We Will All Crash Into The End of All Worlds

Byte's POV:

Exhausted, I pull up the last email (FINALLY) full of people and open the attachments. "This should be everyone." Next to the computer appears a few more puffballs that I don't recognize, which makes me frown. "Why did Meta Knight, Kirby, and Bandana Dee not show up?"

Flopping onto the carpet into exhaustion, a white guy puffball without wings groans, "They're right behind us. All of us together were too big for one email. Over 25 MB, you know?"

Rolling my eyes, I chuckle, "A 25 MB email attachment capacity... You guys practically came from the Stone Age." The other two puffballs that came with him are a green guy one with neon green parrot's wings, and a purple girl one with lavender angel wings.

Needless to say, today has been ''Hectic,' with a capital 'Heck,'" as Magolor so accurately put it earlier. Link and Ash have shown up already, which has led to a few joyful reunions. Most of the points' heroes are here now, so they enjoyed catching up, Rinda was (as always) extremely happy to see Link, and Ash and Pikachu basically had a party when they found each other. Pikachu still hasn't quit being ecstatic and jumping around my house singing the Happy Pikachu Song.

Now, I wait for the last email to show up. After a few minutes, it finally does, and I download the four people inside it. "Kirby, Meta Knight, Bandana Dee, and- Masahiro Sakurai? Whaaaaaat?!?"

"Um, Ohayou," (Good morning) he tells me, then notices that it's not morning here, and changes his greeting to "Konbanwa," (Good evening,) "sorry for intruding, but I wanted to come with these others. I have heard that there is a problem with the Nintendo World console, and I wanted to try and help."

"Um, sure, Ojiisan," (Grandpa,) I say without thinking about it, then give a quick apologetic bow and introduce myself. "I'm Byte Sakurai, your great-great-great-add-several-more-greats granddaughter."

Seeming a bit surprised, he frowns, but before he can get anything out, we're interrupted by a certain pipsqueaky alien.


Maskpalming, Meta Knight mutters, "Oh, joy. Magolor is here."

Overjoyed, Magolor nearly suffocates Kirby with a huge hug, then does the same to Bandana Dee, and then turns to Meta Knight.

Narrowing his eyes, Meta Knight orders shortly, "Do not you dare-" but Magolor, in typical Magolor fashion, ignores him and gives him a giant bear hug too.

"YOU'RE NOT DEADED, META-NOT!!! NONE OF YOU ARE DEA- wait, where's Princess?"

Seeming confused, (not to mention a bit disgruntled,) Meta Knight pushes Magolor off and then turns to me. "That is a good question, actually. Where is Sakura?"

Frowning, I turn back to the computer. "I downloaded all of the attachments... Did she maybe need her own email because that one was full, or something?"

Crossing his arms (which are just paws at the moment... kinda cute, really,) and looking off into space, Meta Knight shakes his head. "She said she was going to be 'attaching' herself immediately after she added me. This is rather strange, not to mention a bit worrisome." Turning back to me, he goes on, "And how have you been, Byte? It has only been a few years, correct?"

"A bit less than five," I agree with a nod, then smile a bit to myself. "By the way, you're going to have to deal with a fangirl as soon as she figures out you're here, you and Kirby both."

Instantly seeming concerned, he demands, "What is a fan-"


Meta Knight is then glomped by Giga, who quickly turns and does the same to Kirby. (Trust me, getting glomped by a fifty-pound sphere of flying metal is not fun.) Mega, meanwhile, lazily floats in and looks at them all for a long moment.

Finally, bored, he declares, "They both look taller on TV."

Laughing, I suggest to the two puffballs that Giga has chosen as the objects of her affections, "You might want to find somewhere to hide until she calms down."

"It is times like these that I wish I could still warp," Meta Knight mutters in annoyance, then grabs Kirby's paw. "Come, Kirby. We must hide from our, er, fangirl." They disappear out the door, a still-squealing Giga following them mercilessly and a few Toads that got here a few hours ago laughing at them. Amused, Bandana and Magolor follow them out a few seconds later with a laughing shrug at each other.

