Shitty hair

[in this chapter Bakugo cuts your hair against your will. Heavy cuss warning!!]

(A lovely Saturday morning. You were listening to music while drawing when suddenly, the one and only Katsuki Bakugo, broke into your room)

Bakugo: Hey shitty hair

You: Oh, Kirishima's not here right n--

Bakugo: I was referring to you

You: I- why??

Bakugo: Cause of that dumbass haircut of yours, you look like an emo

You: What's wrong with it?

Bakugo: It's too fucking long

You: Geez bro, profanity much?

Bakugo: Shut the fuck up. Do you have a pair of scissors?

You: umm, yea (you hand him your safety scissors)

Bakugo: Safety scissors?? What is this, 2nd grade?? Do you take me for a six year old??

You: A six year old can't keep a secret, so yea.

Bakugo: Shut up, I did you a favour by telling Broomhead you're trans. Now turn around.

You: Why?

Bakugo: Turn around, goddammit

You: *sigh* ok.

(You turn around, and shortly after you hear snipping sounds)


Bakugo: Getting rid of your mane so you don't look like Dumbledore anymore.

You: Bakugo, I know for a fact you can't cut hair to save your life---

Bakugo: Shut up, you'll thank me after this

--A little bit later--

Bakugo: Alright, I'm done

(You look in the mirror)

You: Well, I don't hate it.

Bakugo: See, I told you you'd thank me

You: I didn't- well, thank you

(Bakugo grins as he sits on your bed)

You: And now?

Bakugo: "Now" what?

You: Don't tell me you're staying

Bakugo: Ok, I won't (he says as he puts his hands behind his head and lays down)


Author's note: I realised I haven't added anything to this book, so I just wrote this in. I have some angst and fluff ideas I wanna add, but I  don't think people would like that. Oh well. If anyone is reading this, I hope you're enjoying so far :D
