Chapter 9

In the living room

"Why didn't you soundproof your room Kaigaku?" Muzan asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. "We did!" Kaigaku said, a bit panicked. "I think she was using her belt to spy again." Gyutaro said. "I thought I told her to stop that." Douma said. "You did but, what were you two doing? You both said you would only cuddle!" Kokushibou said, angrily. "Koku." Muzan said. Kokushibou looked at him. "Sit down." Muzan said, getting up and pointing at the armchair. Kokushibou sat down, upset. Muzan sat back down on his lap and wrapped a arm around Kokushibou's neck. "They are adults. As long as they are being safe, not getting pregnant, and have their room soundproof they are fine." Muzan said. "But-" Kokushibou said. Muzan put his finger on Kokushibou's lips. "This is non negotiable. They are both consenting adults." Muzan said, taking his finger off Kokushibou's lips. "Fine." Kokushibou said, then whispered something to Muzan that caused him to blush. Kokushibou got up and slightly dragged the still blushing Muzan out of the room. "I'm going to find Akaza, Tanjiro, and Daki." Douma said, leaving the room.

Meanwhile with Akaza, Tanjiro, and Daki

"Hey Nezuko." Tanjiro said, as they got back to the platform. Nezuko and Nakime stopped talking and turned to the three. "Hello." Nezuko said. "Nezuko, this is Daki, Daki this is Nezuko." Tanjiro said. "So you're baba's sister." Daki asked. "Is Oni-chan baba?" Nezuko asked. Daki nodded. "Then yep. I'm his little sister." Nezuko said, smiling. Akaza wrapped his hands around Tanjiro's waist and rested his chin on top of Tanjiro's head. "Haha." Tanjiro laughed, laid his hands on Akaza's, and leaned back into his chest. "Aw~" Nezuko and Daki said. "Nezuko, can I do your hair?" Daki asked. "Sure, Nakime can I do yours?" Nezuko asked. Nakime nodded. Nakime turned her back to Nezuko, Nezuko turned to face Nakime, Daki got on the higher platform, and sat down behind Nezuko. Daki started doing Nezuko's hair and Nezuko started doing Nakime's hair. "You three get along great." Tanjiro said. "Daki and Nezuko getting along was expected but I didn't expect Nakime and Nezuko to get along." Akaza said. "Why's that?" Nezuko asked. "Nakime doesn't talk and when she does it's usually threats about someone breaking something or before we soundproofed all the rooms." Akaza explained. "Nakime hates when something in here is broken because she is in charge of it." Daki said. "Once when Kaigaku and Akaza were fighting they broke a shelf and punched holes in a few walls so I put the outside up to the second before the sun touched both of them." Nakime said. "Hello." Douma said, landing next to Tanjiro and Akaza. "Hey Douma." Tanjiro and Akaza said. "Daki." Douma said. "Yes?" Daki asked. "Would you care to explain how you heard them when their rooms are soundproof." Douma asked. Daki froze and everyone looked at her. "Umm." Daki said. "Daki, what did you do?" Akaza asked. "Umm." Daki said. "What did we talk about with using your belt to spy on people." Douma asked. "Not to." Daki said, putting her head down. "Correct, don't invade others ' privacy." Douma said. "Ok." Daki said. "Next time you see Gyutaro and Kaigaku, please apologize." Douma said. "Ok." Daki said. "Can we cuddle?" Tanjiro asked, looking up at Douma and Akaza. "Yep. Let's go." Douma said, while Akaza kissed Tanjiro's cheek. "See you guys later." Tanjiro said, getting onto Akaza's back. Douma, Akaza, and Tanjiro left and Daki, Nezuko, and Nakime went back to doing each other's hair and chatting.

In Douma and Akaza's room

Akaza was on the left side, facing Tanjiro and Douma, his right arm around Tanjiro, and his left hand holding Douma's hand. Tanjiro was in the middle of the two, has his head in Akaza's chest, and is using Douma's left arm as a pillow. Douma was on the right side, facing Tanjiro and Akaza, his right hand was hold Akaza's hand, and his left are was being held hostage as a pillow by Tanjiro. "Hey Douma." Tanjiro said, turning his head to look at Douma. "Yeah?" Douma asked. "What exactly happened after we left?" Tanjiro asked. "It turned out Kaigaku and Gyutaro did soundproof the room, also that Daki was using her belt to spy again, and Master got Kokushibou to calm down and leave Kaigaku and Gyutaro alone." Douma said. "Oh." Tanjiro said, before snuggling back up. "Did you steal Douma's arm?" Akaza asked, laughing a bit. "Yeah." Tanjiro said, with an adorable expression. Akaza started laughing and Douma pouted. "Hey, I lost my arm and hand to Tanjiro and my other hand to you." Douma said. "You're not getting them back." Akaza and Tanjiro said. Douma put his head in the crook of Tanjiro's neck, grabbed Akaza's waist and pulled him closer. Tanjiro and Akaza used their free hands and rubbed Douma's head. "You big baby." Tanjiro said. "I love you two." Douma said. "I love both of you as well." Akaza said. "And I love you two back." Tanjiro said. The three snuggled closer and slowly fell asleep in each other's arms.


To Be Continued...
