Chapter 18

Mia blinked.



A third time for good measure.

But the wide doe eyes were still staring into hers with alarm.

Jeon Jungkook. Huh.

'Well, won't you look at that...'

She turned around, looking for her best friend. She spotted her staring wide-eyed at Joon. Hannah had a full view of his face, but Mia didn't. 'Who did he bring along?' her eyes assessed his body real quick, together with the name. Buff figure. Tall. Joon.

Kim Namjoon.

That's when her mind blanked out. No, she wasn't unconscious, her brain just got a major error. The situation was too much for her last brain cell to comprehend. Before she knew it, she and Hannah were being dragged out of the club. 

Fuckedy fuck fuck FUCK. Jungkook had come up with many scenarios of how their mates would find out who they were, but this wasn't one of them. After a quick glance at Namjoon, they both dragged their mates outside as fast as humanly possible. Don't want to draw any unnecessary attention. Jungkook rounded the first corner he could find, which led into an alley. Fucking great. At least nobody seemed to be hanging out outside. Both boys let go of the girl's wrists, shuffling nervously on their feet.

Mia and Hannah stood next to each other, eyes flitting between their faces, seemingly not knowing where to look. Suddenly their faces turned blank, staring straight at Jungkook and Namjoon respectively.

"Care to explain yourselves?" Hannah's voice was cold. "Both why you two have seemingly followed us here and how we ended up involved with two of Korea's biggest celebrities." Mia's gaze was piercing right through Jungkook. Jungkook shivered.

'Damn she is hot- NOT THE TIME.'

Jungkook genuinely had no idea how to explain his actions without outing himself. Even Namjoon, the one who always had a plan ready, was silent. Seconds ticked by. The blank faces of the girls slowly turned from blank to pissed, with a hint of hurt in their eyes.

"Go away," Hannah spit while already taking her leave. "And leave us alone." Mia said through gritted teeth, following Hannah back inside.

Jungkook watched them leave before his eyes blazed red. He let out a low growl, turning around and punching the brick wall. The stone cracked under the power. Jungkook was panting slightly, crimson eyes settling on Namjoon.

"Now what the fuck do we do?"

Jesus fuck not this shit again.




A whine.

"Bitch, get the fuck off the ground." Mia rolled her eyes. She grumbled. "Always the same shit."

"" Hannah muttered.

After the best friends went back inside, they ordered multiple shots and mixed drinks, not wanting to deal with what went down in the alley on their vacation. Mia was tipsy, yes, but never really went beyond that. Hannah on the other hand...

"Nooooooooooo." Hannah whined. Mia huffed, dropping Hannah back on the ground after attempting to get her off the floor.

"Fammie! Come collect your twin!" Mia looked around. 'Where is that HO-'

She heard a bunch of giggling near the wall, finding Fammie and Gigi sitting on the ground against the wall, giggling about a straw that was staying upright in their glass. Mia smacked her forehead. She was surrounded by a bunch of drunk idiots. 'Breath in... and breath out.' She clapped her hands.

"Alright bitches! Get your fucking bikes and let's get on the road! We are going home."

After a lot of dragging, multiple close calls with (parked) cars on their way home, and Hannah barely avoiding driving full-on in a ditch on more than one occasion, they finally made it back. Mia let out a relieved sigh. Rest. Finally.

"I want eggs!"

"Me too!"

"Me three!"

Or not.

Mia looked at the three idiots that were sprawled across the living room. "Literally none of you three want eggs after going out. Like... ever. Even if we go to friends' houses for EXACTLY that." She stared at her friends and sister incredulously. "Like hell I'm going to be baking eggs at ass o'clock in the morning for you idi-" they were knocked out cold. Mia stood there dumbstruck. First, they whine for eggs, and then they go out like a light. Her eye twitched. Turning around, she retreated to her bed for the night. She felt like a babysitter.

"I hope you all choke in your sleep."

While Mia and Hannah went to sleep after the stressful night, Jungkook and Namjoon were pondering in their hotel room. What was the best course of action now?

"We both know what's the best thing to do right now. That doesn't mean you will accept it." Jungkook ignored Namjoon, keeping his gaze on the wall. Of course, he knew what was best. Obviously, their mates were quite livid. Rightfully so. So the solution would be to give them space until they were ready to talk to them again.

Jungkook hated it. Despised it even.

How was he supposed to stay separated from his mate for an unknown amount of time? They didn't know when they would be ready to talk. And even when they were ready, were their mates willing to talk to them? It's a terrifying thought, losing their mates.

But Namjoon was right. As always. He didn't accept it. Jungkook gritted his teeth, admitting defeat to their mate's wishes. Namjoon clapped his shoulder. "Let's go home."

They grabbed their stuff, called a cab, and boarded the first flight home with heavy hearts, praying for their future.

But only time will tell...
