Chapter 4

Lucifer's POV:

Afterschool, which I deem a time very precious, I ran to an alley. Yes, you heard me right, an alley. I summoned a Nether Portal and jumped in. Arya is someone special, and I would like to report her.

"Bro! Lucifer!" My twin brother, Saturn, ran towards me, "It ain't reporting day today."

"I know," I said, "But I need to tell Lord Herobrine something."

"Ah, that girl you told me about?" Saturn asked. I nodded, I kept him posted.

"She just told me that she survived a direct lightning hit unscathed, and she told me about the symptoms of erased memory. I identified it," I said. Saturn's eyes widened.

"And that happened today?" Saturn asked with disbelief, "She trusts you this much? No offense."

"She kinda er...... Saw our conversation last Friday. She knows what I am, but she trusts me. And since nobody came to get me, I assume she didn't betray me," I said, "I did mention she lives with Notch right?"

"Jeez, brother. Your first spying expedition and boom! This all happened!" Saturn said.

"Exactly why I need to report to Lord Herobrine. I don't think I can contain them in my head for two more weeks," I said. Saturn patted me on the shoulder.

"Good luck bro," he said, "I have to catch the Railworks to the Training Grounds."

"Why?" I asked.

"I got hired for the coach's private apprentice!" Saturn skipped up and down.

"That's great Sat! See you!" I called out as we both jogged away. Grins on our faces. Nothing beats meeting with my brother after being stuck in the Overworld.

Now time for a less appealing task: Reporting about Arya to Lord Herobrine.

The Overlanders saw Herobrine as a tyrant that tried to take over the world because he's power-hungry. In truth, he's a benevolent leader to his people. He fought because people are hunting his hostile mobs deliberately, not only when provoked anymore. That's how we saw it.

And true too. A few unfortunate Minecraftians met their end here when they were hunting our kin. Serves them right.

I walked into the throne room. Lord Herobrine was on his throne.

"Lucifer, I was unaware of you reporting today," Lord Herobrine said.

"My lord, I have some important news to share. I could not wait any longer," I said. Herobrine's lips twitched.

"Quit it with the formalities," he said. I grinned.

"You started it," I said back.

"I had to! I'm lord!" He said. We burst out laughing. Long story short, Herobrine favored our parents. So when they died, he took me and Sat under his wing, but our relationship was more like brothers instead of father and son, or even uncle and nephew.

"Alright then, why are you here? You're not due until next week," Herobrine said.

"I got too much information to keep in my head without it exploding or being forgotten," I said. Herobrine leaned back.

"Really? Spill it," he said, eyes playful.

"Well, they center around a weird girl I met," I started, "First, she's immune to my magic. Second, she saw me in my demon form. Third, she's an adopted daughter of Notch. Fourth, she claims to have survived a direct lightning strike unscathed. Fifth, she claims that she felt like somebody erased her memories, I used the symptoms to identify the problem."

"Do you know the girl's name?" Herobrine asked.

"She said it's Arya. She trusts me too after she saw me as a demon," I said. Herobrine let out a soft gasp.

"That's...... You sure her name is Arya?" Herobrine asked, "What about her last name?"

"Hmm, never knew her last name. But I'm confident her name is Arya," I replied. Hero sunk in his chair.

"Please give me some time to think about this," he said. He doesn't normally do that, he must know something about Arya then.

"You can stay here today since I can obviously tell that you're tired of the Overworld," Hero said, "Leave me alone to think for a sec."

"Okay," I said before walking out of the hall.

Herobrine's POV:

Arya's alive? And with Notch for the matter. She survived lightning and got her memory removed. Who else can she be?

I sighed as I remembered what happened. I returned to only to find Arya missing and her note taken with her too. It would be strategic to kill her, but Notch wouldn't let me know.

After all, he already murdered countless monsters. I wouldn't put it past him to murder my daughter as well.

I sighed. I'm just being hopeful. False hope is dangerous, I need to stick with what I have now, namely, my kingdom, the Nether.

False hope is dangerous when being a king. I should know, the false hope of defeating Notch brought me to my knees.

Besides, it's probably another Arya. Maybe her luck is like mine, and she isn't my Arya. That is the more likely answer.

I sighed as I leaned back on my throne. I took out a picture of Jace and stared at it. She would know what to do now. She would know how to get us out of this situation. She would know whether that Arya is our daughter. If she was still here, Arya wouldn't have gone.

I really miss you, Jace...... I thought. I sighed shakily as I slipped the picture away. I blinked the tears away from my eyes.

I think I'm going to have Lucifer keep an eye on that Arya for a while more, I thought, Then when I got enough information, I guess I will pay the Overworld a little visit.

That was a valid plan. And very little risks. All I need to do is to stay away from the general populace and I would be fine. I wouldn't mind a rematch with Notch either.

I sighed. I really hope that Arya survived. But if Lucifer is right about her memory removed, I don't think I can face her when she doesn't even know who I am.
