Family Together

"Um... Hi?" Dream stepped out of the tent with a small awkward wave. The man might be really tall but at that moment he seemed a lot smaller now. His emerald eyes twinkled brightly in the sun, his freckles clear on his face despite all of the scars. He looked over at Tubbo, Ranboo, and Fundy with a small smile. It was a rare moment between them all... Usually Dream was either having a conversation about the government with them or just simple signing contracts. Either that or he was threatening them. Ranboo gave him a smile and waved while Fundy just smiled at the blonde happily, his tail wagging a bit. Tubbo couldn't seem to look up from the ground, just making a small sound as a hello. Dream had yet to see Sapnap and George, the two somewhat hiding behind the trio they came with.

"I- Um... It's good to see you Tubbo, Ranboo, and Fundy- If you're looking for a fight I'm really not in the mood anymore- I-I mean I'll go peacefully back to L'manburg or something but- I don't want to fight you... I don't do that anymore," Dream started but Fundy was quick to stop him. The fox was at the man's side in an instant, comforting Dream any way he could. Fundy couldn't deny that he likes Dream, finding Dream different then the rest. A good kind of different... Ranboo and Tubbo stepped back knowing Dream would probably trust Fundy more than anyone.

"Oh Dream! No! We're not here to cause any trouble. When we're done here you're more than welcome to stay here with Tommy- We just want to talk," Fundy cut him off, immediately taking Dream's hand. The blonde jumped a bit, his eyes widening at the sudden contact. Fundy cleared his throat and looked up at Dream, the taller male giving him a confused look. It kinda hurt Fundy's heart... "We're here for something else- You're not in trouble... It's just- We're here for um- Family business," Fundy explained and Dream tilted his head a bit to the side in confusion. Fundy sighed and grabbed Tubbo by the arm, pulling the boy next to him. He then nudged Tubbo a little closer to Dream, stepping back to give the two some space. Tommy was also confused, standing next to Ranboo so he could wait for an explanation.

"Pst- Ranboo- What the fuck is going on? Can you explain please?" Tommy asked as he elbowed the hybrid in the arm. Ranboo grunted a bit as he rubbed the spot Tommy hit. He didn't answer but just nodded over to Tubbo and Dream. Fundy was slowly stepping further away from the pair, trying his best to give them their own space to talk. But they didn't start any conversation, an awkward silence shared between them. "Just tell me what's going on?! They're not doing anything! What did I miss? I haven't really been allowed into L'manburg or anything recently," Tommy grumbled and Ranboo sighed as he didn't take his eyes off of Tubbo and Dream. He thought for a moment before opening his mouth to speak.

"Tommy...? Um... Has Dream ever mentioned his family while you were together? Like anything about his past? Anything stories or maybe some explanations?" Ranboo asked and Tommy took a while to think. Dream's breakdown only happened about two days ago, the image of Dream sobbing still fresh in his mind. Dream had told him things that Tommy wasn't expecting. Things that he thought he would never find out about the blonde man. Tommy didn't even know they were on that level of friendship... Tommy wouldn't have believed it... But their small hug fest a few nights ago said otherwise. He looked back at the pair then back at Ranboo.

"Now that you mention it... Yeah- A few days ago Dream told me about his dad. Not Badboyhalo but his actual dad. An asshole he was... But anyways- Other than that he said something about his mom but not much since apparently she was around. Apparently she died very early on in Dream's life so he only had his dad. He said something about having a little brother but that's Dream's thing. Why do you wanna know?" Tommy asked and Ranboo nodded over to Tubbo and Dream one more time. That's when Tommy finally put two and two together. It took awhile but Ranboo could see the light bulb shine in his head. "Wait- You mean-" Tommy stuttered and Ranboo nodded once again.

The two weren't having a conversation, Dream standing there awkwardly as he waited for Tubbo to speak. He didn't really know where this was going. Yeah he knew Tubbo. He played chess with him once and awhile, built things, and Dream even taught the young president a thing or two. But now it was like they've never met each other. It was like you just shoved two strangers together and told them to talk about their life problems. The shorter brunette was fiddling with the edge of his shirt, soon putting one hand into his pocket and his other hand in his hair. Dream was beyond confused... Even he knew that Tubbo rarely let anyone mess with his hair unless it was someone the boy really really trusted.

"Dream... I- um.." Tubbo started but then he hesitated with his words. He couldn't find the right words to say, with everything was mixing in his head. But Dream was more than happy to wait. He just stood there silently as Tubbo figured out what he was going to say. But I'm the end he just sighed in defeat. "It might be easier if I just showed you... Um here... Take this," Tubbo stuttered out as he pulled the photo out of his pocket. Dream immediately recognized the ripped piece of paper Tubbo handed him.

