
                Y/n P.o.v.
I rested my head on my desk using both of my arms as a pillow,facing the window slowly breathing in the lovely scent of cherry blossoms and slowly closing my eyes wanting to take a nap before the next class starts.
But I got disturbed when a loud thud sound was heard.I lift up my head trying to peep through my hands what's going on there.I saw Jungkook on the floor.
Tzuyu:Yah!Jungkook can't you walk properly!Why do you always fall?
                    Y/n p.o.v.
Everyone's attention was on him.He gasped for some air to fill his lungs before he finally could utter some words. He shrieked sadly before saying anything.
Jungkook: *Huffs Leave about me! I have some breaking news!!
Jackson:Don't tell me you again got a new girlfriend! Stop playing around, Jungkook.It's high time now.
Jungkook: You idiots! I told you it's not about me. We're going to have a new student!A new classmate...
Momo:Oh!Is he handsome? Is he hot?How does he look?
Irene:I am so excited,it's been so long since new students have been accepted.
Mono:Yeah true!It's so boring looking at these old faces!
Jungkook: I think you should stop your pervert thoughts here because after I say the student's name I don't think anybody wants to mess with him.
Tzuyu:Why?Is he the school principal's son?
Jungkook: I wish it was him.The new..student is..Min Yoongi.
Everyone: Whatttt!!!
                   Y/n p.o.v.
The new student of our class is Min Yoongi.The Min Yoongi!!Even though the name seems to sound normal but it is not.He is the son of the most dangerous businessman Mafia.And he is no less than his father.Actually he is worse than him.He is well known for his bullying and killing people. He has changed his school so many times that it is  out of count.He changes school so that he can satisfy his hunger of killing people and taking revenge of his father's loss.Nobody wants him in their school.But they are too scared to say anything to him.And now he came to our school and that also in my class.May god bless me and my classmates.I wonder who is gonna be his next target.
Irene: So..
* Gets Cut off as the teacher comes in
Mr.Kim:*scared I think you all have heard the news about the school getting a new student and your new classmate.
                    Y/n p.o.v.
So Mr.Kim already knows that Jungkook has told who the new student is .That's why he is not giving any further introduction about him.And he kinda looks scared.

Mr.Kim:So- without wasting any more time let's take your attendance.
            Author p.o.v.
Mr.Kim flipping over the attendance book when a pale looking boy stepped in,holding the strap of his bag loosely.
                  Y/n p.o.v.
His face had a definition of cute and handsome,matched perfectly with his stiff well-toned body.His rainbow shaped eyes showed nothing but coldness and confidence. But it was a shame that behind this face there is a huge monster.Mr.Kim scanned the whole class before looking back to Yoongi.I quickly looked away from Mr.Kim in the hope of not getting Yoongi as my benchmate.But....
Mr.Kim:Yoongi,-you can sit with Y/n.Y/n raise your hand.
*raises hand
                   Y/n p.o.v.
Holy God!I don't know what sins I have committed that he is sitting with me.I saw a smirk formed in his face.I looked away trying not to make an eye contact.
Yoongi:I hope we can go well with each other,Y/n.
                  Y/n p.o.v.
His soft husky voice sent shivers through my spine.I felt like dying. I just hoped the school ends quickly without getting me into trouble.
Yoongi: Share the books with me!
Y/n:Ohh!I'm sorry I thought you've gotten your books.S-ure let's share the bo-o-k.
                    Y/n p.o.v.
I smiled softly at him.His eyes glued to my face but soon looked away before mumbling.
Yoongi:I guess you assume a lot. You need to be taught a lesson.You're quite sarcastic.It would make my school life fun.
                    Y/n p.o.v .
Atlast the first half is finished.It was a punishment for me to sit with Yoongi.His continuous stares made me feel scared and uncomfortable.I am relieved that now it's break time.At least I will get some 'me time'.I took my lunch box and stepped out of the class heading towards The canteen when suddenly I tripped over.I was a mess.I looked at myself,all the honey of the pancakes were on my school uniform.I looked up to see my old acquaintance, my ex-best friend,Jisoo.
Jisoo:Hi,Y/n.Long time no see!But I see you still haven't learned to walk.I think it will take some more time to learn until may be you pass High School.*winks
                 Y/n p.o.v.
Can my day get any better?Jisoo and I were best friends since Elementary School.We were in good terms.But I don't know how or why we are now sworn enemies.I am the most famous girl in our school for..... "Getting Bullied". I am everyone's no.1 target!!And I don't even fight back.Such a great Human being am I!!Even Jisoo bullies me even after knowing my condition.
                  I tried to get up when I saw some boys laughing at me and making videos of me.I tried to shrug it off but then I felt water pouring on me. I looked up to see Min Yoongi pouring a bottle full of orange juice.Great!A new guy to bully me.
Yoongi:A perfect breakfast is getting wasted on the floor.*laughing So sad. *smirks
                 Author p.o.v.
Y/n is a weakling in front of the school.She never fights for herself. Always getting bullied by others.
                  Y/n p.o.v.
My school life was already worse and now it is hell.But I'm relieved now the school is finished.But now I need to go to work.
  ??:Oh,Y/n!Why are so late today?
Y/n:Oh Uncle Choi,Sorry I had some assignments to complete!
Uncle Choi:Yeah,it's no problem! Now,hurry up!Today ,we have lots of customers today!
Y/n:Yes Sir!!
                     Author p.o.v.
Y/n works in a small restaurant as her part time job. She needs to feed her family because she is the only one who earns money.Her father is a drunkard.Day and night he drinks and at night he beats his wife,Y/n's little Sister and Y/n.They don't do anything to him.And he takes out all his anger on them whenever he loses in gambling. This is the life of Y/n.In school, all day she gets bullied;in evening, she works hard to earn some money;and at night goes to home just to get beaten up by her father.
Uncle Choi:We need more noodles,please bring them now.
*Y/n was carrying the noodles in a tray going towards a table when she tripped .
                Author p.o.v.
(Idk,why does she always falls down ~_~)
Again all the noodles fell on her but this time it burned her skin.She was crying so much,that only her sobbing was heard in the shop.But then,she heard a familiar voice.
Yoongi:Oh!See who we have here! Our dear Y/n!
*Y/n ran away from the shop taking away her bag
Yoongi & others:*laughing
Uncle Choi:Hey you Boy!I don't know,who you are but you shouldn't have done that!She suffers so much!All night she gets beaten up by her father and now you'll started bullying her even outside the school.
*Yoongi puts the gun on Uncle Choi's chest
Yoongi: Hey,you old man!Shut your stupid mouth!You should just mind your own business or else you'll end up like him.
*points to a dead man in their table
Uncle Choi:Oh my Goddd!!
*Yoongi leaves the restaurant
Yoongi:Guys!Listen dig up some information about our little Y/n.Let's see what interesting news we can get her from her life! She's such a bitch trying to gain sympathy from others and acting like she is the victim.I  just f***ing hate these type of girls!Bitch!!

