(3) At Home

America's POV

As I closed the door, one of my daughters, Delaware came running up to me and hugged me. I smiled happily at her. "Hello Delaware, how are you?" I greeted her with a question. She looked up at me with her big blue and yellow eyes that always seemed to shine brightly. "I'm good!" She replied. I looked up at the clock. There, it said the time was 5:47 (or 17:47). Right after, I examined the rest of the first floor. Virginia and New York were in the kitchen cooking everyone's dinner. Texas was talking to Águila on the couch, typical of them. Florida and Elena were giggling with Hawaii and Louisiana as Wisconsin chugged another bottle of whiskey. I bet he was going to be extremely drunk by dinner. Rhode Island and Connecticut were reading a book together and D.C and Noriana were speaking to each other about some important stuff. Delaware ran back to the kitchen and grabbed a piping bag filled with light green icing.

I walked towards the girls and went next to Delaware. She looked up at me and pointed towards the large tray of cookies of different kinds on the large white counter. I exhaled a soft sigh, a lovely smile growing larger and larger by the minute. D.C must have noticed me because he walked towards me with Noriana catching up behind him. "Father, go change into something more comfortable." I obeyed him, nodding and walking towards the stairs to my bedroom. I didn't wanna fight him, I knew it always led back to him winning. As I walked up the stairs, I bumped into California who was going down the stairs. I greeted her and she greeted me back. I continued on until I got to my bedroom door. I opened it and closed the door behind me. I decided that now would be a good time to call Russia. I grabbed my phone out once again, unlocked the phone and went searching for his contact. Once I found it, I dialed him, slightly hoping he would answer. I placed my phone down on my bed facing upwards at the ceiling and started to change.

Russia's POV

I had just finished my early dinner as my phone rang. Ukraine and Belarus noticed that but didn't ask any questions. I answered the call and it was America. I got up and went straight to my bedroom to speak with him privately. My siblings didn't know that I got America's contact. I thought about telling them after I finished the call. Immediately, I noticed that the screen was facing his ceiling. I was confused. Why was I looking at his ceiling. Both ends of the call was completely silent until America broke the silence.

"Hey Russia." He said. He sounded exhausted. I was too, I really just wanted to fall asleep at that very moment. "Uhh, hey America..." It was already an awkward beginning but I think I was making this even more awkward. I thought about asking why was I looking at his ceiling. That would've make this call extremely embarrassing, but I chose to ask anyways. "Why am I looking at your ceiling?" America's head popped up at the corner of the screen as he lightly chuckled. He seemed a bit happier. "I was changing right as I called you so I left my phone on my bed facing the ceiling." I did notice he wasn't in that suit. He was a light blue jacket and a plain black shirt. I also had changed into a white and light blue striped shirt and put some shorts on.

We started talking about general things like how are you? How was your day? All of those questions. He was sitting at a desk, I was laying on my bed. After 30 minutes, someone came in the room. A short blue-haired girl stood behind America, smiling.

"Dad? Dinner's ready." She said, with a smile still on her face. America turned around and smiled softly at her. He patted her head, her eyes shining with happiness. She skipped for the door and he turned back to me. "I've got to go, wanna call later?" He asked me. I nodded. America ended the call and I left my phone on my bed. I walked out of my bedroom, my head pointing to the floor.

Belarus and Ukraine walked up to me with a curious but cautious look. "Russia? Who were you talking to?" Belarus asked, looking more curious than cautious compared to Ukraine, who was the opposite. "A new friend." I replied, trying to keep my conversation with America secret. I always avoided speaking about America because of my father, who didn't exactly like him, at least that's what I know.

I grabbed myself some vodka and a bottle of water and went back to my bedroom.

America's POV

I ended my call with Russia and chuckled at bit. He was actually talking to me. Sure, I knew Japan and Germany told him to, but I was still happy.

I stood up and exited my bedroom. Walking down the stairs, I saw my lovely daughter Utah, tending to some bees next to me. "Hello dad." she said to me with her gentle smile. I waved and smiled at her as well. Two tornadoes spawned at the bottom of the steps. Emerging from the winds, my sons, Kansas and Nebraska, stood there. Kansas waved at me with a bright smile and Nebraska just stared. After, the two walked away with a wall blocking me from continuing to see them. I got to the bottom and went to the dinner hall. There, Virginia was calling the states as they grabbed their food and sat back down. Virginia noticed me and called out "Dad!" I grabbed my meal, a burger with a side of salad. I smiled at her and walked to the table D.C was sitting at as I ate a bit of salad.

"Hello father." D.C said to me. I finished my bite and said hello back. We talked and ate food while Virginia continued calling the letters.


I finished dinner and was in my bathroom. I was about to take a shower. I kept my phone near me just in case Russia was going to text me. I shouldn't be waiting any longer. I had been waiting for 20 minutes already. Suddenly, I got a message.

Russia's POV

I was reading a book on my bed when I remembered about America. It had been an hour since I had called him and I wanted to call him again. Though, I knew perhaps just calling him would be bad. Maybe he could be eating or doing something important. I decided to text him instead.




                                                                                                                                                                            Hey America

Hi Russia!!

                                                                                                                                                                               Can u talk?

No srryyy :(

                                                                                                                                                  Oh ok. Wanna talk later?


                                                                                                                                                                        Cool. Goodbye



I was kind of sad that America couldn't talk. At least he could talk later. I turned off my phone and stared at the ceiling. I slowly closed my eyes and took a nap while I waited for him.