Chuckling, I shake my head and turn to Ojiisan. "Well. What do you suggest we do? The whole box is wiping itself clean, getting rid of everything."

Nodding, he murmurs worriedly, "I knew this would happen someday."

Tilting my head in curiosity, I question, "You knew what would happen someday?"

Sitting down in my other desk chair, he folds his hands in preparation to begin a long explanation of some sort, but then my computer starts going haywire.

"What the-?" I gasp, as I grab the wireless mouse and try to click out of whatever's going on. The screen's glitching, the speakers are making panicking computer beeps and boops, and the cooling fan sounds like it's going to fly off its axle, slice right through the laptop casing, and then go on to murder someone.

A few seconds later, one last Star Warrior appears next to the computer, groaning, rubbing her head, and nursing a broken wing.

Fearfully, she murmurs to herself, "It's starting again. I'm not even back in the box, and it's already starting again."

Eyes narrowed, I ask her, "Who are you, and what the heck just happened?" After seeing that she really is hurt, I then run to the closet and grab a first-aid kit. "And what on earth happened to you?"

Giving me a weak but determined smile, she tells me, "My name is Sakura Dee, and I'm a Time-Traveler."


Sakura's POV:


"Welp, all that's left is you and me," I tell Meta with a tired grin. It's been a long day-and-a-half. "I'll add you, and then I'll add myself. Piece of cake."

A smile in his voice, he wisecracks, "Well, then I will see you in eight hundred years, Flower."

Laughingly, I agree, "The time will fly right by, I promise." After hitting a few keys and making him disappear, I then freeze. "Wait. If I attach myself, who's going to hit 'send?'"

Honestly, this is a real dilemma, one that I really should have figured out a long time ago. Finally, I send the ones who are already there. I'll find some way to join them in a minute.

But then right after the 'message successfully sent' text box pops up, the computer starts going haywire. "What in the name of Dreamland?" I frown as I reach out to the computer. The instant I touch the keyboard, I finally understand what it feels like to be inhaled, as the computer sucks me right in. After just a moment, I fall unconscious.


Finally, I come to my senses again. I've landed somewhere, right on my wing. Just peachy, I think I've broken it.

Groaning, I wonder out loud, "Urgh... Where am I?..."

"Welcome, Sakura of Dee. I have been awaiting your arrival for a long time." The voice is gentle, kind, motherly.

Looking slowly up, I find myself face-to-face with a floating orb of Light, made of every color you can imagine, in every shade and hue you can imagine. "Wh-who are you? Where is this?"

Laughing nicely, she replies, "I am the Light, a servant of the Star Power. I am the source of all magic, the best way to banish Darkness, and the vessel of the Star Warriors' unique powers."

Awed, I bow deeply just like Sword or Blade would do to Meta Knight, but the Light disagrees forcefully but kindly, "Do not do that. I am only a servant, just as yourself."

Nodding slowly, I stand back up and ask, "It is a great honor to meet you, but why have I been brought here? And why did it have to be so... painful?" I squeak the last bit as I accidentally move my wing, making it scream at me. (Obviously, the screaming is not literal.)

Sympathetically, she says, "I would help you, but the Light that heals is your Light, and your own Light cannot be used on you."

Smiling weakly, I assure her, "I know. Don't worry about it."

Not done yet, it goes on, "But there is something I can do." My old star sword flies from the cloth I have it carefully wrapped up in, and an orange Light that I've never seen before separates from the orb, repairs it, and then returns. "This Light belonged to the one known as Orion before he chose the path of Darkness. His Light made him a very great blacksmith, silversmith, glass-smith, the list goes on and on. This was quite a useful skill for him after he joined the army, but he was not content with that, not nearly. He turned to magic to solve all of his problems, and when he found that the Light variety could not be made to fulfill his fondest wishes of power and perfection, he turned to the destructive and cursed magic of the Darkness."

"Solar?" I guess with a bit of a snort.

The orb 'nods,' then continues, "You, Sakura of Dee, have been brought here so that you may be told something, as is often the case when a Time-Traveler is suddenly moved through time without any sort of warning."

The words make me freeze. "So... I a-am a Time-Traveler? I really am doomed to live such a curse?"

