Grown up<33

You and Finn got married and now live together. You were reading when Finn sent you a text. "Do you wanna go on a date?" "Of course where to?" "It's a surprise" "ok when are we gonna go?" "In an hour" you read his text and changed.
You put on a skirt with a brown sweater since it was cold out. You put on frilly socks with Mary Janes. You read for a bit more before you heard the front door open. You shot up and went downstairs to greet Finn. Hii baby. Hii hermoso! Let me change really fast and we'll go. Yay! He didn't take to long to change. He was wearing jeans with a rip and a sweater just like yours just in his favorite color.
Let's go. Yay ok! The two of you drove till you got to a park, it was the same one where you and Finn went to as kids. He parked the car and held out his hand to you. You took his hand and he guided you to a little hill, it had a picnic blanket with a picnic basket and a book you really wanted. Thank you so much baby! You hugged him tightly. He laughed and hugged you back. You guys sat and talked for a bit. You were sharing something while he told you all about his week. The way his eyes lit up when he told you about all the good things of his week made your heart swell. After talking for a bit you decided to read. You got your book and sat on his lap to read with him. You looked up at him. I love you hermoso like so so much.I love you too lovely. You kissed him softly. He kissed back.
Hii lovely's this is the end of this story! I loved writing for you all and thank you all for the love and support. I hope you enjoyed my story. Please don't forget to take care of yourself,bye for now!<33
