Chapter 9- Barry

Bella sighs, she's in her living room. She gets youtube up on her tv and clicks on a video.

"Homework... right." She sighs.

Video title- Barry moments that you can't not love.


Liam is filming Harry and Bella. They are trying to do yoga poses.

"Harry. HARRY! you're going to drop me!" Bella exclaims as she laughs.

"No. I got you!" Harry announces.

He's holding Bella up with his legs.

"I actually can't watch this." Liam states.

Bella suddenly drops on top of Harry.

"Oh my god." Liam exclaims.

Harry and Bella burst out laughing, Harry puts an arm around Bella as she stays on top of him.

Zayn is recording Bella and Harry, Harry is carrying her upside down.

"Hazza I can literally feel the blood all just going to my head!" Bella announces as she laughs.

"You hear something?" Harry asks Zayn.

"Nothin, mate." Zayn replies.

"Hazza!" Bella calls out as she laughs.

"Um probably Garlic Bread or a salad." Bella tells an interviewer.

Harry looks at her as everyone in the room chuckles.

"Love, are you ok?" Harry asks

"Are we all against garlic bread and salad here, what's the deal?" Bella asks with a chuckle.

"He asked you what your best attributes are. And you replied Garlic bread or salad." Harry states.

"Attributes? Oh my god I thought you said appetisers!" Bella calls out.

Everyone including Bella laughs.

"I promise she's not on anything." Harry states.

"That's what he thinks..." Bella mutters.

"What?" Harry asks.

"What? Oh nothing." Bella shrugs.

Harry chuckles.


Harry and Bella are singing karaoke together, while drunk. Taylor is filming it.

"I. I LOVE YOU LIKE A LOVE SONG BABY!" Harry sings loudly.

He spins Bella round and she giggles.


"If you had to stay in a room with one person, any person. For the rest of your life, who would it be?" An interviewer asks.

"Uh... Louis- no actually. Bella. She's a laugh." Niall states.

"She's MINE NIALL!" Harry exclaims.

Niall laughs.

"In the most friendly way possible." Niall then adds.

"Still mine." Harry states.


Bella is filming as her and Harry walk, it's night and no one is around. They are both laughing.

"There's a thunderstorm and..." Bella stammers.

A flash of lightning then appears and Harry screams loudly, Bella laughs even harder.

Bella is in the audience of a one direction concert with a 'Marry me Harry' poster. Other fans havent noticed her.

"Oooo. Hello, Random Pretty girl!" Harry announces as he points to Bella.

She pretends to be shocked.

"If I didn't have a girlfriend I would definitely go for you." He states.

Everyone gasps.


Harry laughs.

"Just so everyone knows. That is Bella standing over there!" Liam announces.

"Yeah theres no cheating going on here- and wow she is getting trampled." Harry states.

All the fans start to try and get closer to her.

"YOU BLEW MY COVER!" Bella calls out.


"What's your favourite song by Bella?" An interviewer asks Harry.

Bella rests her head on her hands and looks at Harry.

"I'm intrigued." She states wide eyed.

Harry chuckles. He looks at her.

"What do you think the answer is?" He asks her.

"The one written about you." Bella replies.

"There's many written about me." Harry states

Bella laughs. She then looks to the camera.

"He's got a point." She states.

He laughs.

"No. Honestly I couldn't choose one. I love them all equally as if they're my children." Harry states quickly.

Bella smiles at him and then chuckles.


"Who's an artist that has inspired you?" A journalist asks Harry.

"Bella smart. I love her music. She's a really great songwriter." Harry mutters with a smile.

"Harry's got the fattest crush on her." Liam then states.

"She's a friend." Harry states.

"With benefits." Niall then adds.

Harry shakes his head and laughs.


"What about that Harry boy. From the British X factor?" Jimmy asks Bella.

She fiddles with her dress.

"What about him?" She questions with a smile.

The audience laugh.

"That's what I'm asking you." Jimmy replies with chuckle.

"Um. He's cool. He's great." Bella states.

"Is that all?" Jimmy asks.

"If youre from the Uk you should vote for him and his band, One direction, on the X factor tomorrow night." Bella adds.

"Nothing else?" Jimmy questions.

"Great singer." Bella states quickly.

"Any other small detail you wanna include?" Jimmy asks.

"Next question!" Bella announces.

Everyone laughs.


