Chapter 21


"How's the boy Max doing, Marina?" Luisa handed the old lady her lunch.

Three days, the men have been out there in the wilderness and yesterday Marina appeared at the door step with Max, one of Lucca's injured men, who had a terribly infected leg. He was brought up to his room and was skillfully treated by Marina. The old woman had shown amazing medical knowledge and taught me how to apply first aid on Max.

Dad had taught me first aid, but Marina was an trained pack doctor and I absorbed her knowledge like a sponge.

"Since his foot got infected, he'll experience some chills the next few days, other than that the boy will survive if he follows my medical advice."

"That's good to hear." Alpha Peyton said, eating a piece of bread as she sat herself on a kitchen stool.

"Where are the kids?" Luisa asked her.

"With Mandy...she has them locked up in their room studying."

"Aren't they kind off too young for that?" I asked.

She shook her head. "My kids are smart, not to brag, but Marielle was able to walk at 10 months and at two years, she could could learn how to use the toilet just by reading a picture book about it. Ian shows early development too, but he's young. He just likes watching his big brother and sister. As for Samuel, he associated objects with thoughts to tell us what he wants."

"What...?" I smiled at Luisa's scrunched up confused face .

"If he wanted milk, he'd point at me."She indicated to her chest. "When he began eating solid food, he'd point at the refigerator. If he wanted to sleep, he would look for his father, because Soren would always tuck him to bed."

"Wow." I muttered.

She sighed with a smile on her face. "I don't know whether to be proud or afraid that my kids are baby Einsteins."

"I think it's wonderful." Marina sipped her tea. "Smart kids make good leaders."

Again with the leader talk. I hope this did not turn into a conversation about Lucca. I was becoming strangly protective over him when people insulted him.

"What's for lunch ladies?" Beta Luca hopped onto an available chair and Martha, strolling behind him, wrapped her arms around his shoulders and leaned over him.

"We can go out hunting." She suggested, kissing him on the cheek.

"Sorry babe, but Soren will have my balls if I leave his queen..." he winked at Peyton. "...unattended."

"Half an hour won't kill me. And it's not like I'm a klutz or accident prone." Peyton threw him one of the blueberries she had in her small bowl. Beta Luca caught it with his mouth and licked his lips.

"I'm not taking my chances. I like my family jewels right where they are." He said.

"I second that," Martha said smirking.

Beta Luca smirked," I'm sure you do."

"Hey...hey, no flirting around the kids!" Peyton shook a finger at the two.

"They kids are upstairs Pey," Martha said.

"There's one right here." She pointed at her stomach.

Luisa giggled. "I don't think the baby can hear them dear"

"It can probably hear you when you pee or fart." Beta Luca joked, earning a playful smack from his mate over the head.

Marina on the other side of him was frowning at his rude behavior.

Alpha Peyton was turning as red as a tomato. For a second we all thought she was embarrassed, but suddenly she doubled over in deep gasps. She cupped her stomach with both hands and her eyes widened in shock. We all got on our feet and circled around her in panic.

"Oh man, oh man...this is not good! This is so not good!" Beta Luca ranted, while pacing back and forth across the kitchen like a maniac.

"You are not helping!" Martha yelled at him. She grasped Peyton's shoulders. "Maybe you should sit back down."

Alpha Peyton feverishly shook her head. "No"

"Is it contractions?" Marina asked.

Peyton nodded with a slight pained squeal escaping her lips. Her eyes shut tight as another serge of pain hit her.

Luisa worriedly hovered next to her rubbing her back as if maybe it will help soothe out the pain. "Maybe we should lay her down on her bed."

"I'll carry her." Beta Luca lifted her carefully towards one of the downstairs guest rooms.

We then hear the children's laughter coming down the stairs.

"Don't let the kids see me! They might start freaking out." Peyton muttered.

"Okay dear, just relax." Luisa said and turned to me. "Selene can you please stay with the children and close the door on your way out. They might ask to see their mother."

I nodded, "Sure." Then I walked out after taking another glance at Alpha Peyton gasping at another contraction.

As I walk into the kitchen I see Mandy, Martha's mother, giving the kids their lunch.

"Where is everyone," she asked.

Samuel and Marielle looked up at the same time, while munching on their animal crackers. Ian sat on Mandy's lap drinking a bottle of milk like he had no care in the world.