Tubbo then ruffled his hair so the horns appeared on his head, Dream stumbling back a bit at the sight of them. They looked almost identical to Dream's if it wasn't for the difference in color. Even Tommy was a bit surprised, Ranboo having to put a hand on the younger's shoulder to contain him. The two needed their time with each other... Tubbo kept his eyes fixed on the ground as he held the photo out to Dream. Dream noticed Tubbo's hands were shaking, the photo crimping a bit because of how tightly Tubbo was gripping onto it. The blonde's hands shook as well as he looked over at the small photo. He then reached into his own hoodie pocket and pulled out his version of the other half, holding both pieces in his hand.

"I- We all went to Bad's house and he told us you had the other half to my photo- he didn't believe it at first- But... Yeah- If you have the other half of the photo... T-that would mean..." Tubbo's words dragged on. He couldn't gain the breath to finish the sentence... He didn't know why but it was so hard to talk all of a sudden. It was like his vocal chords were tangled together and he couldn't even get a sound out. Dream looked at the photo of them then down at the small brunette. He then grabbed his hood and pulled it down, exposing more of his dirty blonde hair. When he ruffled his hair too Tubbo was happy to see a pair of horns, similar to the horns on Tubbo's own head.

"Y-you're my little brother..." Dream finished and Tubbo nodded, looking back down at his feet as he waited for Dream's reaction. He didn't know how Dream was going to act... Just now he felt the dawning realization that maybe he wasn't the kind of brother that Dream wanted... Tubbo wasn't anything too special or that's what the boy thought of himself anyways. He was mostly known as Tommy's sidekick. He could barely handle being president... Maybe he didn't match the standards that Dream had set for a brother... What if Dream didn't like him as his brother? Would they just forget this ever happened? Would they just give up on this whole family issue and live their lives knowing that their family is alive but they don't like each other...?

Was all this for nothing?

What he didn't expect was his feet to leave the ground as he was scooped up in a hug. Dream's arms wrapped around his torso as he was picked up by the much taller blonde. He felt hands gripping at the back of his shirt, the brunette not caring as he was swung around in the air. The hug was warm and welcoming... He didn't notice how much he missed physical contact until that one moment. It felt nice. Tubbo couldn't help but laugh as he hugged Dream back. They spun around a bit as they laughed, Tubbo grabbing onto the back of Dream's hoodie and refusing to let go. The group smiled at the sight of the two brothers, this being the happiest Tommy has seen Dream in awhile.

"S-So I'm guessing you're not disappointed? You know...?" Tubbo asked and Dream immediately stopped spinning and Tubbo's breath caught in his throat. Did he say something wrong? Dream bowed his head, looking down at Tubbo with a small smile. He put Tubbo down, kneeling in front of him with one hand on Tubbo's shoulder. He ruffled Tubbo's hair, making sure not to touch Tubbo's horns. The weight on his shoulder was comforting and was reassuring. At that moment Tubbo would've told Dream anything if he wanted...

"You're the best brother that I could've asked for. I honestly thought that you- That you wouldn't want me as your older brother. An older brother is supposed to be someone you can look up to- and I haven't really been that kind of person... To you or anyone," Dream said as he looked down at the floor ashamed. Tubbo gave his older brother a sad smile and hugged him tightly, pulling away quickly. Dream jumped at the contact, taking a second to process what Tubbo had just done. Dream then let both knees touch the dirt ground as he gathered Tubbo in his arms. He buried his face into the smaller boy's shoulder, some stray tears falling from his eyes. He could tell Tubbo was crying too, his shoulder feeling damp. But neither of them cared.

"You're my brother!" Dream cheered as he held Tubbo in front of him, one hand on both of the brunette's shoulders. He put his forehead against the younger's as he laughed happily. Tubbo smiled at the contact and pressed his forehead against Dream's. They both laughed, tears falling down both their faces. He was so happy to see Dream... Something that he thought he would never say... But now he never wanted to leave Dream's side. Heck he didn't even want to let go of Dream at that moment... But he knew that some other people had to talk to the blonde. So Tubbo slowly pulled away, wiping his eyes as he sniffled.

"T-There are other people here... They wanted to talk to you Dream," Tubbo said and nodded over to the ground of people who had been watching. Fundy, Ranboo, and Tommy moved aside to reveal George and Sapnap. The two stood there awkwardly, not meeting anyone's eyes. Sapnap was rubbing his arm while George scratched the nape of his neck. Dream gasped a bit, backing away from the two in something Tubbo recognized as fear... Fear, worry, and almost everything in between. He was about to drop into a panic.