Warmly, she tells me, "We are never tempted or tested beyond what we can bear, you know this as well as I do. Besides which, it is not a curse. It may be difficult, and it may be lonely, but the calling of the Time-Traveler is most definitely an honorable calling."

Slowly, I nod. If this is what I have to do with my life, then it's what I have to do with my life. There's nothing I can do to change it. "Okay. So what do you need to tell me?"

Without warning, the orb begins to glow fiercely, all of the colors blending together into pure, blinding starlight. "I am not dead. I am alive. I think, I feel, I breathe, my heart beats. It is not a heart like that which you have, but I do have a heart."

"So my magic is sentient," I murmur in amazement as I cover my eyes in order to avoid being blinded. "It's not just a tool, it's a living creature."

The room fills with a nearly-overwhelming sense of pure, true power. Not evil or sinister in any way, but it's a power that you should want to always have on your side, never against you. "Light moves, Light breathes, Light lives. Even outside of Nintendo World, there can be magic. There can be Light."

Confused, I demand, "Then why wouldn't my Light ever work? Why is the magic only in the computers?"

"The Light does not come from you," she tells me. "The Light is not of your own making. It is my task to provide your Light, but I only provide it to those whom the Star Power chooses."

Finally starting to get it, I gasp, "So what you're saying is-"

"If I came out of the console, the Light and the magic would come with me," she agrees, sounding glad and proud that I figured it out myself. The colors separate again, and the brightness fades back to the warm glow it started as.

Curiously, I wonder aloud, "Is Darkness alive, then?"

Firmly and powerfully, she disagrees, "Evil can never create. Evil cannot make life, only destroy it. Darkness is not alive, it has no heart. It has no emotions other than a terrible desire to kill, to devour, to destroy, to bring all that is Light to despair. It is sentient, yes. But it is not alive."

Sad, I murmur, "I guess that makes sense. I hate Darkness, but yet it tempts me. Why is it that I do what I don't want to do when I don't do the things that I know I really should do, and that I really do want to do?" (A.N. 'I'm a walking contradiciton of the things that I do and the things that I say believe! But you know the way I wanna be...' Sorry, random song break. E(: )

"The Darkness tempts all," she agrees knowingly. "It is not enough for it to destroy and ruin, it must also try its best to bring those who are Light down to its level of Darkness. And the brighter one shines with Light, the more fiercely the Darkness will find and exploit their every weakness. Nothing can be hidden from it, but comfort lies in the fact that nothing can be hidden from the Light, either."

Nodding once, I force myself to stand up. "And so it's my job and the job of every true warrior to stop its every attempt to kill, to devour, and to destroy, or to die trying."

Proud, she agrees, "Exactly, Sakura of Dee. If only everyone understood this, the Galaxy would be a much better place. Now, I will return you to you friends. May your days be filled with Light, and may the Star Power guide you."

"The same to you," I grin weakly, then close my eyes as the feeling of being time-traveled starts flowing through me. Like it always has, it starts at my toes and works its way up to the top of my head. It's a pure feeling, a comforting feeling, but at the same time it's sort of scary, sort of unpredictable. Curling my paws into my fists, I command myself to get used to it. I should be glad I got a break for so long. Now, it's time to face the music.

Quietly, I murmur to myself just before the actual 'travel' part starts, "I am Sakura Dee, and I am a Time-Traveler."


Byte's POV:

"So that's what happened," the new Star Warrior finishes as I get done bandaging her wing, which I've got a makeshift cast tied around. "And now I'm grounded until this heals up. Yay for me." Turning to me, she goes on, "So, did the others make it here okay?"

Nodding reassuringly, I tell her, "Everyone, all over a hundred of them."

"Good," she exhales in relief. "I'd appreciate it if you two didn't tell anyone about the Time-Traveler thing. I'll tell them myself, eventually, anyway. Until then, I'll just find something to tell them about my wing."

Hesitantly, I agree, "All right, then."

Just then, Meta Knight and Kirby cautiously sneak into the room. "Hide us," Kirby pleads, making Sakura look at them in worry.