"Umm... The baby was bothering her, so she is resting. Everyone is attending to her." The two older kids didn't even bat an eyelash when I said it. They obviously knew something was up and I could tell by the wide grin across the little girls face.

"Is my new sister coming!" Marielle said excitedly.

"No" Samuel yelled at his sister. Looks like someone didn't want anymore siblings.

"My sister is a girl!" She yelled at her brother. The two started screaming at each other and when Marielle resorted to grabbing, Mandy pulled their chairs apart and stood between them.

"Stop it you two, or I will tell both your parents!"

They immediately stopped fighting, but Samuel began brawling his eyes with endless tears.

"Hush hush," Mandy patted his back. "It was only a warning Sammy, I wasn't going to to tell you mommy or daddy, because you are a good boy!" She cooed at him.

"Cry baby," Marielle stuck her tongue at her brother and he cried harder.

Gosh, this little girl is scary!

"Marielle, that is no way to talk to you brother!" Mandy scolded, making the situation worse. One small crystal clear drop fell from her long dark lower lashes and next thing you know the kid runs out the room shrieking for her mommy, heading the wrong direction.

Mandy groans. "Can you watch the boys for a few minutes while I get her?" Without even waiting for my answer, she places Ian into my arms and instructs me to make sure both the boys finish their meals.

When she's gone I stare at the two boys while they stare back at me.

"Hi Samuel, do you remember my name?" I smile at him.

"Seal," he grins.

Ian giggles and claps his hands as if applauding his brother after a comedy act.

"Close...but it's Selene."

"Seal." He repeats again.

"Ssss...shhh," Ian attempts say it too.

"You two are cute." I tell them, making Ian giggle more. He squirms on my lap then reaches out for his spoon and bowl of baby food. "Want me to feed you bud?" I ask him. He replies my drooling and I wipe the it off his plump pink lips with his bib. I feed him his baby food and he manages to swallow it, but leaves a dripping mess all over his chin. I laugh at how adorable he looked and couldn't help but kiss one of his chubby cheeks. Samuel whined for my attention and slammed his palm on his high chair.

"Don't worry Sammy. I didn't forget you." He bursted into a fit of giggles when I tickled his sides.

"Seems like the boys really like you." Mandy was back with Marielle sniffling at her side. "Marielle, can you please walk back to you chair Hun?"

Doing as she was told, Marielle quietly hopped back on her seat and ate silently. Her wavy Burnett hair casted across her face in gloom. It was hard for me not to chuckle at her expression. When I was a child, I used to behave the same way when I got in trouble with my father.

A pained scream echoed across the house, a door opened and closed violently rocking the house and the sound of heavy feet headed our way. Beta Luca entered the kitchen trying to look calm and casual, but from the look in his eyes he was nothing but calm.

"We have a slight P-R-O-B-L-E-M."

From the corner of my eye I see Marielle spelling the words out on her lips and putting it together. Samuel didn't seem to care the least that Beta Luca was there in the room and Ian was busy wrapping my long hair around his fingers.

"The pup is coming earlier than we expected. Her water just broke!"

Mandy's hand flew over her mouth. "We need to inform Soren!"

"Peyton said here wolf was calling for him, but for some reason she can't get to him."

"You have to go out and get him then!"

"I can't leave here--it's his orders!"

"He would be more mad at you if she delivers this kid without him."

Marielle started squealing in excitement, despite almost everyone in the house panicking. "My sister is coming! OMG! Where is my mommy, I want to see her!"

I took hold of her arm before she decided to run off again. "Sorry dear, but I don't think your mommy wants you watching her when she has your sister." My gut told me the baby was a boy, but I wasn't going to rain down on her parade.

"Why not?" She said stubbornly. I could practically feel the Alpha genes emitting from her. This girl was going to be a handful growing up. It's hard to imagine she is barely even five yet.

"Your mom might not want you to see her not pretty. Did you know that having a baby makes you look...umm..." I was thinking of a word.

"Hot mess!" Beta Luca finished my sentence. "Your little brother--

"Sister!" She corrected him.

"Right, whatever." She rolls her pretty eyes at him as he continues, "Your sister is already driving your mom crazy! Her hair is a mess and she looked like she just ran a mile!"