"If you could do a duet with any artist right now, who would it be and why?" An interviewer asks the band.

Harry shrugs.

"I mean that Bella Smart chic is really talented." He states.

The paparazzi are filming Bella and zendaya as they walk around New York.
The paparazzi laugh.

"Loving the top." They tell Bella.

"Trying to get him to notice me." Bella jokes in response.

Zendaya giggles.

Bella is makeup free, with a messy bun and Harry's hoodie on. She's lip syncing to "wrecking ball" in her kitchen and filming herself as she dances around.

Harry walks in and chuckles. He then starts to dance with her.


"Right. Ok...." Bella mutters.

She's filming herself and Harry in a cue to order food.

"You're too nervous and you want me to order for you?" Harry asks.

"You're the best." Bella states.

"Tell me about it, babe." Harry says, he flips his hair back and Bella laughs


Bella is sat in her glasses, Harry is filming her.

"Stopppp I know I look like a granny." Bella pouts.

"You look perfect." Harry states.

Bella smiles at him, she then throws a pillow.

"Come watch Barbie princess charm school!" She announces.

Harry chuckles.


"Name three of your favourite things about Harry." Bella reads off of a card.

"Go ahead Baby." Harry states.

"Only three?" Bella asks.

"Smooth." Harry states.

"I know." Bella shrugs.

Harry chuckles.

"Mmmmm. Your eyes." Bella says.

Harry stares at her deeper, she giggles.

"Your smile." Bella then says.

His smile widens.

"And Your kindness." Bella then finishes.

"Why Thank you." Harry tells her.

"You're welcome." Bella replies.

"Do I get a go?" Harry asks.

"It's not on your card." Bella tells him.

"Does it have to be?" Harry asks

"Woahhhh. Getting all hot up in here." Bella states as she fans herself.

Harry chuckles.

Taylor is filming Bella and Harry. He's twirling around with her as they dance together at a party


The paparazzi film as Bella and Harry share a kiss, an audience of fans all scream. The two break apart and laugh.

"What's dating Harry actually like?" An interviewer asks Bella.

She smiles and looks down.

"The best. I could sit here and ramble on all day about what it's like. But that sums it up quickly. Yeah. It's the best." Bella states with a smile.


It's sky's family birthday party, Harry is sitting with her in her room. She's giving him a makeover. Bella is filming through a crack in the door, so they can't see her.

"What do you think?" Sky asks.

She hands him a mirror.

"Oh I look beautiful, Skylar! You are so talented!" Harry announces.

Sky giggles.

"You're Almost as pretty as Auntie Bella." Sky states.

"Almost." Harry says with a smirk.


"You guys will be excited to see that today I am joined by my soul mate, Gem!" Bella announces to her phone.

"Woop woop!" Gemma announces.

"We are off on a little shopping spree.." Bella stammers.

"She says little..." Gemma mutters.

"Good point. We are off on a shopping spree!" Bella calls out

Gemma laughs.

Harry and Taylor are trying to make cookies together. Bella is filming them.

"No Harry, you do it like this." Taylor instructs.

"No Harry you do it like this." Harry mocks.

"Me and you are gonna fall out." Taylor warns.

"You two, behave." Bella states.

Taylor chuckles.

Daya is out for dinner with Bella and Harry. Harry records the two of them.

"Look who I'm third wheeling with." Harry states.

"Me and the wife." Bella states with a smile.


Bella is performing on stage with the one D boys, they are all having a water fight while singing.


"Miss smart. Do you have any comment on those one direction boys?" Liam asks.

He's filming Bella.

"Oh Don't get me started on them." Bella hisses.

"That bad?" Liam asks.

"Awful. Especially that Harry guy." Bella scoffs.

Liam chuckles.

Bella is on a live stream. Harry is cuddling her.

"Harry I have to get up." Bella states.

"5 more minutes." Harry states.

Bella chuckles.

"I have to go." She states.

"5." Harry states

Bella chuckles and fiddles with his hair

Niall is filming as Harry tries to do bellas makeup.

"And this goes...." Harry states.

He places blush on her forehead. Bella laughs.

"Stop! Why would it go there?" She questions as she giggles.

"I dunno. It Looks cute." Harry shrugs.

Taylor is filming. Harry is tickling Bella.

"GET OFF!" Bella yells as she laughs.

"What was that? Tickle you more?" Harry asks.

"No! HAZZA! HAZ!" Bella yells as she continues to laugh.

