
The Awesome trio: Let's take a selfie!!!

The Axis: (*wiggling their arms*)

The Allies: (*troll faces*)

The Magic trio: YASSSS! WE LOVE CATS!! (*jumping up and down*)

The F.A.C.E. family: WE SAW A DOUBLE RAINBOW, OH MY GOD, THIS DOUBLE RAINBOW IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! (*cartwheeling on the grass*)

The Nordic 5: (*vomiting out rainbows because they're watching {favourite anime}*)

The Kirkland Brothers: (*dancing with pocky sticks*)

The Baltic trio: (*wearing sunglasses and wearing shirts that are cool at the same time*)

China's family: EVERYDAY WE'RE SHUFFLING!!!! (*dancing to Party Rock*)

The Micronations: (*wearing shirts that have "#GOTSWAG" on them*)

(The end of this random chapter!)
