
After a year and a bit, 63 chapters + a bonus chapter, a few procrastinated exams and plenty of tears....Hey There, Delilah has finally finished.

I cannot thank you all ENOUGH for all your amazing reading, voting, reviewing and sweet comments and messages, it's made this ride so much more fun and joyful.

A special shout out to inlondontoday because you are the most awesome person, reviewing nearly every single chapter AND writing on my message board; your words never fail to bring a smile to my face :)

This chapter is dedicated to every single reader; ghost reader or commenter or messenger, because each and every single one of you are gorgeous and awesome and my love for you cannot be described in typed words. I cannot thank you all enough for sticking with me through the frustratingly slow updates and clumsy filler chapters and cliffhangers and minor plot twists. 

I truly hope you've all enjoyed Hey There, Delilah, and I cannot wait to share more of my stories with you :)

Without further ado, I give you the last chapter of HTD forever: The Epilogue:

I like to compare life to a game of softball, because it's a game I'm not particularly good at, and don't always like. But lately, I've been learning to love it.

Sometimes, Life throws you curveballs, and you’re trying to hit them, and failing completely. Sometimes, you’ll be stuck waiting for something to move before you can make your move. Sometimes, you’ll throw someone a ball, and it’ll wind up ending badly for you. Sometimes, you’ll hit a perfectly clean shot, only to have it caught by someone and sending you out. But sometimes, you’ll hit a ball far beyond anyone’s expectations and make a home run.

Today, as Dad and I stood at the front gate of our old house and watched the moving vans drive away, I smiled, knowing I’d hit the ball well this time.

And as Dad and I stepped off the airplane into Sydney airport and were greeted with a group of six teenagers and a few adults holding glittery WELCOME HOME signs, I knew I’d hit a home run.

I couldn’t control my grin as I waved shyly at Jules, Ashton, Stella, Michael, Calum and Luke.

I laughed as Jules released Ashton’s hand and sprinted over to me, encasing me tightly in a massive hug, her long dark hair tickling my bare shoulders.

“I missed you!” She said, pulling back and wiping away her tears. “I missed you, so much!”

“I missed you too.” I smiled at her and then squeaked as Stella attacked me in a huge hug. “Hi, Stel.”

“Hiya, Del!” Stella chirped, pulling away and smiling brightly.

“Delilah!” Calum charged in for a hug and I laughed, wrapping my arms around him.

“Calum!” I teased. Then I stood on tiptoe to whisper in his ear. “Em says hello and that she misses you.”

Calum’s cheeks were slightly darker as he pulled back. “Thanks.”

I giggled at him, the squealed as I was knocked off my feet by Michael.

“Don’t you ever leave again.” He growled.

I patted his hair, which was now black streaked with blue. “I promise.”

“Great to have you back, Del.” Ashton said, hugging me tightly.

“Great to be back.” I smiled at him, returning the hug.

Jo sent me a cheerful (and smug) wave, which I returned ruefully.

And then my gaze flitted to the blue-eyed boy patiently waiting his turn.

Our eyes locked and his lips quirked into a smile, one I shyly returned.

And then I was in his arms, his chin resting on top of my head and my cheek pressed against his heartbeat.

“Welcome home.” He rumbled in my ear.

I pulled back to smile at him. “It’s good to be home.”

Then Luke leaned in and pressed his lips to mine in a rare display of public affection.

A few camera flashes went off and some wolf whistles were heard.

I pulled away, my mouth in an O shape. “I thought you didn’t want the fans to know yet.”

Luke smirked. “I want everyone to know you’re mine.”

I blushed furiously and he laughed, hugging me tightly.

Luke and I held hands and walked behind the rest of the pack as we headed out of the airport and into the blissfully warm sunlight of Sydney.


It was just like the start of tour.

The seven of us (sadly minus Em, who was still at home in Melbourne with her family) were all comfortably scattered around in the den of Luke’s house, lounging around on couches and beanbags and the carpet.

We were watching movies and pigging out on chocolate and lollies, dressed in lazy, comfy clothes and feeling so perfectly happy.

I was safely curled up in Luke’s arms once again, and I’d never felt more at home than I did right there.

We were all a family again, laughing at each other’s antics, quoting the movies, getting up to act out scenes, throwing Mentos at each other.

The perfect domestic scene.

Finally, the clock ticked over eleven-thirty, and the others started yawning.

Calum left first, because his mum had stayed and chatted with Liz this entre time (the two of them were great friends, borne of over a decade of friendship between Cal and Luke), politely declining Luke’s offer of letting him sleep over.

“I don’t want to third wheel.” Calum had said, winking cheekily and getting a slap to the head courtesy of Luke.

He’d been texting Em all night, I knew he missed her, and was probably going to Skype her when he got home.

Michael and Stella left next, because Mike’s dad was picking them up.

The two of them waved goodbye sleepily and I smiled as I saw Mike piggyback a sleepy Stella to the car.

Ashton and Jules left last, because Ashton was driving her home and she didn’t want to leave me until she had to.

I hugged my best friend tightly.

“I’m sorry, Delilah.” Jules whispered, her breath tickling my ear.

I pulled back and smiled at her. “I forgive you, of course I do.”

We shared one last hug and then she was gone, letting Ashton tug her out to his car.

And then it was just Luke and I.

I was staying here tonight, Dad was staying at a hotel. We couldn’t move into the house properly until tomorrow, when the removal trucks finally arrived.

Luke smiled at me softly. “Hey.”

“Hey.” I replied, quietly, a gentle smile tickling my lips.

“I missed you.” He said, taking my waist between his hands. A light blush freckled his cheeks as he admitted this.

I bit my lip to hide a wide smile at the sight of it. “I missed you more.”

He couldn’t stop his grin as he leaned down to capture my lips with his own.

The kiss was sweet and gentle, more of a welcome home than any of the glittery signs (though they had been pretty cool).

Too soon, Luke pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

“I’m always home when I’m with you.” I whispered. Then I took a deep breath and summoned all my courage, exhaling out into a breathless smile. “I love you.

Luke paused, pulling back to look at me carefully. “Say it again.”

“I love you, Luke.” I blushed and peeped up at him through my hair. “I am so in love with you.”

An awestruck, loving smile swayed across Luke’s lips. “I love you, Delilah Cook. The whole world couldn’t take you away from me.”

“Then let’s go take on the world.” I whispered, pressing my lips to his once again.

Luke was in my arms, his lips warm on mine and his hands on my waist.

I was happy, had never been this happy.

I was home.

The End. 
