the monkey king

(scene opens up inside the hotel with cell inside the shower washing his hair as the warm water splashes down onto his body and going down th durian while outside kuroka is still sleeping inside cells bed smiling dreaming as she sleeps snuggling into cells pillow)

Cell: (thinking) this feels nice no wonder humans love doing this

(cell grabs the body was rubbing it all over his body and his large genitals and taking the shower head and washing all the bubbles off his body before turning off the water grabbing his towel wrapping it around his torso and stepping out and when he looks over he sees ophis in the living room watching random shows on the tv)

Cell: how the hell did you (thinks for a second) you know what never mind don't answer that

Kuroka wakes up from cells reaction and looks over to see a almost naked cell as her tails wag and ohpis also looks over seeing a half naked cell and makes the tiniest of blushes not understanding why she felt like this but was determined to find out later when she had the time)

Cell: I'm half naked girls please look away

(Both girls look away with kuroka out of respect and Ophis we don't really know)

Cell: good (gets dressed) ok you can look now

(Both girls back at cell with kuroka upset that cell was now clothed while Ophis was almost the same way just not as much as kuroka)

Cell: so Ophis what do you need

Ophis: I need more people to be apart of my group

Cell: what's our group called

Ophis: the chaos brigade

Cell: cool name but why need more people I'm pretty strong

Ophis: with the red dragon emperor awakening and the factions getting stronger they may become a problem for me

Cell: I've been reading about you ever since your stronger that god and Satan fears you why would the factions be a problem

Ophis: it's not the factions I'm worried about it's the red dragon emperor if he rallies other dragons or more powerful creature against me I may never get my silence again

Cell: is that what we're fighting for why not just use earplugs then

Ophis: no it must be enteral not some piece of fabric in my ears

Cell: (puts his hands up) alright alright so who did you have in mind

Ophis: his name is bikiu

Kuroka: the monkey king descendant of sun wukong

Ophis: yes he may be good for my brigade against great red

Kuroka: well what do you want us to do

Ophis: I want you to find and recruit him for me

Cell: and what are you gonna do

Ophis: find more to recruit for my plans of silence

Cell: fine where do we find him

Ophis: from what i know he is in the mountains

Cell: but which mountains there is several around here he could be on anyone

Kuroka: we will just have to sense for his aura

Cell: ugh that might take forever

Ophis: then you better get started before night happens

Cell: alright Kuroka get up let's go eat breakfast and go

Kuroka: we can't you killed all the staff and manager of this place

Cell: oh right well I can cook so Ophis wanna eat with us

Ophis: i dont require the thing you humans call food

Cell: i never used to but gotta say most of it is pretty good

Ophis: fine i guess i can wait

Cell: alright girls follow me

(both girls follow him into the kitchen area as cell tells them to take a seat as he steps into the back finding a grill in storage in the back and starts to cook true food on the stove as both girls sit at the table waiting for cell to finish cooking there breakfast)

(While the girls wait they start chatting well kuroka tries while ophis does her best to answer but since she wasn't on earth for long she didn't understand most of what kuroka was talking about like when she would talk about tv shows ophis had a very poor comprehension of understanding what she was talking about and what tv was)

(inside the room cell accesses the memories of all the soldiers he absorbed and is using there memories to cook the best meals for the girls that he knew how to make as he grabs many different spices and ingredients sizzling it on the stove as he flips over the pancakes that he is making)

Cell: (thinking) a little bit of this a little bit of that and done

(cell brings out there pancakes with syrup on them sliding it on the table as both girls stop it with there hands as ophis just stares at the food while kuroka picks up her fork and starts to devour her pancakes but then looks up at ophis who continues to stare at the food)

Kuroka: you gonna eat ophis

Ophis: i've never eaten before how do i do this

Cell: just use the fork and eat it

Ophis: feed me

Cell: um alright (picks up food) open wide

(ophis opens her mouth and waits for the food to hit her mouth before chewing her food and swallowing it as her eyes widen with happiness loving the food she has never eaten before and opens her mouth again waiting for another bit as cell continues to feed her while kuroka is jealous that ophis is getting fed instead of her)

Ophis: this is very good what are these things

Cell: there called pancakes and the stuff on top of them is called syrup

Ophis: I love them they are the best food I've ever had

Kuroka: there the only food you've ever had

Ophis: (doesn't react) is there more

Cell: no that's all the hotel had for cooking supplies

Ophis: (upset face)

Cell: don't worry I can make some more later after a store run

Ophis: alright but I'm counting you on that

Cell: alright Kuroka let's go find bikou

Kuroka: alright

Cell: grab on

Kuroka: (wraps around him)

Cell: alright let's go (teleports away)

(Both teleport away in nanoseconds leaving Ophis still sitting there at the table alone)

Ophis: damn now I want more pancakes

(Cell and Kuroka reappear in front of a set of mountains with a trail going up the side of the mountain)

Kuroka: well we better get started

Cell: alright (about to fly)

Kuroka: don't do that people might see

Cell: ugh (closes wings) fine let's just take the path then

(Cell and Kuroka start walking up the dirt path as cell kicks tiny rocks while walking up the path checking for hidden caves or any passage that would insinuate somebody was living up there and reach the top after a hour and a half)

