prologue 9

encountering Person!

At the Main Street

" Whoa~ Amazing!" Grimm stared at the main street in awe. Miko, who was next to him, was quite impressed.

'I'm quite surprised, the headmaster can't even afford janitors, and yet he can afford such a school'

"So this is the Main Street. I didn't get a good look yesterday, but what's with these statues? There are seven, and all of them look scary. This auntie, here, looks especially self-important, see?" Grimm pointed at one of the statues which was closest to him. Miko looked at the statue where he was pointing at.

" You don't know the Queen of Hearts?" Someone asked, surprising both Grimm and Miko who quickly whipped her head around to see a boy smiling at them.

" Queen of Hearts? Is she an important person?" Grimm asked, tilting his head to the side.

" In the olden days, she was the queen who lived inside the Rose Labyrinth. She's a strict person who respects discipline, and she won't forgive any disorder among the Trump Soldiers' advance, or in the roses' color. Even though it's a country full of insane guys, they're all in complete obedience to her. Why you ask? It's because disobedience to the law will get you instantly beheaded!" The random student proudly announced.

"T-that's scary!" Grimm shivered, Miko agreed.

" Isn't it cool!? I like it.' Cause, like, nobody will obey a queen that's only kindhearted, right?" He asked.

'No but she would get much more respect from her subjects' Miko only thought of her opinion, not wanting to ruin the moment.

" That's true. It's better to have a strong leader. By the way, who are you?" Grimm asked.

"I'm Ace. A fresh first-year student starting from today. Take care of me well ♪" He introduced, with a sing-song voice at the end.

"I am the great Grim! I'm a genius who'll become a great magician! And this dull one is Miko. My henchman." Grimm proudly stated. Miko smack him across his head.

"OY! What was that for!?" She shrugged and look away, avoiding his gaze, making him pout, and turned back to Ace.

"Hey, hey, Ace. Then, is that lion with the scar on his eye also a famous guy?" he asked.

" Of course! He's the King of Beasts who ruled over the Savanna. However, he's not a born-king. He's a hard worker who took over the throne with a scrupulous plan he made by himself. After he became King, he proposed to live together with the hyenas, who were hated by everyone, too, without discriminating them." 

" Ooh, people who don't get swayed by social status? Rocks!" Grimm cheered.

'I guess that is quite good'

"Who's the auntie with the octopus legs before him?" Grimm pointed to the other statue.

" She's the Witch of the Sea who lives in a cave in the depths of the sea. Her reasons were to help unhappy mermaids. If you pay the price, she'd help you find solution to any of your worries, starting from desires to change oneself to love troubles! It seems that there aren't any wish she can't grant. Well, I heard the cost was a bit expensive, though. If it's to grant any wish, then it's natural, don't you think?"

"Nyahaー! In other words, if I become a great magician, I'd get rich!?" Grimm smiled

'I'm not sure if that is how that works, Grimm' Miko sweat dropped.

"Then, then, what about this uncle in the big hat?" Grimm pointed at the other statue, getting more and more excited over the stories.

" He's the Great Sage of the Desert Kingdom. He's the cabinet minister who works under the kingdom's useless king, and he's a clever person who managed to see through a swindler who tried to deceive the princess by faking his status as a prince! And after that, he managed to get the magic lamp and rose to become the world's number one Great Sage! Furthermore, it's said that he also took the king's throne by using that power!"

Miko continues to listen to what the boy was saying, but after a while she started getting bored. 'These people are quite powerful, yet their methods are... concerning to say the least. But I'm no different, I suppose burning a kingdom down is also very concerning for anyonewho is still sane.'

"Oh-ho! So, as I thought, it's also important for a magician to have a discerning eye!" 

" Ooh, this person's beautiful!" Miko looked at where he was pointing and agreed to his words, she was truly beautiful.

"This person's said to be the world's number one most beautiful queen! Every day, she checks the world's beautiful person ranking in the mirror! And then, it's said that if she's about to fall from the number one spot, she won’t spare any efforts! Her, you know, high awareness to keep being the number one beauty in the world? Is impressive, right? And, it seems that she was an expert at making poisons." Miko's sweat dropped at the story.

"S-she's beautiful but scary..." Grimm's sweat dropped.

" Really? Isn't it cool to have a fixation you won't ever yield?" Ace asked.

"I-indeed, to have one's own beliefs is cool!" He stuttered,  "What about that man with a burning head? He looks scary!"

" He's the King of the Land of the Dead! They said he ruled over a land squirming with evil spirits by himself, so he must be a super powerful person. He has a scary face, but he's a sincere person who does even unpleasant work pushed onto him without rest, and Cerberus, Hydra, and the Titan family all follows his orders and fight for him." 

" Fumu, fumu. To not become haughty even though you have strength is an important thing. Lastly, what about this person with the horns?" Grimm laughed before pointing to the last statue.

" The Witch of Thorn, who lives in the mountain of demons. Noble and elegant, and even compared to all the other seven here, her magic and curse skills are number one! She does things like manipulating thunderclouds to bring about a storm, fully covering a whole kingdom with thorns... anyway, her magic's on a super huge scale. They said she could also transform into an enormous dragon."

" Ooh~ a dragon! The admiration of every monster!" Miko noded her head, 'even in my world, dragons are quite prideful and rare to find.'

" They're so cool, right~" Ace smiled "... Unlike a certain raccoon."

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