Bella is filming as Harry tries to plait her hair

"How's it-" Bella begins to state.

"SHHHH. The artist is at work!" Harry announces.

He's focused hard on trying to perfect it, Bella laughs.

Bella and Anne are sat with one direction T-shirts on.

"I don't know whether this is cute or creepy." Harry states.

"Neither do we." Bella says.

They all laugh.

Harry and Bella are on stage, the fans are all recording. He then bends down on one knee. Everyone screams. Bella looks down at him.

He ties up her shoes and then quickly jumps back up.

"It was just a shoe lace that needed tying!" Harry announces

Everyone boos in unison.

"Louder please!" Bella announces.

They all laugh.

Bella is live on Instagram

"Ok a lot of you are asking, Where's Harry? And the answer is that he's being the best, most wholesome man alive and He's gone on a Harry and Sky Day out." Bella replies with a smile.

Harry notices a sign saying "Bella Smart date me please"

"Can someone BURN that!" Harry calls out.

The audience chuckle. He then goes closer to the Guy.

"So you like Bella huh?" He questions in a jokey way.

"SHES FIT!" The guy tells Harry.

"Yeah yeah, she is pretty. But, You know what else she is?" Harry asks.

"What?!" The guy exclaims.

"Mine. HAHAH!" Harry calls out.

He then walks away from the guy. The audience all laugh.

Bella and Harry are sitting in an interview, Bella is talking. Harry puts his arm around her chair. He then moves and places his hand on her thigh. He then moves again and puts it around her.

"Yeah so- I'm sorry. Harry, you good?" Bella asks with a giggle.

"Yeah sorry. Just tryna get comfy." Harry states

"Found the right position?" Bella asks.

"Yes. Please, continue. I won't move. Or breath." Harry states.

Bella rolls her eyes and Laughs


"So! Hello everyone! I am Bella Style-" Bella begins to state to a camera.

Harry and Bella look at each other.

"Bella Styles Huh." Harry begins to mock with a smirk.

"SMART. Bella smart. I'm Bella smart." Bella stammers.

"Are you? Cuz I think I just heard you say Bella Styles." Harry states.

"No. Smart. Definitely smart." Bella stammers quickly.

"I mean you can always take styles. Suits you." Harry shrugs.


Bella is filming her leg, there's a small cut on it. She's sitting on her kitchen side. Harry comes over with a plaster and places it on her.

"Dr styles is in the house, BABBYY!" Harry announces.

Bella giggles.


It's New Years and Bella and Harry are at a party. Niall is recording the party.

"Three... two... one!" Everyone calls out.

Harry pulls Bella close and kisses her.


"Merry Chris-!
Merry-" Harry and Bella begins to say.

They both laugh.

"A bit behind there." Bella tells Harry.

"Sorry. Sorry. Ok. 3.....2....1" Harry states.

"Merry Ch-
Merry" they both state.

They both burst out laughing again.

"You get what we are playing at." Bella tells her camera.

Bella is doing a photo shoot, Harry has come along.

"Yes GET THOSE ANGELS BABY!" Harry announces.

Bella laughs as she poses.

"Oh yes you are HOTTTT" Harry yells.

"Alright. Done." The photographer says.

Bella laughs and runs over to Harry. She hugs him.

Fans are filming Bella and Harry, they are at a 'Coldplay' concert.

"Look at the stars! Look how they shine for you!" They both sing as they face each other.

Harry then tucks a strand Of Bella's hair behind her ear, she looks up at him and smiles.


Harry is recording himself, he runs into the kitchen where Bella is and puts the camera on both of them.

"Sweetheart, It's Tuesday which means..." Harry states.

"TAKE OUT TUESDAY!" They both yell.

They both laugh.


Bella finishes a show, Her management are filming. She runs straight of stage into Harry's arms.

"I'm sorry that I stink." Bella states.

Harry laughs.


Bella and Harry are Hiking, Harry is filming Bella.

"How you doing, Baby?" Harry asks.


Harry laughs.

Gemma is filming, at a family party. Harry is trying to get Bella. But Anne is hugging her tightly.

"IM GONNA KEEP HER!" Anne announces.

"Mum She's already being kept, BY ME!" Harry calls back

Bella laughs, still hugging Anne.

-The video ends.


Bella wipes a tear from her face, she takes in a deep breath.

"Shit..." she mutters.