He acted the same way whenever he saw someone like Technoblade and it wasn't a nice feeling. Tubbo knew it all too well and it hurt his heart to see Dream have to deal with it... Especially when it came to people the blonde considered his best friends. Tubbo was quick to take his older brother's hand, squeezing it and nodding to him. Dream looked over to Tubbo with an unsure expression, his eyes shifting from Tubbo to the two others. "Just talk and listen to both of them ok? I don't know all of the details but from what I heard you didn't end on the best terms... But they've agreed to just talk... All they want to do is talk. They want to make things better between you all, Dream. I promise," Tubbo explained and Dream slowly nodded in understanding, getting up from the ground. He helped Tubbo to his feet before brushing himself off and wiping the tears from his face.

"W-We can talk in my tent... Here. Come on in," Dream said as he held the green tent flap open for the other two. George and Sapnap shared a look before ducking into the tent. Surprisingly the tent was bigger than the two thought, practically disappearing inside. Before Dream went in with the others he looked over to the four teens that were left outside. They all looked a little lost, Tommy unsure on what to do with the other guests. It had been a long time since Tommy had human contact... Dream figured that they needed a little help. He smiled and got Tommy's attention by letting out a small noise. He knew it had been awhile since Tommy had seen people so he wanted him to have as much fun with his friends as possible.

"Hey Tommy! Why don't you show them all the beach and all the cool stuff you're building over there? I know you've been wanting to hold a party at the beach sooner or later... Maybe you can play around for a bit while I talk to George and Sapnap inside. You could even show them the hut! I'll meet you by the jukebox so we all can watch the sunset later ok?" Dream asked softly and Tommy's face lit up like a christmas tree. He quickly saluted to Dream before grabbing Tubbo and Ranboo's hand while pushing Fundy forward, forcing them all towards the beach. They all started laughing and it made Dream's heart jump when he saw them all together again. Dream chuckled as they disappeared over a small hill, Tommy's loud voice slowly fading. He then took in a deep breath as he ducked into the tent. Sapnap was leaning back against a closed chest while George was sitting on the edge of Dream's bed. Dream grabbed a chair and sat in front of the two on the opposite side of the tent.


"Dream we're sorry-"

"I- W-What did you say?" Dream stuttered out, taken aback at the sudden apology. He didn't even know who it came from but he could tell that both friends wanted to say sorry. The pair watched Dream with worried eyes. He thought they expected Dream to apologize to them in the end. That was what Dream wanted to do. He wanted to apologize for saying all those terrible things to them and he wanted to apologize for all the things he dragged them into. The wars he made them fight and the roles he forced the two to play. He was supposed to be their best friend but he treated them like they were pawns... Dream was just so caught up in playing the role that everyone saw him as he lost control. He was lost acting like the one thing he never wanted to be... The bad guy. The villain. Or that's what Dream thought he was...

But they were apologizing to him?

"We know the things you said- They weren't the best and we probably didn't handle the situation the best way- Or- I mean it wasn't the best way to treat the situation in general... We- We just wanted to say that we're sorry... We never meant to chase you away and make you disappear Dream- We had no idea you were struggling so much with other things and we were selfish. We had no right to come at you like we did. We let our emotions take over and- Just- Shit- We are so so so fucking sorry Dream," George started and Dream just stood there shocked. He couldn't move or practically breathe for that matter. He was stuck, his feet glued to the floor... George was looking down at the ground in shame while Sapnap was trying to avoid talking as much as possible. Neither of them were that great at talking about their feelings. Dream tired to gather his thoughts, it felt like he was floating with no way to ground himself.

"But I- I should be the one that's apologizing to the both of you. I should be apologizing to everyone on the SMP actually. I said all those horrible things without thinking. I didn't think how it would affect you. I dethroned George and I didn't hangout with Sapnap much anymore- You guys had the right to yell at me- I've got the right to be here living with Tommy- I'm away from everyone and I won't cause anymore problems and I won't cause anymore wars. I won't be the cause of everything bad on the SMP anymore," Dream said as he rubbed his arm, his eyes looking nowhere particular. He didn't see George and Sapnap share a look of guilt. Dream stepped back and if he took one more step Dream would've been out of the tent. He just wanted to shrink right there and then- Go back into hiding. Hide somewhere that the world would never find him ever again.

