Chapter 18

Riley's POV

I felt devastated. The father of my baby was laying on the hospital bed defenseless. I know I won't be at peace unless I see him. I need a proof that he is fine now. Siena went with Daniel to see him this morning while I was acting like I was unbothered. But I made a plan that I'll go visit him. I just can't keep still.

"What do you want for lunch, Riley?" Siena asked me. She and I were the only one in the house while Daniel went to work. With her question, I craved for the chocolate ice cream. 
"Do we have chocolate ice cream?" I asked her. She opened the freezer and looked back at me nodding. I smiled taking a spoon from the drawer.       
"I'll just make a sandwich for me then go to work." She said. I nodded opening the box of ice cream. I was eating ice cream while she was making a sandwich. 

"If you need anything, call me or Daniel." She warned me.                     
"I will. When is Daniel coming back?" I asked for reassurance.             
"Around 6. You'll be fine, right?" I smiled, nodding my head.                 
"I will be. Now, you better hurry up so you won't be late." I laughed. She smiled and went to take her purse. She kissed Muffin's head and rushed out.

I ate some more ice cream and put it back in the freezer. And by 'some more' I mean a lot more. I took Muffin upstairs and put him in their room. I gave him food and water before closing the door. Suprisingly, I'm not scared of Muffin anymore.

I got dressed in black leggings and white baggy shirt. I could see the line of my bump outside the shirt. My daughter was growing very well. I can't wait to have her in my arms. I will protect my angel for as long as I breath. But now it was time to visit her father. I called a cab beforehand and rushed to get ready. I got out passing the guards and entering the cab. I told him to go to the hospital. Yesterday, Siena was talking about Luca and she mentioned the hospital he was in.

My heart was thumping harder when we arrived at the hospital. I payed the fare and got out on unsteady legs. I was scared with thoughts what I may encounter. I just hope it's not that bad like how I think it looks like. I asked at the reception in which room he stays. Once I collected the information, I walked to the room. I got startled by the doctor who was exiting his room.

"Hello, Doctor." I greeted.                                                                                   
"Hello. You are Mr. Huston's visitor?" He smiled.                                       
"Yes. Can you tell me how is he?" I worriedly asked.                                 
"He is stable. We wait for him to wake up. I believe it will happen soon." He informed. I smiled in delight. If he wakes up, I would be the happiest person in the world. I just want him to be fine.                 
"Thank you, Doctor." He nodded and left. I grabbed the doorknob with shaky hands and opened the door.          

There he laid. With white bandage wrapped around his head. Looking tired and harmless. I approached his sleeping figure, taking a look at his pale face. Swelling in my eyes disturbed me from getting a normal vision. Just looking at him felt painful.

"I miss you, Luca. Even if we can't be together, I miss you every day. You need to wake up because we are all worried about you." I spoke taking his hand in mine. His hand was cold like blood drained from it. I gave it a gentle kiss. It's been so long since I touched him and immediately sparks went through my body. It always reacted like this when he touched me. 

I lifted my shirt a little, revealing my stomach. I put the palm of his hand on my bump. And it was the most amazing feeling ever. Then it happened. The baby kicked. I was in shock when I felt it. Then another one. She kicked twice.                                                                        

"Our daughter kicked, Luca. She felt her father's touch and reacted to it. Our daughter recognizes you." I beamed. I was so happy in the moment. His hand stayed on my stomach and she kicked once more. She is his daughter. Of course she would recognize her father. The thought of him not being with me, hurt me and threw me back in reality.

I really didn't want to depart myself from him, but I had to. I carefully landed a kiss on his lips and got out of the room. I headed home with the cab, not looking back even if it was tempting me. It's going to be better if I get some rest at home. The guards just looked at me when I arrived and let me inside. As long as I remember, Daniel never had guards around his house, but since Siena arrived that changed. I can't thank her enough for changing my brother on better.

But I was surprised when I saw Daniel at home. Siena told me he would be home at 6, why is he back so early? I entered the house looking unbothered.
''Where have you been?'' He asked.
''I had a drink with my friend from work. By the way, why are you this early?'' I asked. My lie was smooth.
''I finished earlier. There weren't any problems. Did Siena made something for lunch?'' He asked.

''No. She made a sandwich and went to work.'' I shrugged. I opened the freezer and took eggs and salami. Daniel was waiting for me to finish our 'lunch'. Once I was done, I put the food on the plates. We were eating in the silence but it wasn't an awkward one.

''I never got to ask you how did appointment go.'' He asked.
''The baby is fine and healthy. And it's a girl.'' I said.
''I feel happy that I'm getting a niece. You know that I'll be here for both of you.'' He reassured.
''Thank you.'' I said.
''That's what brothers do.'' He smirked proudly. I laughed at his big ego.

''You did more than enough.'' I muttered under my breath. Thankfully, he didn't notice.

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