Chapter Fourteen✓ Useless Birds

"I hate people "



I looked at Dawn still focused on the view. She went quite for a while and drank some more. Minuets later I find her laughing at herself. I looked at her bewildered and scooted away, thinking she's finally lost it. Two minuets of laughter she finally let out a sigh, she threw the now empty bottle.


I got up and looked down to see a guy with a girl getting it on . I'm pretty sure that's Scott.


Then I went back to my spot. Laughing a bit.

When did she finish that bottle?. I looked at Dawn as she let out a deep sigh, silence filled us again, the laughter that was evident in her clearly disappeared.

"You know it's been three years since I've seen my uncle"

She spoke to no one but I listened. A little curious of this uncle she calls.

"I don't exactly know when and if I'll ever forgive him but if I do it'll have to be a good reason"

What did this uncle do to her that made her hate him. By the way to talked about him I could sense the enormous amount of emotion.

She stays silent one's  again but suddenly stood up, swaying more drunk then she was before . It clearly showed how much she wanted to forget what happened, but all this truth was the drunk her talking.

She stood up suddenly and looked at me with evil glint in her eyes. I gulped as she strides her way to me where I was sitting then she slowly sat down on my lap wrapping her  hands around my neck. I was shock at her movement and knew I had to push her away before anything happens but my body didn't move, couldn't move.

She leaned in just a breath away from each others lips.

"Princess your drunk "

I whispered but I caught her staring at my lips and I myself at hers.

"nah I'm not drunk,  just drunk "

She giggles and I rolled my eyes. Then she pushed me down, now I lay on my back as she on top of me, straddling me. This position was making me feel things unknown to me.

"Princess if you wanted to get it on with me-"

My sentence was cut short as her lips captured mine. Shock took me but I went along. Our lips in sync. She runs her talk against my lips then taking it between her teeth. Making me want more. Now we were full on making out. I groan because her teasing was making my little buddy excited. Then I hear her giggle.

"good night bad boy "

I looked at her  confused but now noticed that her eyes began to close. I sigh.

Goddamn Dawn what hell are you doing.



I yell at the birds who were happily chirping their lives away. I had a major hung over. I roll to my side trying to escape the light coming from the window but unfortunately failed due  to the weight drape around my waist. Ugh!.

"Princess moaning like that first thing in the morning your going to make me do things I'm sure you'd like"

The voice that I haven't even noticed was there says. I turn and look at the figure. His chiseled jaw and long black lashes.

Why was I in Damien's bed and arms?.

"what the fuck happened. "

He chuckles and opens his eyes. Which made my heart skip.

"Party sweet heart"

I rolled my eyes.

"No this pounding headache in my head isn't a result of that"

"mhm feisty and hot I like "

I tried to get up but he pulled me back down. Nuzzling his head in my neck.

Cue the heart beat and butterflies. I tense up a bit but then relaxed for some unknown reason.

"No stay, I like this position"

I was still tired and wanted to go back to sleep. Without even caring that I was in his arms and seeing that he wasn't going  to wake I scooted closer to him, wanting to get warmer. Then I wrapped my arms around him as he nuzzles closer. I hear him take in a breath.

"what are you doing?"

I chuckle.

"well since you aren't getting up any time soon and I'm still tired might as well go back to sleep"

I closed my eyes, felt Damien stir next to me. 

"its okay I don't bite, maybe "

I whisper in his ear, chuckling ones more and then let  sleep take me ones more in the arms of Damien.

After taking a nap. I woke up one's again Damien still wrapped around me. Asleep.

what time did he go to sleep last night?.

The pounding headache was not as bad as it was earlier when I first woke up. Now all I wanted was to get out of the clothes I wore from the party as it felt sticky on my skin.

I tried to go up but his weight was on my.

"that was a nice nap"

I yelped. When did he wake up.?

"yeah​ enjoy it cause that's the last time I'm cuddling up to you" 

"awe but baby it felt nice"

I roll my eyes and pry his arms off. I went ahead to take a shower before he did. Twenty minutes later I turned the water off and reached for a towel. I wrapped the towel around and noticed that I have no extra pair of clothes. Still dropping  wet. I opened the door but screamed as I see Damien's figure, his hand about to knock. Due to the sudden scare I accidentally dropped my towel. I froze and so did Damien.


I picked up the towel and quickly, while flustered wrapped it around me.

"holy fuck I just saw you naked. "

He's face was now blushing. I rolled my eyes and tried to contain my erratic heart to slow down.

"No "

I sarcastically replied.
He scratch the back of his neck.

"you've got a nice body though "

And the perverted boy is back.

"just pretend you didn't see anything"

"pretend like I didn't see anything babe it was something I would see over and over again "

"so the bad boy is implying I have a nice body, nicer then yours I hope?"

I wiggled my brow and he blushed more.

"wow didn't know the bad boy blushes."

"shut up"

He walked towards me and bent down due to my height and whispered. His breath making my stupid heart beat.

"you've got a body to turn me on"

I blushed and was ready to reply but I hear the click of a door.

Leader of the rogues just saw me naked.


Yup the bad boy just saw our character naked.

1149 words counted.
