
Part 4 : Red

EVA [Pov]

Why did he ask me for help? He could literally ask anyone in the class for help but he asked me. There is something weird about him. 

I will be going to his house today. Should I wear something cute? WHY AM I THINKING THIS?

Eva it's just for the first impression. What if his parents would be home? So...for that yes, I have to think what to wear. Should it be formal? Or something light? Or-

My phone buzzed with a notification. It was Marco.

My mouth was wide open, I opened the message. 

Marco : Hey, this is Marco. Don't be surprised how I got your number. Just my ways. Anyways, no need to think about anything or be nervous. I live alone and you can wear anything comfortable. 

HOW DID HE KNOW WHAT AM I THINKING? Is he watching me from somewhere or is he reading my mind? Haha of course not- WHAT IF HE IS THOUGH?

I replied with, "Okay haha, thanks for letting me know." Kind of dry but fine. What ways of getting my number is he talking about though? Should I be worried? I should just get ready as it is going to be 6 soon.

I got dressed and he was exactly outside my house at 6. I motivated myself and went downstairs. Gave my mom a goodbye kiss and went outside. Here goes nothing. 

He as always, opened the door for me. The ride was pretty quiet. He didn't say anything except asking me what I was doing.

We reached his house in just 10  minutes. Holy shit, his house was wide and everything that I could describe as something big. It was elegant at the same time.

We went inside and it was beautiful in the inside as well, as expected. "Your house is pretty." I complimented.

"My house is literally black and too dark. How can you say it's pretty? I have never seen someone calling my house pretty."

"Well I like the color black ALOT. I am obsessed with the color black. So's pretty." I told as I really like black.

"Oh well, that explains a lot then."

He guided me up to his room. His room??? EXCUSE ME. It was so gorgeous. I controlled my excitement though. He would think I'm weird if I wouldn't. 

"Are you comfortable?", he asked. I told him yes I was of course.

We started with the studies. It was very easy to make him understand though...he was catching the idea of it very easily. 1 hour passed.

"Do you wanna get something to eat?", he asked and I agreed as I was kind of hungry.

We went downstairs on the way to our ankle twisted. I tripped and fell. Marco turned behind and tried to grab me so that I could get up but I wasn't able to get up as it was paining too much. 

"Will you not be able to walk or get up?" he asked.

"I don't think I can. It's paining too much and it is also swelling." I told and it was too embarrassing honestly.

"I don't have any choice then."

"Choice for what-" I was stopped mid sentence as he carried me in a bridal style. Something was jumping inside my stomach and I completely forgot about my ankle.

"Why is your face red Eva? Are you blushing? Don't worry I'm just carrying you for now."

"What?? My face isn't red and also what do you mean just for now?" My voice was breaking while asking him.

"You will know when the time comes. For now, just keep quiet." 

I looked at him confused. What does he mean by when the time comes? What is he even talking about?

We reached the kitchen and he made me sit on the counter. I suggested him that I can try to stand but he didn't listen to me.

"Just sit here like a good girl and watch me cook. Afterwards we will do something about your ankle but if it's paining too much I can bring the spray right now."

"It's not paining much when I'm sitting, so you can carry on with the cooking."

I just watched him the whole time while he was cooking. As he lives alone...did he learn all this himself? Where are his parents? I can't really ask him as we are not that close. I can try to know though.

"Did you learn to cook yourself?, I asked. 

"Situations and fate made me learn, so yes I learned myself."

I feel bad for him honestly. I will not ask about his family yet but one day I will. I think he was making pasta and it was smelling so good in the kitchen.

"I am making pasta yes." 

"How do you know what am I thinking every time?", I asked because no way he can be so accurate all the time.

"I can see it in your eyes. I can read faces a little bit."

Now I see, he observes people pretty good. The pasta was ready after 20 minutes and I couldn't wait to taste it.