"Closet," I tell them with a laugh as I point to the location in question. Quick as a wink, they dive in and shut the door behind them. Moments later, Giga zooms in.

Disappointed, she sighs, "Aw, I don't see them. Are they in here, Byte? Huh, huh? Are they, are they?"

Shaking my head, I say apologetically, "Nope. Sorry, Giga. Check the attic."

"M'kay," she nods, then zooms away. "I must find and hug the puffballs! They're so puffy I'm going to die!"

Raising an eyebrow, Sakura mutters, "But she doesn't even have arms. She technically isn't able to hug."

Giggling, Magolor floats in and disagrees, "Really? Try telling her that. I've been loved nearly to death a few times too in the past several days."

"Mags!" Sakura laughs, grinning at him. "Long time no see."

Rolling his eyes, he snickers, "It's only been, like, a week. Nice to know you missed me, though, Princess."

Her smile disappearing, she murmurs, "It's been longer than that for me. Like, twenty-one years longer, almost."

Growing confused, he mutters, "Say what now?"

Shaking her head, she assures him, "Don't worry about it."

After glancing at her in concern, I call to the two hiding in the closet, "You can come out now. Giga's vamoosed." Finally, I turn to Ojiisan. "So, what was it that you knew was going to happen someday?"

"Gather the heroes," he tells me. "They all need to hear this."

After a long moment, I nod once. "Okay. I'll get the non-heroes too."

"Can I join?" Sakura asks hopefully.

Winking at her in a fatherly way, Ojiisan points out, "I did say I wanted all of the heroes, didn't I?" She grins a bit and nods appreciatively.

While Magolor and Sakurai go find the others from all over my house and big yard, I sit and listen to Meta Knight ask Sakura what happened to her wing. Without batting an eye, she tells him that she tripped and fell off of a desk chair onto it. The fact that he finds this believable makes me wonder if she's anything like Rinda.

Turning to me, she laughs, "I'm good with a sword and cooking utensils, and I'm graceful in the air. But I have hardly any coordination with anything else, including pens, walking, dancing..."

With a chuckle, Meta Knight agrees, "I once told her to draw something as part of her training, and she brought me a beautiful picture of a palm tree about two hours later. I was astonished and complimented her on it-"

Sighing in amusement, Sakura finishes, "and then I told him with much indignation that it was not, not, not a palm tree, but quite obviously a copy of a drawing I had found of Timothy Ebrum, aka Tuff, that he had done at some point. Meta's the artist between the two of us, except for when I'm finger-painting. Then I can do okay."

Giving her a teasing glance, he says, "The funniest part was how aggravated she got when I started attempting to find any resemblances between the original and her copy. 'Oh, I see. These coconuts are actually his eyes?'"

"They weren't coconuts!" Sakura glares at him in bemusement. "They didn't even look like coconuts!"

"But they did," he disagrees simply. "You should have just left me believing that it was a palm tree. You would have saved yourself from a lot of embarrassment and indignation."

Laughing, I then gesture to them to hush as Magolor floats back in, followed by everyone else. Everyone instantly grows serious as Sakurai sits down backwards on my extra desk chair and rests his arms on the back. "Hello, all of you. I am Masahiro Sakurai. Many, many years ago, I helped to form your world. I was actually in charge of the Dreamland point, and I am the one that designed Meta Knight, Kirby, and Dedede, among several others, although Dedede-daiyo is not here."

"Thankfully," Meta Knight murmurs quietly to himself, making me smirk a bit. It's funny how he always either hates someone or seems to genuinely like them in his own distant way. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground for him.

Grinning over at him, Sakurai then grows serious and goes on, "You also all already know that your world is contained inside of a box, a computer console, to be exact." He pauses a moment, then says, "I'm afraid that there's not really anything we can do for your world. Trust me, if there was, I would do whatever it took to accomplish it. But this is really the end."

"We will all crash into the end of all worlds," Link murmurs quietly, looking to him for confirmation.

Nodding, Sakurai agrees, "Exactly. We wrote that prophecy as a sort of warning to you all about the end, although we had no idea the box would actually survive this whole time."

