
Aimi finished getting dressed in the clothes her mother had laid out for her. She happily walked downstairs to show her mom. "How do I look mommy?" the 6 year old smiled looking at her mother. Her mom smiles "You look beautiful sweetheart!" she pats Aimi's head. Her mom turns back to the counter and continues to cook dinner, Aimi went to the living room and sat with her dad while they wait for their guests. After 30 minuets of Aimi and her father watching volleyball their was a knock on the front door. Aimi's dad got up and opened the door. "Ah hello Mr. and Mrs. Bokuto!" he smiles brightly moving out of the way. Two people walk in and theirs little boy standing in the middle of them. Aimi's mom walks out of the kitchen and over to them "Hello! This is my daughter Aimi." her mom introduces her. Aimi smiles and waves shyly while the little boy looks at her eyes. "How come you're eyes are two different colors?" he questioned tilting his head, his mother quickly hit the back of his head. "Kotaro! That's rude!" his mother scolded him, Aimi looked down embarrassed. Kotaro looked at her as he rubbed the back of his head "I'm sorry, I thought they looked cool." after he said that Aimi quickly looked up at him "Really?!". The boy nodded and their parents smiled. "How about you kids go play while dinner gets finished." Mr. Bokuto suggested. the kids nodded and ran off to play while the parents talked business. After they ate dinner the Bokuto family left and Aimi got ready for bed. "Daddy can you tell me the princess story again?" The little girl begged her dad before going to bed. He nodded and told her the story, helping her fall asleep peacefully.

Throughout that year Aimi and Kotaro saw each other a lot. They went to the same school and they would go to each others houses for their parents business. But one day they stopped seeing each other. Kotaro stopped going to the same school as her, Her dad started coming home later and her mom began to drink a lot. When her dad was home her mom would fight with him. Then one day he just never came back, without a word he left Aimi with her broken mother. Things kept getting worse for the once cheerful girl. She got bullied more in school, her mom would yell at her for nothing and every now and then she would hit her.

By the time Aimi started high school she didn't have any friends or even bother making any. she would ditch classes or sleep in them. Her mom would be locked up in her room but when she wasn't she was yelling at Aimi or hitting her. She was numb to it at this point, she avoided her house as much as she could though. she Also started smoking weed to help with any emotions or pain. But one thing she couldn't stand was the thought of her father or even sometimes she hated Kotaro for leaving her.


A/N: hi i hope you liked the prologue. i will update with chapter 1 soon. (i hope) i'm easily unmotivated. Anyways have a good night/day! :)

word count: 550
