Mateo 4

I normally hate private events and I still do. The only reason why I was looking forward to this one is because I knew that Ezra, who I could not get out of my head, was going to be there. I knew that I wouldn't be able to talk to her but maybe I could figure out a way to learn more about her.

I even got to Kota's early with the men working it. As soon as I walked in I noticed her, while I was stationing troops I even caught her looking my way a couple times. Right when I was going to go up to her I noticed Enzo and Sophia walk in. And because I was here to work I sighed and went to talk to my boss.

Leo walks next to me and we both make our ways toward him. When Enzo sees us he says "I thought that I was going to beat you here. You decided to come early?" I nod my head yes and Leo glares at me because I woke him up to get everyone else up in time.

Enzo nods his head and says "Good" Sophia rolls her eyes and tells him "Lets go get some sparkling water Enzo."

Sophia is showing more than she was a couple weeks ago and it looks good on her but all I can pay attention to right now is Ezra pouring the sparkling water for Sophia and Enzo.

It feels stupid that I am acting this way so I tell myself to stop watching her. So I set camp up by the wall towards the middle of the room with a perfect view to the door and the bar.

As the night goes on as much as I try not to look towards her I still do. For some reason I feel possessiveness and knowing that she is right by me calms my nerves a little. One thing that doesn't sit right with me is her coworker. They seem like really good friends and I can't help but wonder if there is something more there for her. As much as I want to make a move I don't go after someone who is off the market.

She may not know it but I watch her the whole night out of the corner of my eye. As the night drags on I notice Sophia and Stella walk up to her. My shoulders stiffen when her friend says something to them and Ezra blushes and looks very uncomfortable.

I almost walk over there but I still need to watch the front door so as much as my gut wants to help her I stay.

Sophia leaves and goes to mingle and not long after makes her way towards me. She smiles and says "Mateo you see that girl at the bar." I nod and feel a blush growing on my cheeks. She gasps and almost screams "You Like her!" I don't give her a nod but she smiles at me and asks me "What's her name and how did you meet." Sophia knows me more than other guards just because I am one of her main bodyguards. So I say "Her name is Ezra and I just saw her walk out of the bar yesterday and drive off with the same motorcycle as mine but the smaller version." I keep my eyes on the door hoping that it throws Sophia off a little.

I do a sweep of the room and I look over at her but don't see her at the bar. When I look around I watch her step through the door to the bar. And then she is gone. When I look back at Sophia she is smiling at me and says "You literally found your soulmate." I nod my head "It seems like she likes you too." Enzo comes up beside her and tells me "We are leaving soon." I expect everyone to trickle out soon. So I only need you or Leo to stay a while." I nod and as they leave Sophia gives me one of her mom looks that she has taken up since being pregnant.

I laugh and I make my way toward Leo. Leo and I both have a brotherly connection because of our past together. He doesn't talk to almost anyone but I am one of the few. I tell Leo that I can stay and he leaves with some men to go home.

The last to leave is me and Ezra's friend. He is cleaning up the bar as I walk up to my spot that I have been at the whole night. I am waiting for Kota to come out so that I can leave. I watch as he comes up to the door Ezra slipped through earlier. But before he can walk in he turns around towards me. He walks up towards me and introduces himself. He puts his hand out and says "I'm Brandt." I look down at his hand and say nothing.

Brandt awkwardly drops his hand and says well "I just wanted to say that you should make a move with Ezra she seems to like you and you seem to like her too."

I planned on not saying anything to him but then I said "I thought you two were dating?" It's more of a question for me but he doesn't have to know that. When he does hear me say that though his eyebrows go up and he laughs out loud hysterically. I step back from him and then let him calm down before he says "No i'm Gay. We are just friends. That's truly hilarious though." He laughs awkwardly when I say nothing.

I am relieved that he said that and now feel a little embarrassed that I asked him that. Before I could apologize he was already out by the bar. I wait for Kota and she comes out to give me some paperwork that she has for me to give Enzo and she even talks to me for a little about the event.

I am familiar with Kota and she seems to have a liking towards me and Leo. Every time she sees us she makes B-line towards us and attempts to flirt. If we aren't on a shift sometime she will throw in some free drinks. Leo and I both hate when she flirts with us so we never accept them.

When she grabs my arm and tries to lead me to the bathroom I pull it away and walk off as I tell her I need to get home.

I watch her walk out the doors and drive off before I decide to get a drink at the bar. I expect Ezra to already be gone but when I walk in she is still working. It almost makes me mad. Why the hell is she still working? She has been here since about 12:00 and is still here.

I don't get a drink instead I stand in the shadows and as creepy as it is I watch her. She seems to have a fun time bartending with her coworkers. Too many creepy old men hit on her for my liking but she shoots them down every time. And she can take care of herself.

Like I expect no one notices me and when the bar starts to slow down she walks into what I assume is their locker room and walks out with her bag. When she is out the door I am soon out behind her. Before she pulls out I can see her noticing my bike. I was about to wave at her but she drove off.

Tired from the day and happy that I did stay to see her for a bit, I drove home. When I get home I take a shower and as soon as I can go to sleep. It's not as good of a sleep as I would have liked. But for some reason sleeping alone like I always do feels so lonely