After a long pause, he sighs, runs one hand through his hair, and then starts to explain. "Your world... The level of programming needed for it far, far exceeded anything else that had ever been attempted at the time."

"Or that's ever been attempted since," I interrupt.

Tilting his head, he murmurs, "Really? Well, anyway. It required an insane amount of programming. Not only did we have to program all of the characters and all of their worlds, but also all of the intricate details so that it would seem like a real place, so that anyone could be fooled into thinking it was a real place. We had to program the seasons, the plant life, the journeys of the comets, the rotations of the stars, the paths of all of the planets around the respective suns, and the moons around the planets. We had to program the weather, the wind, the volcanoes, the earthquakes, all of it."

Awed, Sakura murmurs, "I never really thought about it, but you're right. All of that intricacy, beauty, complicatedness... How in Dreamland did you fit it all in one box, and for so long?"

Grinning, he tells her, "We found a new material, a very rare material. We never knew what its real name, or where it came from, but we found a small suppy of it. I carry a bit around with me for luck." Out of his pocket, he pulls a small snippet of barely-glowing thread, grey in color. "It originally came in all colors. It could hold trillions upon trillions times as much information as any memory card invented during my lifetime... so far, anyway."

"Or ever since," I assure him again, gazing at the thread in awe.

"Light," Sakura murmurs, taking it from him gently. "You discovered Light. It's a smaller, weaker variety, but it's the same thing."

Not understanding her, he goes on, "We called it 'Memory Thread.' Not only could it hold a huge amount of memory, but it also breathed life into programs. Not just artificial 'life' like a robot has, but true life, true emotions, true love, true hate, true breath and hope and fear. It was amazing." After a moment, he goes on, "But we knew not everyone would use it for such pure purposes. Indeed, some of our rival companies came up with a substance that was the exact opposite of the Memory Thread in their attempts to duplicate a couple of samples they got ahold of. All they succeeded in doing was killing their samples and creating what we called the Anti-Memory Cloud at first, but later re-dubbed-"

"Darkness," all three of the Star Warriors present state simply.

"Exactly. You guys are smart," he teases, then keeps going. "They got it into the box that we had built, and it started at the edge and worked in, filling everything in its path with hopelessness. And that is the state we were forced to leave the box in. I had lived there for five years, and I was not eager to leave, but it had to be done for our own safety."

"So Solar only created Tedium, not the Darkness," Meta Knight murmurs thoughtfully, then turns back to Ojiisan. "Not long after that, all of the Star Warriors, Lumas, Legendary Pokemon, and the first Hylian Heroes appeared and saved our world from the Darkness. Now please, continue."

Nodding once, he does so. "Well, even Memory Thread has its limits. Even Memory Thread has a point where it can remember nothing more. Ever since the beginning of your world, we had programmed badguys to attack, catastrophes to happen over time, in order to give all of you heroes a purpose. This has led to all of the adventures you have been on. All of your prophecy books are really the coding for those events, the programming for them. But as I said, there comes a point where the Memory Thread is full. It can't hold any more memories, any more rotations of stars, any more of anything. And so, it is wiping its slate clean and starting over from the very beginning. The new world that begins will be just as beautiful and unique as this one, having the same provided characters and the same programmed events, but your- their- lives will travel in completely different directions. There will be completely different new characters, completely different histories. It will beautiful, as I said, but the price that must be paid to have this beauty take place is terrible."

Crossing her arms, Sakura mutters, "And this is where, I am afraid, the prophecies come to their end. We will all crash into the end of all worlds, never to be so guided again." Thinking hard, she murmurs, "All worlds, all worlds..."

Sad, Ojiisan assures her, "There is no double meaning, although puns and double meanings have admittedly always been a Nintendo staple. It means exactly what it says."

Shaking her head, she disagrees, "Destinies can be changed, prophecies can be rewritten. The box, if it really does run on Light, is completely alive, completely in control of what happens inside. It might have put its own spin on the prophecy." Suddenly, her eyes grow wide in hope, and then she begins to laugh. "The end of all worlds! The end of all worlds!"