"I've been a horrible friend... To the both of you- Bad and Skeppy are probably so disappointed in me... I've been a horrible person for the past who knows how long. I-I didn't mean any of it. Ever since... Ever since Jschlatt died I- I guess I've... Well I have been acting a lot worse- I didn't mean to treat you both like that- I didn't mean to do any of it I swear. I just thought that if I ran away nothing bad would happen anymore," Dream said the hand rubbing his arm now gripping onto his skin. His arm burned a little as he squeezed it tightly with his hand. But in the end he didn't really care... The pain was grounding and it made him feel a little safe. George noticed was Dream was doing and silently made his way across the room towards his panicking friend.

Just then Dream felt a warmth on top of his shaking hand. Dream's grip slowly eased on his arm, his hand now at his side as he kept his emerald eyes trained on the ground. His arm was stinging with pain but he felt something rub the spot, shooing the pain away. Dream was soon coaxed into a hug, George's arms wrapping around Dream's torso. George may have been smaller than Dream but he made it work. Dream soon felt another set of arms wrap around him, as he rested his head on top of the brunett's. Sapnap hugged the blonde from behind, having to wrap his arms around the both of his friends. It took Dream a few seconds to realize what was happening, and when he did he was quick to crumble to the floor. He sank to his knees, George and Sapnap following him as neither of them wanted to let go. Dream sat there and cried in his friend's arms, his heart clenching in his chest. Sapnap and George just clutched onto their friend, the three of them becoming a mess on the floor.

"We're never leaving you again Dream... That's a promise. I was a terrible brother and I'm so so sorry, Dream. I promise I'll be better. We both will if you just give us another chance," Sapnap said as he buried his face into Dream's back. He hugged the blonde tighter, Sapnap feeling warm against Dream's back. Dream almost forgot how warm Sapnap was. He missed the feeling of getting hugged by his brother. He pressed his back closer to the warmth that Sapnap was giving off, the blaze hybrid gladly pulling Dream and George towards him. Sapnap rested his back on a chest in the huge tent, Dream in his lap while George was hugging Dream from the front. The blonde just stayed there sandwiched between his two friends, his mind screaming for more affection. He just let his body relax, the shaking stopping after a while.

"We missed you. We missed you so much Dream... We're not the same without you. You made everything worth it. I guess we accidently forgot that- But we're never going to forget it again ok?" Sapnap asked as he ran his hand through Dream's hair. Dream could feel George nod in agreement against his chest, Dream leaning into Sapnap's hand. Dream smiled and wrapped his longer arms around both of his friends, all of them sitting on the floor in a tangle of limbs. It reminded Dream of what he and Tommy did when he broke down before.

But now he was crying tears of joy on the floor with his best friends.


"So you're Dream's missing younger brother? Like your own literal flesh and blood?" Tommy asked as they all sat on the beach, watching the sunset as the disc 'Chirp' played in the background. Tubbo just hummed with a small smile as his hands played with the sand. Just the thought of knowing who his brother was set off a warm feeling in his chest making him feel giddy. Just knowing that he knew someone from his family made him so happy. Fundy's tail was wagging, the hybrid happy to see his friend so excited. Ranboo seemed to smile, his memory book tucked underneath his arm. Tommy had shown them around Logstedshire and they even played a few games that Tommy made up on his free time. This was the best time Tommy has had in a good few weeks.

"That's actually pretty fucking cool if you ask me. Having Big D as your brother? I mean I've got Techno but damn Tubbo- You've even got Sapnap! I mean he is technically Dream's younger brother too... So you're technically related? That means you're even related to Skeppy and Bad! Jeez Tubbo you're loaded! Your family is full of so many cool people!" Tommy yelled with a small chuckle as he gave Tubbo a small huge to the arm. Tubbo also laughed at the blonde's comment, wondering if Dream would let him into the close knit family they all had. Fundy and Ranboo couldn't help but laugh too.

"Why are your family trees so confusing? Jeez my brain hurts just thinking about it- And I already have trash memory- Come on guys I've only been here for like- A month at the most? Cut me some slack! I'm learning so much and I can barely keep up as it is!" Ranboo said as he rubbed the nape of his neck. Tommy and Tubbo just shrugged, Tommy putting a finger to his chin as he thought a bit. "Now what are you thinking about? You got more hidden family members you've got to tell me about? Do I need to start drawing family trees in my memory book now?" Ranboo joked and Tommy and Tubbo stuttered a bit, having to think about it more.

"I mean I'm related to Fundy and so is Tubbo in some way. Fundy was Wilbur's son, he just got adopted by Eret before you joined the SMP. That means that Fundy is kinda my nephew or something? Something like that I don't know- Tubbo is now Dream's brother and Fundy is marrying Dream soon. So that means our families are going to join together!" Tommy said and Ranboo's headshot over and gave Fundy a look. Tommy and Tubbo doubled over with laughter at the sight, Fundy freezing up.