Cell: well he isn't here how many more mountains do we have

Kuroka: four more

Cell: UGH that's it I'm flying

Kuroka: why

Cell: because it took us an hour and thirty minutes to get up here so sorry if I'm a little annoyed

(Cell wings come out of his backside and he flies past the mountains looking for something on the 2 other fountains until he comes upon the final one and notices this one has to be climbed because there is no path so this must be it because he sees a cave entrance

Cell: gotcha now you son of a bitch

(Cell lands down into the cave entrance and sees small light coming from a flaming torch and notices it seeing another thing which was several objects used for cooking and a blanket and pillow on the ground meaning somebody was sleeping here and living here and form the look of it had been quite a while)

(as cell is about to pick it up a pole shoots out form deeper into the cave bashes cell in the stomach shooting him out of the cave at fast speeds slamming him into the mountain making a indent into the rock face as the pole retracts back into the cave as a shadow reveals itself to be the person they had been looking for it was bikou)

Cell: well well you must be bikou

Bikou: that's me what's it to you

Cell: we're here to recruit you

Bikou: and pray tell who wants me

Cell: well her name is Ophis

Bikou : the ouroboros dragon of infinity what does she want with a man like me

Cell: were looking for recruits for a simple mission to kill great red

Bikou: that's almost completely impossible he is a godly powerful dragon and would be very hard to kill even even with several god it would still be hard

Cell: that's why we're recruiting the strongest possible to defeat him and your the one Ophis wants to be apart of the chaos brigade

Bikou: and why would I join you what threat do you pose to me

Cell: because if you don't I'll just be forced to (releases tail) absorb you

Bikou: (raises eyebrow) your that bug guy absorbing people (joking around) what was your name again bell…zell…nell

Cell: it's cell and I think you know that

Bikou: whatever so do you really think you can beat the likes of me

(Cell appears in front of bikou and punches him right in the stomach making bikou cough up spit as he is launched inside the cave slamming against the wall with a loud crashing sound having the wind almost knocked out of him from the single blow)

Bikou: oh its on now

(bikou body is covered in senjutsu and some other form of magic as he disappears from cell’s sight and wacks him in the back of the neck with his power pole throwing cell out of the cave area into the same spot again as bikou runs up the side of the mountain ready to hit cell again but cell uses his tail to bitch slap bikou into the ground creating a crater in the ground aleriting kuroka)

(cells fingers cackle with electricity as tiny bits of water surround his finger nails and flames surrounded his hands as he aims at the crater and fires towards bikou)


(the flaming water electric blast fires towards the ground in a large explosion that bikou sees a split second before and leaps out of the way as the blast connects blowing up as cell waits to see the body but senses something and turns around only to be punched in the jaw by bikou who uses his nimbus ability knocking him backwards as bikou starts wailing on him with punches and kicks him then grabs his wing and swings him around fligning him through the air)

Cell: (thinking) gotta learn senjutsu flying after this so i don't rely on these wings

(cell stops himself from being launched and is only stopped for a second as bikou appears in front of him on his nimbus and goes to punch cell but cell uses his tail wrapping it around bikou torso and swinging him around making bikou almost throw up but cell sticks his arm out bashing bikou right in the face as cell lets go of his tial sending bikou crashing down to the mountain below)

(bikou lands on the top of the mountain as cell zooms downwards at super speeds crashing bikou through the mountain splitting it in half leaving a large crack through the entire mountain as both of them come out damaged with cuts and bruises on their bodies though cell was in better shape thanks to his exceptional durability)

Cell: so (raises fists) you done yet

Bikou: (raises fist) not even close

(cell and bikou launch at each other grabbing each others fist trying to push the other one backwards but there at a stand still until bikou slaps cell with his tail knocking him backwards a little bit as bikou goes for a punch but cell grabs his fist and snaps it back making bikou grit his teeth as he uses senjutsu to mostly heal it but still slightly fractured)

(bikou leaps backwards gaining some distance but cell closes the distance and punches him in the stomach as bikou leans forward and cell knees him in the lower jaw throwing bikou backwards as cell cups his hands together blasting him straight in the chest)

Cell: you ready to g- (gets launched by a clone of bikou) oh now your scre- (gets elbowed)

(cell gets up to see 3 clones of bikou and the original standing in front of him as all of them active senjutsu mode but it wasn't as powerful as kurokas but it would still make all of them formidable foes in battle)

(All four bikou’s charge towards cell knocking him around beating the ever loving shit out of him as he is unable to dodge an of there attacks and is ragdolled by the clones and the original bikou as cell gets a split second chance to kick one of the bikou clones into the mountain side but the others keep going on there assault on cell)

Cell: (thinking) ok this is happening better just do (activates senjutsu mode) this

(cell disappears from there sight and kicks the shit out of each one of the clones knocking them all out as they disappear back into bikou’s body as he gets up very winded and cell walks towards him grabbing him by the neck but another clone who was knocked into the mountain hits cell in the back of the head but it doesn't do anything as cell ends up absorbing him into his biomass)

Cell: so ready to cooperate and come with us i dont think you wanna keep ophis waiting
Bikou: nope not until i kick your ass

(before bikou can strike something lands in front of him and bodies him with a senjutsu punch which turns out to be kuroka who had finally arrived)

Kuroka: cell said cooperate

Bikou: ugh fine ill join your stupid club

Cell: good now follow us back to our place

Bikou: fine nimbus

(they all fly away back to the hotel)
