Chapter 1

The blonde girl smilea bitterly through the dark dungeon. Soon, her death will come to pick her up from the cruel world. And to think that nobody will care about it, she chuckles darkly making a few of her roommates shiver in fear.

Her bittersweet smile plastered back on her face when she remembered why she end up here. One word, her father. Everybody will face their own problem, she knows that. And they have to fix it themselves or with people's help. She knows that very well. But her problem's difficulty is too hard for her. She need help to fix it, but nobody care. So she made her last choice, to run away from it.

She purposely did crime to end up here. The first time she did it, her father did his best to defend her and her dad wins. With his daughter on the prison, his reputation will lessen. It will also affect his work. That day her father beat her up all day. But she did it again, several times. And finally his father gave up and let her end up here.

"Hey, have you know?" She heard one of her roommates ask to the other.

"About what?" The other ask.

"They said they will choose another 4 people tomorrow!" The first person exclaimed horrorly.

"Tomorrow?!" The other shrieked.

Before we continue, I need to tell you something. This story takes place back when dragons still exist. Where the dragons rule the world and could eat human freely. But soon, the king brought a resolution. Every week he will give them 4 people from the prisoner as their food. The dragons agreed to it and they will fight until there're 4 winner that could get the human. And Lucy was very sure, tomorrow she will be eaten.

Soon, tomorrow come with everyone sitting uncomfortably. Scared was the first thing we could describe. Some of them were sweating nervously, some of them were praying, and some more were trying to not think about it.

"Prisoner #00978!" Lucy could hear the guard start to shouting their 'prison name'.

"Prisoner #01008!" The guard shout again. Her prison's gate opened a bit harshly. She could tell her roommates start to feel super nervous.

"Prisoner #00998!" The guard shout her 'prison name'. Slowly, she walk to the door while her roommates were all sighing in relief.

Once she was out of the room, she was greeted by three other people and two guards. There were 2 girls and 1 man there. The first woman was a girl with brown long hair which look like in the age of twenty five. She has the dark green eyes on it. Her skin was a bit pale because of the fear and nervousness.

The other girl was a bit small, though, that she looks like the same age with Lucy. She has blue hair, which was pulled back with an orange headband. Her eyes were brown like Lucy's. She was reading a book which Lucy finds funny. But Lucy could tell that she is feeling scared. Maybe the book was to calm her.

And last, the boy has the spiky black hair. He was shaking as the sweat pours from his forehead to his chin and drop to the floor. His blue yellowish eyes were glimmering in fear. Seems like everybody were scared except for her.

The guards then lead them through the long hallways to a huge empty room. There is only one thing there, a door. A big red iron door was there, standing proudly. In the middle of it was a dragon's picture. By the picture, they have already known that it is a door that will lead them to the dragon.

"By the look, I guess you all have know why you guys are here." The first guard said.

"Behind this door, there will be four different halls. You have to choose one and one hall will only consist of one person." The second guard explains. Lucy nodded her head in understatement while the other nod unsurely.

The first guard then walks to the door's beside where a red button was placed. The guard then presses it and immediately the door opened, revealing four halls as the guard said.

Lucy surely walk to the left hall while the others were still froze in their place. As soon as she entered the hall, the entrance was closed by the left part of the door.

The hall was surprisingly light. Torch was placed on the right and left side of the wall. Maybe the guard always lit the torch up? She didn't really care about it though. Taking her twentyth step, she could saw light in front of her. Quickly she run to it. She want to see the outside, to feel he sunlight and the breeze. She missed it so much. It was been a year since she could feel it.

"Waa..." She muttered in awe. It was forest for sure. Many kind of tree filled the forest. The grass grow wildly while few flower decorate it. The sunlight light the view happily.

"Hey!" A male voice interupt her. Lucy turned her head to find the source of the voice. There, standing a pink haired man.

"Salmon not pink." The man growled.

"H-how?" Lucy ask in surprise.

"You just whisper it." The man said calmly.

"Now, how should I eat you?" The man said as his onyx eyes wandered of how he should eat her.

"Are you an idiot? If you just standing there and thinking, your prey could run away!" Lucy snapped.

"Really?" The spiky salmon haired man ask innocently. Lucy nodded foriously at his idiotness.

"Then why aren't you running?" The man ask.

"Because I want to die." Lucy said coldly. Her resentful face change into the emotionless one.

"Eh? What's your name?!" He beamed cheerfully.

"Why should I tell you?" Lucy said carelessly.

"I'm Natsu!" The man who was now known as Natsu said with a grin.

"So?" Lucy said boredly.

"And i'm gonna eat you?" Natsu said in confusion. His head was tilt to the right side to show her the confusion. But between the confusion, there was curious in it.

"Eat up." Lucy said, walking to Natsu. Natsu was taken back by her response. He couldn't even hide his surprise expression when he always could.

"You.." Natsu mumbled when Lucy was right in front of her.

"You... I like you!" Natsu beamed happily. Lucy widened her eyes in shock as her cheek redened.

"Hmmm? Alright, it's decided! You are mine. You will be my mate now!" Natsu said as he hugged her tightly.

"Eh?!!!!" Lucy shrieked loudly. "Your mate?!!"

"Yeah, why?" Natsu said innocently.

"You couldn't just said that bluntly. Did you even know what's the meaning of mate? Beside, what if I didn't want to be your mate?" Lucy scolded.

"Of course I know. Mate is kind of he and she being forever because they love each other. And by love, it's mean you love her that you would do anything for her/him. Igneel taught me. And then.." His expression change to serious.

"How about if I could make you smile five times today, you will be my mate?" Natsu offered.

"W-what? I'm here to be eaten not become your mate. Beside, what are you? From what I know, mate word only belonged to the dragon. Now that I think about it, you say that you will eat me. But how could you eat me when you are only a human, not dragon?" Lucy said suspiciously.

"What do you think?" Natsu said as his lip form a smirk.

"You are the dragon?!!!!" Lucy yelled in pure shock.

"Yep!" Natsu said calmly as if there's nothing wrong with it.

"B-but.." Lucy stammered making Natsu laugh in amusement.

"You're so cute with that face." He praise making Lucy blushed again.

"I am half dragon and half human. Now I am in the human form and I could turn into dragon anytime I want." Natsu explain. "Oh! And I actually didn't eat human. Don't worry! Even though if I eat human, I wouldn't eat my mate."

"S-so if you don't eat human why are you here?" Lucy ask between her blush.

"Igneel said I should've try my power. So I fight the other dragon and I win." Natsu explain again. Lucy let out a desperate sigh making Natsu a bit worried.

"Why?" Natsu ask worriedly.

"I really want to die." Lucy said bitterly.

"Eh? No way! I will not let you die. You are my best friend, my family, and my mate!" Natsu snapped.

"Friend, huh?" Lucy mumbled. She like it. Before, she didn't have any friend. People want to be her friend but her father didn't. This make people think that she was so cocky that almost everyone hate her.

Lifting her head, she face him with her first sweetest smile. Natsu blushed slightly at the sight in front of him. It was breathtaking. The sunlight was lighting her lightly. The breeze blow slightly at her hair.

"Now that you are here, I didn't want to die." Lucy said softly.

"Did that mean you will be my mate?" Natsu ask, full of hope.

"Maybe?" Lucy teased.

"Oh! What's your name?" Natsu ask.

"Lucy." Lucy said shyly.

"I like Luce more." Natsu said. "Yosh! Come on, Luce! We are heading home."

"Home?" Lucy ask.

"Yeah!" Natsu said before dragging her with him.