"Mom walks like the ducky on TV, she can't run right now!" Marielle pointed out making Beta Luca burst out laughing.

"God, Soren will have a crack at that one. Wait until I tell him." He muttered.

"You can tell him after you tell him his wife is in labor! We are grown women, we can take care of ourselves while you are gone for a few minutes. The time is wasting as you stand there. Get Soren and come back quick!" She pushed him towards the door.

Before he left he looked at me and Mandy. "Do not open this door or anything else in this house that leads to the outside until I come back. And do not let anyone in even of they claim to be in either on of our packs."

"We know, we know." Mandy shoved him on his way. When he transformed into his wolf and took off, she said, "I wonder how he will react when he finds out his mate is expecting their first."

I smiled. "How exciting, congrats! Are you going to be a first time grandma."


"I want dada." Samuel screamed.

"Daddy's not here." Marielle told him.

Before the poor kid started crying again I scooped him up off his chair holding both boys in my arms and told him," he's heading here not to see you." I feel like super nanny right now.

His frown turned into a smile and he wiggled out of my hold until I gently placed him on his feet. He walked over to the living room and sat of the coach near the windows.

"He's going to sit there waiting." Mandy told me. "He shadows behind Soren all the time. He loves his dad so much and one day, the kid will be our next alpha."

We hear another one of Peyton's screams.

"Is mommy okay?" Marielle asks. She walks in between me and Mandy and grabs Mandy's hand.

"She's fine sweetie. In a couple hours, you will be able to hold your new sibling."

"My sister."


Ian started whimpering and just when I look at him the door knocks.

"That was quick" Beta Luca must have come back already.

Samuel slid off the coach and ran to Mandy's side hiding behind her leg.

"The smell is off. I dint think that's him."

After she said it, a shadow appeared directly on the open window.

Mandy swallowed a breath and pushed the kids off her as she raced towards the windows to close them.

"I don't know who that was, but I'm pretty sure they are who Luca said not to let in." She breathed. "Quickly get the children upstairs. Close the windows and the blinds. Make sure everything is locked while you head up there." She went down on her knees facing Marielle as another knock sounded on the door. "Listen carefully, you know what I told you about strangers?"

"Yes," Marielle looked frightened.

"Protect your brothers and don't fight back unless you really have too. Follow Selene and do everything she says. Don't worry everything will be fine" she hugged the girl and gave her an assuring smile.

Marielle took my hand and took Samuel's hand with the other.

"I'll take them to Lucca's room." The alpha's room was more safer because it was located in the center of the house and it was mostly private.
A crash rumbled from the back of the house.

"What the hell was that noise!" Martha saw me as I climbed up the stairs with the kids.

"We have intruders." I informed her

"Where is my mate, Luca?"

"He was fetching Alpha Soren, he left not more than 15 minutes ago."

In my mind I was wishing my Lucca was with me right now.

"Marthaaaa!" Peyton screamed.

"Mommy!" Marielle slapped back my hand running to the scream.

Martha caught her. "You can't see your mom right now."


"Take then upstairs."

I nodded. "Your mom is monitoring the activity outside. Beta Luca told us not to open any doors."

"Martha, come quick!" In complete hysterics, Luisa grabbed Martha's hand. "I think the baby is in distress! Marina said the cord is wrapped around its neck and it's loosing oxygen. The's...fighting to stay alive! I can't believe it...his power. He radiates power like I've never felt before!"

Another crash sounds and this time I hear voices, foreign sounds enter the house.

"Selene take the kids upstairs now!" Martha screams.

I watch as Luisa runs towards the back of the house. I see her form still by the frame of the door and her body fall backwards.

"Luisa!" Martha and I scream in unison.

Marielle screams at the top of her lungs, louder than Peyton in the background. Martha practically shoves her to me. Before I loss concentration, I take her around the waist and run up the stairs along with the other two boys.

My heart is pounding. I'm scared and I have three kids with me sharing the same emotion. All three were crying as I ran them to Lucca's room, bolted the door and ran to the locked closet.

"Shesh, we will be safe in here." I told them, but I was not sure.

Please come back. I ranted the three words over and over my head.

Was Luisa still alive? Was everyone downstairs going to be okay? Will Peyton and her child be alright? Who were trying to break into the house?

All these questions swirled around my head and all I really desired was my mate to come home.
