying Aryan handed Nandu a knife.

Nandu first fed the cake to Trisha, who didn't tasted it, rather her attention was grabbed by the balloons. Asking Manik to let her down, Trisha made her way towards the balloons and got engaged in her playing. Her shoes and heavy dress were giving her a tough time to run, so she threw her shoes away and moved towards the grass grabbing two balloons and rest of the family followed the little devil.

Manik was behind Trisha, while Nandu slowly followed them. Reaching to Trisha, she asked Nandu to pick her up. As soon as Nandu did, Trisha hide herself into her neck and snuggled more close to her.

Nandu felt something was bothering Trisha, as she had hugged her tightly.

What happened Darling?..Nandu asked Trisha caressing her hairs, and in reply Nandu was showered back with numerous kisses.

Ma. Ma...saying Trisha played with Nandu's hairs resting her head on her shoulders. Trisha, stuck to Nandu for longer time, from time to time Nandu removing her thumb from mouth as she kept on sucking it again and again.

It was around 10, when they were done with food and Trisha was sitting on Nandu's lap, who was feeding her veggies, which she was giving them hard time to eat it.
Rest of the evening was spent, pampering Trisha who was sole reason for all the smiles tonight. Throwing tarantums and making them laugh at her cute antics, she slept on Nandu's lap.

My Baby !!...Nandu cooed her as she peacefully drifted to sleep.

It was around 12 when, Manik and Nandu entered into their room. Nandu turned on the baby monitor and made Trisha sleep properly, while Manik kept her toys near her, till they freshen!

As Nandu move towards her bag to grab her clothes, Manik too walked in her direction to grab his stuff and they both came in front of each other.

For few seconds, they stood staring at each other.

Thank you!!...Nandu spoke up this time first .

He just raised his brow.

For Birthday surprise!! It was lovely!!!..she spoke and their eyes were locked with each other.

Most Welcome !! But, one thing is left and then your birthday will be complete !!!..he spoke pulling out his phone from his pocket and he started the music player.

May I ?..he aksed for her hand, to which she happily into him.

He played a very soft music not wanting to disturb Trisha's sleep and they both moved towards the other end of the room.

Slowly matching each other's steps they were moving in, when music ended and still they moved slowly.

As he twirled her around, he rested her chin on her shoulders and matching their steps they were moving, his rubbed his cheeks on hers. Feeling his touch, she closed her eyes. He trailed her again and held her hands in his. His one hand rested on her bare back. He moved his hand on her back, making her go weak on her knees. As drawn patterns on her back, her stomach churned giving rise to zillions of butterflies.

He trailed his fingers on her back, sending shivers down her spine, which drew her crazy. She moved out of his hold and ran out into open space near to swimming pool pushing the glass door aside.

Not fair yaar !!...he groaned in frustration and ran behind her.
Getting hold of her, he pressed her frame against the glass door facing her back face him.

As her hairs were tired in bun, her exposed back was in full view of his eyes. He rested his lips onto back for a second, giving her chills and placed a long kiss their. Feeling his tongue on her skin a new kind of sensation aroused inside her. Dress didn't have deep backless Cut, and his lips stopped exactly near the entrance of the zip. He for a second moved his teeth above it, sending a sudden sensation all over her body, he withdrew himself and pressing her frame against the door, started placing hot open mouth kisses on her left hand. He did the same with her right hand.

Manik !!! ....she hissed in pain as he digged his face into her neck and bite her lightly.

Making her face him, he placed his lips on hers, while her hands made their way towards his hairs.

Happy birthday wifey !! I wish to celebrate every birthday of yours from now-a-days with you !! ....he spoke breaking the kiss and again pulling her into an Passioante kiss.

Not wanting to break the kiss, she again kissed him back. As the kiss turned wild, they both landed on floor, with Manik down and Nandu above him.

As she kissed him more passionately again, he in swift came above her and thanked her with numerous kisses on her face.

You looked damn gorgeous in this dress !!...he said planting a kiss on her forehead.

Hmmm !! ....she screamed in pleasure as his legs were rubbed against hers and she felt the tingling sensation in her inner thighs.

Feeling aroused, and seeing the beautiful moaning mess, his hands itching to feel her curves, made its way towards her waist and stopped at her tummy. As his legs rubbed more onto hers, she dress moved a little, it has silt which gave him access to her slender legs. Wanted to feel her skin, he moved his hand onto her thighs sliding the dress slit away and her breathe got hitched in her throat.

Nandu not knowing what all was happening with her, but this was giving her extremely pleasure, she shut her mouth tightly to suppress her screams, she bite her lips more and let him take the lead.

Before, he would proceed a shrill hit their ears.

Manik !! Trisha is up!!! Let's go !! ...saying she moved away and adjusting her dress quickly moved to look after Trisha.

None is letting me romance with my wifey!!!...saying all frustated he left the place.

Next day, they were back to their sweet home. Manik and Nandu , spent whole day with Trisha. Manik's phone was buzzing with Alia and His Dadu but he ignored their calls, not wanting to spoil his mood !!!

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