"You're engaged to Dream?! When were you planning on telling me that?! What the heck Fundy?! I thought we were friends dude!" Ranboo practically shouted and Fundy's ears pinned to the sides of his head as he shrugged, a nervous smile on his face. Fundy lifted up his hand, showing off the ring he was wearing. The diamond was a nice green color, the one Dream wore being an orange color to match Fundy's fur. Everyone stared at Fundy's ring, the stone glimmering in the fading sunlight. The three other males look at the rings in awe, Fundy smiling widely.

"I-I mean yeah- Dream and I haven't really told anyone but we also haven't really tried to hide it either. People just find out when they find out. We also have yet to send out the invitations to everyone in the SMP. Plus I've still got more planning to do or something like that," Fundy said with a shrug, Ranboo nodding in understanding. "He's a great partner- I know most think he's just a huge and powerful warrior but he can be soft at times. During our first date he was actually so shy and everything. When I proposed his face was as red as the rose I gave him," Fundy said as he admired the ring on his finger.

"Fundy is a simp for my brother!!! SIMP!!! SIMP ALERT!!!" Tubbo yelled and Tommy yelled with him. Ranboo was trying not to laugh at the teen's antics but let a small snort out. Fundy shoved him with a huff, he acted frustrated but the smile on his face told him otherwise. That's when Ranboo broke out in laughter with the other two teens with him.

"Of course I'm a simp for my husband... I'm allowed to simp," Fundy said in a matter of fact kind of voice. "Eret is planning to walk me down the aisle since he's now my dad... Wilbur we're getting Ghostbur to officially wed us. Dream said he was getting Bad to walk him down since that's his father and his actual father- Well I'm guessing we all know who that was," Fundy said as his tail went limp on the ground. Everyone looked out to the sunset, the sun just barely peeking above the horizon.

"I didn't believe I was a part of that family in the first place actually. I couldn't help but think about it you know?" Tubbo said as he looked down at his hands, one hand going up to his head to touch his hidden horns. Everyone listened to the brunette as he sighed. "I never thought my father would be a crazed man only looking for power- Maybe he wasn't always like that but still... He asked for me to get shot by Techno and I just- I can't help but think what life would be like if he knew I was his son... Would I have this scar or would time figure out how to make it happen?" Tubbo asked as he touched the scar on the side of his face, wincing a bit at the contact. The scar climbed up the left side of his face, dangerously close to reaching his eye. Any closer and Tubbo would probably be blind.

"And don't even get me started with Dream- He's so talented and everything... Just look at all the things he's accomplished! This place is literally called the Dream SMP! Then there's me... I'm just Tubbo- The sidekick... I'm just a pawn and everyone else is one of the more powerful pieces on the board. I'm practically expendable," Tubbo said as he fiddled with his own hands. His was deep in thought, his emotions more in control. Tommy was about to step in and talk Tubbo out of it, but the brunette said something that made him pause.

"A-And what are we now Tommy? Are we still brothers now that I've found my actual family?"

Tommy's heart stopped for a second at that comment, his breath getting caught in his throat. He looked over to Tubbo and saw the brunette crying. Now that Tubbo found his family was he even Tommy's brother anymore? Was he a part of Tommy's family? Tommy shook his head as he thought hard. Tubbo was his brother... He was Tommy's right hand man. Someone Tommy could always fall back on, someone that Tommy could always trust. Tubbo was someone who knew personally Tommy so well, probably better than Philza himself. They've been through thick and thin together. They've been through wars, heartache, and so many other things that kids their age shouldn't go through.

"Of course we're still brothers Tubbo! What are you thinking man?!" Tommy yalled giving Tubbo a small slap to the arm. Tubbo looked over at Tommy to see the blonde smiling brightly at him. Tubbo sniffled and wiped his tears away with the back of his hand. "We'll always be brothers no matter what happens between us! We've been through thick and thin... And even though I'm here in Logstedshire... I'll always be here by your side no matter what happens. I'll fight as many wars and get exiled as many times as I have to," Tommy said as he wrapped an arm around the shorter boy's shoulders, pulling him to his side. He then ruffled Tubbo's hair, avoiding the horns as much as possible.

"What would I be without you Tubbo?" Tommy asked with his signature laugh. Tubbo laughed with the blonde while Ranboo and Fundy watched just a few feet away.

"You're yourself, idiot," Tubbo said as the sun finally set, the four friends laughing away underneath the stars.
