
Downtown in the busy streets of Tokyo was a man with black hair that carried some streaks of blonde walking through the streets wearing a professional business suit along with a trench coat.

The man kept walking passed buildings until he reached a basic ramen shop. Looking at the sign for a moment he let out a sigh before entering the establishment. Immediately he garnered the attention of a bunch of people as the man walked up to the counter.

The chef waved him in. "Good evening. What can I do for you?" The man asked making the older looking man stroke his goatee.

"I'm looking for a guy named Issei Hyoudou. Is he here?" The man asked making the chef nod.

"Yes. He is here in one on the second floor. But can I get you something?" The man answered while gesturing for the stairs to the side.

The man nodded as he started walking towards the stairs. "Just some sake or anything with alchohol will do." The man replied as he walked up the stairs. Sounds of a TV playing in the background was heard as a bunch of men were sitting by their tables looking at a game of football (soccer for those that are confused)

The man's eyes darted around the room until they landed on a man sitting alone. He was eating a big bowl of ramen along with some other small treats. The man's hair were dark brown being a bit messy but giving his giant build it gave an intimidating aura. It reminded him of someone else working in the church who's physical presence can make anybody scared. His eyes was the same colour as his hair along with the small cut scar on his lips

The man slowly made his way towards the man who appeared to haven't noticed him as he kept eating while discreetly taking glances at the TV screen. The stood now infront of him as he spoke up to the muscular man.

"Yow Hyoudou. It has been a while." The man spoke to the eating guy who swallowed the food in his mouth before looking up and giving him a small smirk.

"Azazel. Didn't expect you to visit me. How long has it been? 4 years after my last job for you? Here for an other job for me?" The man named Issei Hyoudou said making the other man named Azazel smirk at him back as he sat down by the table.

"Indeed. It's a very important one." Azazel nodded as he continued. "It's a long term job with the main goal. Stopping the second coming of the great war." Azazel revealed. He could see that Issei's interest had peaked as he's eyes turned to Azazel gesturing for him to continue.

"Go on." Issei said while taking an other bite.

"Your target is Kokabiel. One of my strongest underlings and a massive warmonger. He wants to restart the great war and decided to hide his base in Kuoh. The town where both sisters of the current two devil kings: Lucifer and Leviathan are residing. He pretty much keeps them currently hostage without them knowing and any interference of our side he will dispose of them which will trigger the war. Because the current devil kings are very attached to  their younger sisters, this will give them the motivation to restart the war." Azazel explained making Issei raise an eyebrow.

"But should they be protected or something? Like why are they in the human world?" Issei asks confused making Azazel close his eyes.

"Hell if I know. The only thing I know is that both heiress of the Gremory and Sitri clan have great interests for the human world for some reason." Azazel replied with a shrug.

Issei kept eating his ramen before resuming the conversation. "And let me guess, the reason why he hasn't killed them yet is so he can find a way to bring the angels to Kuoh as well making it the perfect starting place for the great war to resume." Issei theorized making Azazel nod.

"Right on the money. That Is why I need you to take him down. As well with the other rouge fallen angels with him. So that's why I need you to go to Kuoh in the next days so you can take down one of Kokabiel's underlings. Her name is Raynare and she is currently in Kuoh with 3 three other fallen angels. They somehow got their hands on an exiled nun named Asia Argento who has the sacred gear twilight healing. They also stole one of my sacred gear removal devices before they left the Grigori. I think I don't need to explain what they are after." Azazel informed as his drink arrived. Azazel took a sip as Issei finished his bowl.

"Yeah yeah. They want their sacred gear but nobody can get close because they are in the devil's territory. So have they already taken the sacred gear?" Issei asks as he drank some tea. Azazel shook his head as he raised two fingers.

"No but they will in two days. For them to able to steal a sacred gear they need a ton of magical energy and the device uses the energy of a full moon which happens to be this Sunday." Azazel answered. Issei nodded as he relaxed his head on his fist.

"So what's in it for me? From what I understand you want to do deal with these underlings and then go hunt down Kokabiel? I'm expecting a much bigger pay then last time." Issei negotiated making Azazel chuckle.

"Money first huh? You haven't changed from the last time we've met." Azazel chuckled. "Job first, money after."

Issei merely smirked as he drank his tea and stood up. Azazel was slightly suprised at how much a giant Issei was. He stood over 190 centimetres tall as well as having a very muscular build that was visible even through thick clothes. The only thing that looked apart was the black ring Issei wore on his index right finger

"Fine. I'll deal with the small fry. But what about the warmonger thou?" Issei asks making Azazel muse.

"You might not like it but I had the idea of sending you to school to be undercover." Azazel suggested making Issei confused.

"School?" Issei asked making Azazel chuckle.

"Yeah, as a teacher since you look-?" Azazel was about say something else but Issei interrupted him.

