Chapter 22

"Come on, hurry up!" Urged Samon as Qi worked. "I know I know calm down. If you rush me I'll make a mistake." He swirled a bottle containing some of the pink liquid to mix it with something else, which turned a deep black color. "Oh no." Said Qi. "'oh no'? What's that supposed to mean?" Qi suddenly started running around the room gathering up what seemed to be a random array of herbs. "It's a slow acting poison. It's meant to imitate organ failure. It bypasses the immune system. That's why her white blood cells weren't fighting it. I've made something like this before. This seems to be a little more advanced though." He quickly lit a burner and mixed some of the odd looking plants together. A weird smoke filled the room. After a few more painfully slow minutes, Qi handed him a vial of what he hoped was the cure. "Hurry." Said Qi as Samon took off. He pushed aside the guards that asked for his ID again and ran into the room. "Okina!" He yelled holding the vial up. The doctor quickly took it and injected into your arm. The only noise in the room being the continuous 'beeeeeep' coming from the heartbeat machine. Upa eyed the machine anxiously, hoping to see spikes in the still flat line. Then.

BeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeBeep beep... beep beep... beep beep... beep beep

Everyone let out a breath as your heart beat came back. "Her oxygen levels are climbing." Said one of the nurses hopefully. Okina took the tubes out of your nose that supplied oxygen. The color returns to your cheeks as your vitals climb. The room cheers but Upa just smiled. Your cheeks felt warmer as he placed a hand on them. You scrunched up your nose before letting your eyes flutter open. "Upa?" You asked in a small voice. He smiled and nodded. You looked around frantically, "Where's Nathen? Is he okay?" "You just almost died and that's what you're worried about?" You nodded matter-of-factly. Upa sighed, "Yes. He was found un-harmed. He was fine." He saw you let out a breath. "What happened?" There were people around so he couldn't say it out loud, so he leaned in close. In your ear, he whispered, "Shen poisoned you." You crossed your arms, "Again?" smirked at your pouting. His smile dropped after a few seconds, "You almost died. You were dead. Your heart stopped." "I'm sorry." "You're apologizing for dying?" "Oh, right. Sorry." "Stop apologizing it wasn't your fault." "Sorry." He gave you a 'really?' look. "Sorry" He sighed, giving up. Okina walked up to your bed side, "Luck was on your side this time, kid." You shrugged, "Guess so. Thanks for saving me." He chuckled, "It wasn't me. 58's the one who noticed that your saline drip was replaced with whatever this is-" he held up a vial of pink tinted liquid. "And 71 made the antidote. A few more seconds and you would have died." You looked at Upa surprised. He shrugged nonchalantly though with a slight blush on his face. "Thank you!" You said, suddenly hugging him. He hugged you back after a few seconds of shock. You pulled back and kissed him on the cheek. This caused his whole face to erupt in blush. "Yeah, yeah. No problem." He said, turning to hide his face. You jumped out of bed suddenly, "I have to go thank Qi!" You went to go walk out of the door, but you were stopped by two guards, "Stop inmate. Where is your escort?" You pulled your wrist out of his grasp and walked back in. "Oh, yeah I forgot to tell you. The Warden put the whole prison on lockdown. No one can go anywhere without someone knowing where they are." You sighed. You looked down, noticing that you were still in the hospital gown. "Hey Samon, do I have any clothes here?" He nodded and handed you a bag, "I figured that you would wanna change when you woke up." You smiled at him, "Thanks." After changing quickly in the bathroom, you walked out. Samon was talking to the doctors. Upa watched you as you walked to the door, "Where are you going?" "To tell Qi thanks." "You can't go anywhere. We're on lockdown, remember?" You rolled your eyes, "Come on, It's easy to get past them. Watch." You said, waving him over. You used your qi to cover both of you, hiding you from view. You distorted the sounds around you, making it sound like someone was running down the hall. "Hey, you. Stop. Identify yourself." Yelled one guard as they both took off. You pulled Upa out of the door. "See. Easy." You and Upa walked to Cell 8 unnoticed. Your key had been in the bag, so you opened the door. Liang and Qi looked at the door, confused as to why it had opened by itself. You let the cover drop, allowing you to be seen again. You started walking towards Qi. "How'd you-" He began to ask. You interrupted him by giving him a hug, "Thanks." You said simply. He hugged you back, "No problem." You felt a tug on your sleeve. You let go of Qi to see Upa pulling you away from him. "Oooooh, is someone jealous?" said Qi with a smug face."No, trash. Why would I be?" You giggled at his obvious jealousy. "What are you laughing at?" He said turning to you and glaring at you accusingly. You tried to force a straight face. You really did. But when you heard Liang giggle a bit, you lost it. You didn't know why you found it so funny. Maybe it was because you had just escaped death. But you didn't care. Despite Upa's protests, you doubled over with laughter. Upa stopped talking as he listened to you laugh. A small blush spread across his pale face, matching the red swirls on his face. Qi elbowed him in the side, smirking. Upa slapped his hand away, not bothering to say anything.


You finally sat up from laughing. "Are you done yet, (y/n)?" said Upa crossing his arms. You looked behind him and see Liang. He smirked at you, causing to launch into another set of giggles. Upa sighed, appearing to be annoyed, though he didn't mind listening to your laugh. 

I just remembered that today was a posting day right before I went to bed so I hurried up and proof read this one. At least I remembered this time! I have to cut this outro a little short due to sleepy time. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter! So YEET.