Meta Knight looks at her in concern, probably thinking she has finally snapped and gone insane. "It is hardly a thing to rejoice over, Sakura."

"No, you don't get it!" she laughs joyfully. "Green Greens, Float Islands, Castle Lololo, Rainbow Resort, the list goes on and on! They're all worlds! When we go to them, we say we're going to a world! It's the same way in a video game! The worlds are the levels! The prophecy means that the levels are over, that there's nothing else programmed! From now on, everything will happen on its own, without previous programming. Finally, everything in the box will be truly free, truly alive, with no programming behind it to control it! 'Never to be so guided again,' we have to choose our own paths now!"

"Maybe so," Ojiisan smiles weakly, "but we will never see that. The box is done for."

"Maybe not," she disagrees with a grin, then turns to me. "Byte, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

It takes me a moment, but I suddenly get what she means. "Woah... That's freaking awesome! Yes, yes, YES! But wait... whoever goes and does it... They'll almost certainly be done for."

"It's our only chance," she tells me, quite sure of herself, and I have to say that I agree with her. "It's also our best chance."

Worriedly, I murmur, "But there's no magic out here." Everyone looks at us in confusion.

Grinning, she disagrees, "Trust me. I know what I'm talking about." Giving Meta Knight a smiling look, she finishes, "I'm a hero." A smile appears in his eyes, a smile that's completely lost on me, but whatever.

"Let's go," I nod, grabbing my laptop.

Firmly, Meta Knight declares, "I am also coming."

"Me too," Kirby pipes up.

The Star Warriors that have introduced themselves to me as Geo, Terra, Don, and Blizzard, who have all been silent so far, nod at each other, then Geo steps forward. "We'll come with you."

In a no-nonsense tone, Sakura disagrees, "No, you're not, and that's an order. Where would ODURAF be without all of you guys?"

Rolling his eyes, Geo points out, "There's not really a need for ODURAF here..."

Sakura frowns at him. "Geologicus, what was it you were saying earlier about an order from your commanding officer?"

Annoyed, Geo nods. "Yes, General Grumpy-Flower."

Smirking, she nods at him, "At ease, Geologicus. That name is way more embarrassing than anything I could come up with."

"What about me?" Kirby huffs again, and Bandana nods urgently along with him. "Wherever you're going, I'm coming with you."

Sakura opens her mouth to speak, but Meta Knight holds out a hand to shush her. Going over to Kirby, he tells the puffball kid, "Kirby, Sakura and I have fulfilled all of our parts in the prophecies. Our destinies have been fulfilled. But even now, there is one prophecy that has yet to be fulfilled."

"'The peace of all worlds,'" Sakura mumurs.

Nodding, Meta Knight goes on, "'We will finally have peace from one with a name that all will remember forever. For his name is:'"

"'Kirby,'" Kirby finishes with a single nod. "I don't know many prophecies, but I know that one."

Nodding again, Meta Knight says, "And I have mentored you as much as I can. There is nothing else for me to do, after all, you can even beat me, as you have shown several times." Kirby giggles a bit. "You know the ways of chivalry and of selflessness. Now," he pauses a second, making me frown. Is Meta Knight having an emotional moment?!? Is that even possible?

After a long pause, he gives Kirby a close hug. "Make me proud, little brother."

Surprised, Kirby hugs him back and agrees, "Okay, big brother. Do you want me to make Nightmare pay for everything he's done to you and everyone else?"

Pulling back, Meta Knight shakes his head firmly. "No. You do not need to make Nightmare pay, that would only bring you down to his level. You only need to make him stop."

Determined, Kirby nods, "Yes, sir."

Coming over, Sakura gives him and Bandana a hug too. "All right, my little Star Warrior and my Hero Dee. Take care of yourselves, okay?"

Frowning, Kirby demands, "You guys and Byte are coming back, right?"

Smiling, Sakura nods, "We'll try. But if we don't..." she touches his side, (I guess that's where Star Warriors' hearts are,) and promises, "we'll still be in here."

"In my stomach?" Kirby makes a disgusted face, ruining the whole moment. "Why would you be in my stomach?"