"I'm 18." Issei cut Azazel off who looked suprised at him. Azazel looked him up and down and had a genuinely surprised look on his face. From what he could tell was that Issei at least looked 25. His build and sharp features did made him look older but such a difference was insane even for the likes of Azazel.

"You're 18?!" Azazel asked in shock. Issei nodded before walking off to get some more tea. He walked passed some man in his thirties as the man turned around and walked into Issei which caused the man to drop his food on the ground and fall on his butt.

Issei didn't look bothered as he simply walked passed him and filled his tea cup. The man on the ground looked angered and stood up.

"Hey asshole!" The man yelled to Issei who drank some of his tea. He grasped Issei by his shoulder and tried to make him turn around. But Issei didn't even budge. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" The man kept yelling as Issei refilled his cup again before turning around and giving the random dude raised eyebrow before walking passed him.

The man looked offended as he turned around and took a step towards Issei's direction but he misplaced his step as he stepped right into his own spilled food making him slip and fall face first into the ground. Issei didn't turn around as be sat back at his table. Azazel looked slightly suprised but gave a small smirk.

"Well perhaps you can go as a student but of course I need you to be undercover and not cause problems with the devil princesses." Azazel explained. Issei just drank his tea as he looked back at Azazel.

"I don't might working undercover. But if these princesses keep bugging me. Then I won't hesitate to put them in their place." Issei stated. Azazel let out a sigh before placing his chin on his fist.

"Well nobody is gonna stop you. You did defeated Sirzechs and Grayfia at the same time, so nobody in the devil faction is a major threat to you. But for both of us, try and keep it on the low." Azazel somewhat pleaded making Issei roll his eyes.

"Fine. But you handle all the paper work. Then I'll do the dirty work." Issei stated making Azazel nod as he raised his hand for a handshake.

"Deal." Azazel agreed as Issei returned the strong handshake. "Also Vali asked if you're interested in a rematch?" Azazel asked which Issei gave an amused chuckle.

"Brat still can't get over his loss against me huh? Maybe after this job I might entertain him." Issei replied as he finished his second cup and stood back up and gestured for Azazel to follow him. Issei walked over the still unconscious dude and left the ramen shop along with Azazel.

Both men walked towards the park as Issei had his hands in his pockets and aimlessly thought about something.

"You seem to be thinking about something Azazel? What is it?" Issei asks directly making Azazel sigh.

"Forgot your senses are so sharp. Well I was hoping we can finally attain a long lasting peace after all those thousand of years of fighting. You know, just peace along with my former enemies." Azazel muttered making Issei think.

"Well God and the devil kings are dead. It might be possible." Issei somewhat agreed but Azazel was surprised by something else.

"Wait you know about that?" Azazel asks making Issei look confused.

"Know about what?" Issei asked. "God's death? Wasn't that public knowledge or something?" Issei asks making Azazel shake his head making Issei realise. "Whoops..."

"How do you know about that? There are very few people that know about that secret?" Azazel demanded making Issei shake his head.

"Can't say sorry." Issei denied making Azazel let out a sigh.

"Anyhow that still doesn't explain you: Issei Hyoudou. A human with no supernatural background, no sacred gear. But you alone pose a giant threat to the entire world seeing that you killed the so called untouchable Norse God Baldur and after that you fought against Sirzechs and Grayfia and defeated them both. My question is how?" Azazel asks making Issei chuckle as he cracked his neck.

"Would you belief me that a mistletoe was the thing that killed Baldur?" Issei asked making Azazel confused but Issei continued. "And for the devils. The reason I didn't kill them was there weren't my targets. They just wanted revenge since I killed one of their noble clan heads for some money." Issei revealed before turning to Azazel.

Azazel narrowed his eyes. Nothing made sense to him. How can a human slay a God and defeat the strongest devil and strongest queen by himself. He received the reports from Odin himself and Ajuka who both confirmed that the murderer was just a human.

Many minor deities have fallen to the young man who's name only Azazel was aware off. But because of the public news of Baldur's death. He was nicknamed by many pantheons:

The supernatural killer

Azazel knew keeping the information about such a dangerous entity hidden was a bad move. But Azazel knew better than to try and plan something against Issei. Or else it might cost his own life.

Azazel who was in deep thought looked towards Issei who sat on a bench with a knowing smirk.

"Relax Zaz. So long nobody puts a massive bounty on your head. I won't target you. But that aside. When it comes to you making peace and shit. That doesn't mean I'm all for it. Remember I care about the money above all else. Not about war or peace. So remember that before thinking I will work for you again after this job." Issei stated.

Azazel just nodded before looking up for a moment thinking about what he should do. When he looked down he saw that Issei wasn't there anymore. He looked around before scoffing.

"Fucking monkey."

Well that's it for the prologue chapter for the rewrite of the supernatural killer. Hope you like it and have a great day...
Helix out!
