chapter 1 "Hello there!"

Hex's POV

It was a beautiful day! I went to a park to do some basketball and sing! Nothing new! But today was interesting I was just looking for a park in this city when I saw something in the alley way, I don't think it was any danger! So I went to the bomb looking thing
Hex: "hello! I'm hex! And you are?" The bomb quickly looked at me...he was a bomb but also very very tall, I just looked up and he looked down at me
???: "what the"He looked at me up and down and just raised up his arms
???: "you found me..."
Hex: "huh? I do not understand! I did find you but why are you putting your arms up?"
The man looked at me confused and put his arms down
???: "wait so you are not after me?"I shook my head
Hex: "nope! I just want to ask if your up to play some basketball!" He looked at me then just shrugged
???: "sure.."We both came out of the alley way and I fully saw him he was tall had a dark blue hoodie and some sort of orange-ish pants? He had a face that he wasn't supposed to be messed with but I doubt that he was mean!
Hex: "what's you're (your you're??) name?
"Whitty: "Whitty.."
Hex: "nice meeting you Whitty!" I smiled at him and he just glanced at me still frowning but it didn't stop me from playing basketball with him! He was a pro at basketball he didn't even have to jump! I was pretty happy until another person came by but she was human!
Girl: "Whitty? What are you doing?" The small girl asked she had pretty clothes and nice hair dark skin colour! She seemed nice!
Whitty: "oh hex here asked if I wanted to play basketball I guess I just accepted without thinking sorry carol.."
Carol: "it's ok! As long as it's not those things again" Carol looked at me and introduced herself
Carol: "names carol and you may be?"
Hex: "hex! Nice meeting you carol!"
The girl had a sweet smile She looked at Whitty and Whitty looked back
Carol: "do you want to stay with hex for a while? I still have to do things"
Whitty nodded
Carol: "ok I'll see you in a few hours so take care!"
She says walking away, I looked at Whitty and he looked back..something about him what is this? Feeling I say in my thoughts
Whitty: "are you ok?"
Hex: "hm what oh yeah! What do you want to do Whitmore?"
Whitty just looked at me but why was he looking?
Whitty: "huh.."
Hex: "what?"
Whitty: "no one ever asked me what I wanted to do.."I looked at him I felt a bit bad
Hex: "why?"
Whitty: "because they usually drag me on what they want to do which I just go with it.."
Hex: "oh.. well I have nothing to do and all I really do is just basketball and sing! Y'know ehehe!"
Whitty looked at me then looked up
Whitty: " about a calm place?"
Hex: "sure!" He grabbed me and we started walking I don't know where he was taking me but I went with it I just hope coral knows where we are..A few minutes of walking and we make to this calm spot whitmore somehow found a little forest with a river in it the water streaming and some birds tweeting
Hex: "woah.."
Whitty: "yeah I guess you could say it's the only place no one comes too these days since it's to boring for them"I was looking up and all around
Hex: "I see"He sat down under a tree and closed his eyes I sat down beside him just enjoying the nice area of tons of shades of greens and water flowing down the little cliffs I sigh in relaxation
A few minutes or hours go by and I had probably fell asleep because now I was in a house?
Hex: "hm?"I look around too see I was on a red couch
Hex's mind: "what the heck?"
Whitty: "oh you woke up!"
Carol: "good I thought you uhm died I don't know why hehe.."
Hex: "I am ok! Just one question where am I?"
Whitty: "carols home"
Hex: "I see!"I grin a bit I get up to get leaving
Hex: "well I should get going! Thanks for the stay?"
Carol: "do you have any place to go too?" I stopped realizing I really don't
Hex: "no.."
Whitty: "well you can stay here for a bit"
Hex: "are you sure? I don't want to be a burden to you!"
Whitty: "yeah we are cool with it"
Hex: "thank you!"I walked back to the couch and sat down again
Hex: "is there any help I can do?"
Carol: "huh? What do you mean?"
Hex: "well I need to help!"
Carol: "you don't need to!"
Hex: " sure?" I say getting a little uncomfortable that I cannot be of any help
Carol: "yeah it's ok!" She starts yawning a bit
Carol: "well I'll be hitting the hay see you tomorrow Whitty and hex night!"
Hex and Whitty: "night/ good night!" Carol left and now it was just me and Whitty in the silence....very awkward
Hex: "sorry."
Whitty: "?"
Hex: "for you know falling asleep or napping"
Whitty: "eh it's cool"I thought he would be mad but I guess not He sat beside me and I just starting to get tired the solar thing hasn't been working that great lately I think I need to fix it soon, I close my computer eyes (XD like uh sorry) and sleep
In the couch

morning Whittys POV

I wake up to see hex on top of me still sleeping he was pretty light for a robot or maybe I'm just ten times his size whatever, I don't get up instead I just sat there cause I don't want to wake hex up he seems to be really really tired even when I first met him, though he still cracks a smile, this different then other robots it's like he has emotions of his own and like he's human? I don't think I can question much about it so I just don't think about it much, a few minutes go by and he wakes up
Hex: "..... I- I'm so sorry Whitty!"
Is he ok?
Whitty: "it's ok.." Hex got up quickly and sits down normally
Whitty: "you ok?"
Hex: "hm? Yeah I'm great!" I wasn't buying it. Actually can robots get sick? I guess that's what a virus is called? I'm not sure, I went up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, he was WARM!
Whitty: "you ok dude? You are really warm!"
Hex: "yep I'll be ok!" He smiled at me, it was kind of reassuring I sighed
Whitty: "call if you need anything" I say then go out

To be continuedI did this at like- 6 to 7 AM or something 1074 words

Alright you guys I have a few rules for my book
1. Don't hate on my ships because YOU don't like them I enjoy them and it makes me deeply happy it's my comfort and my way to cope
2. If you get into a fight with jasmine that's not my problem it's yours your dealing with the beast
3. If your are under the age 13+ leave but I can't tell you what to do