Laughing, Sakura assures him, "No, in your heart, goofus. Now be careful. Remember, the Star Rod won't be enough. Try a combo of the Star Rod and your Light." Tenderly, she kisses them both on top of the head and whispers, "I am glad to have served you."

"Ready?" I ask the both of them as I carefully put the laptop (with Nintendo World plugged into it) into a black-and-grey backpack. "But how are we going to get there?"

Smiling, Sakura holds up the 'Memory Thread' that she's still holding. Turning to it, she whispers, "All right, little one." Holding it to her like a mother would cradle a baby, she murmurs, "I know you're old, and I know you're tired, but we need you for just one more spell." Weakly, the grey, barely glowing Light starts to gleam a weak, faltering shade of pink. "'Atta Light," she smiles. "You can do it, sweetheart." After another moment, the Light finds strength somewhere and flashes a bright, happy soft-pink. "There you go," Sakura laughs, then murmurs a spell, a joy in her eyes that I don't really understand, but it looks like she's finally doing something she loves again for the first time in a long time.

Suddenly, the feeling I got the one time I stole the Dimensional Cloak from Meta Knight and warped (after we beat Tedium, but before coming home,) returns, and I find myself floating in a black place. Just as suddenly, reality reappears around us, and I'm floating way out in outer space.

That's when I so conveniently remember that I can't breathe in outer space.

Grinning, Sakura winks at me, letting me know that she's somehow taken care of it. Meta Knight wraps himself up in his cloak (it's not the Dimensional Cloak, it doesn't look quite right,) and looks at the two of us curiously, obviously wondering what needs to be done.

Smiling in pure determination, I open the backpack, open up the laptop, and pull up a command prompt box. It's time for Byte to get to work.

After a long moment, I've gotten the appropriate (really long) string of code entered. Determined, I press 'enter.'

*please enter password* appears onscreen. Great. What password? If you haven't figured it out already, I just love passwords.

Confused, I show it to Sakura, who also frowns. But when Meta Knight sees it, he reaches for it and types something in. A second password box appears, and Sakura now knows what to type in. A third password box appears, and I suddenly know what to write:



Meta Knight's POV:

As soon as I see the text box on the laptop screen, I somehow know what is mine to add to it.

All of my life, I have been known as the Lone Knight, the one who avoided others, the one who fought by himself.

But now, I finally understand.

I am not alone. I have never been alone.

First of all, there has always been the Star Power. He has always guided me, always led me, even through my darkest hours. It was he who saved me from my despair that day, the day that the war ended. The day that I thought our whole Galaxy was without hope.

And there was Garlude, Joseph, and many other good soldiers. Now there is Kirby, Bandana, Sword, Blade, and Sakura. My Sakura. How could I really be the Lone Knight, if I have found love?

Taking the laptop, I type in:



Sakura's POV:

After Meta Knight puts in his password, he gives the laptop to me. It took me a moment, but now I know what to type.

I say that I don't know when and where I belong, but that's not true. As a Time-Traveler, where I started is not my home. Like any other Time-Traveler, I eventually found my true home. And maybe I won't be able to always be there, but (hopefully) for awhile I will be, and I'm going to get there soon.

Wherever and whenever I am, it's where the Star Power currently means for me to be. But there is one special place that's really, truly home for me.

My home is Castle Dedede, in Dreamland, on the Planet Popstar, in this time.

And so, I type in,


After I hand the laptop to Byte, she enters her special password, then hesitantly presses enter. Meta's figured out what's going on, and casting off his cloak, he holds me close and wraps his left wing around me (being careful not to hurt my broken wing) and his right wing around Byte like a shield.

Closing my eyes, I just enjoy being close to him for one far-too-short second of peace.

And then, everything explodes.

(Credit for the Prophecy of Kirby and the piece where Meta Knight refers to the time of his despair goes to PrimeJourney, in her short story 'Hope of the Stars.' If you haven't read it yet, GO READ IT. It is my favorite story on Wattpad (even counting my own) and it is EPIC. It's where I got the whole basic idea for the Star Power, and its epic epicness is more epicly epic than your epic epicness. So please, go read it. Thank you! ^D^)
