Athena, Aimhana, Rena

It all started...

(Athena's POV)

"That kind of irresponsibility is unacceptable, Athena!", the teacher coldly declared in front of the class. "Especially when you're the highest prodigy!"

Prodigy? ,Athena thought sleepily. More like, 'plopigy'

"Sorryyy, Mrs. Moran..", she groaned.

Mrs. Moran scoffs. "I should HOPE so, young lady! If you forget things again, I'll get you expelled faster than you can say 'diploma'!"

Athena nods rapidly, which made her glasses slide a little down her nose. 

"Good. Class dismissed."

(Time Skip)


Athena groans as the bell hammers her awake from the most boring class in the history of classes.

She sluggishly gets up, and gets ready to leave. When she was finally done, she headed off onto the forest trail, towards her home.

She carried herself over some peddles... by some squirrels... by some beautiful trees... an inch closer to the tree root-


But, it was too late to take action, as she trips over it, and feels herself fall, seemingly







to the ground. She felt the pain flare, and bruises form, and her glasses thrown off to somewhere.

"Help! Help!", Athena cried out, unable to see her surroundings or tell which way was up. Man, her eyesight was deteriorating! 

After a while of screaming and whimpering, she felt gentle teeth gripping her right hand. Was it a wild wolf? No.. it was something else. Something colorful.

Giving up, she let herself be slowly dragged along, and then heard a curious 'fwoosh' of a portal. 

And then, dizzyingly purple.

(Aimhana's POV)

Aim boredly blasted magic into the sky, and was quite entertained when she saw them fly back into the lake near her feet.

After a while, though, it wasn't enough.

Groaning, she lobs a stone into the water, hoping to make it skip. It miserably fails, and she angrily lobs a fireball into the water.

Feeling miffed, she decides to get up and walk into the nearby woods this afternoon, enjoying the crunch of leaves under her shoes. 

Suddenly, she heard a bark and a panicked squawk.

She ran towards the noise, curious.

What she saw froze her in her tracks.

A unusually colored fox was chasing after a chicken. Around it's neck was a small name tag, which Aim believes says, "Erica".

The fox barked again, and batted a paw full of claws towards the (plump and tender- no, no, just kidding @hxrmits ) chicken, who squawked again, and started running off further into the woods.

Feeling a bit of sympathy for the fowl, Aim ran after them, fists glowing, and didn't notice that she ran right into a newly formed portal until it was too late.

(Rena's POV)

"Right! What're you offering today?", Rena yawns to the Magical Tradesman.

The trader gives the cat hybrid a knowing smile. "I've got.. a treasure map, a unicorn's horn, some books, a crystal ball, and a chance to have an adventure."

Rena's ears perk up. "Adventure?", she echoes.

The Tradesman nods. "Uh-huh!"

"I'm down for excitement! It's kind of boring around here!"

The trader smiles again, and brushes off dust from his clothes. "Well, I've heard a rumor that there's a unique and peculiar- perhaps magical fox roaming around the woods. If you can catch it-which may more likely than not pose a challenge- I bet you'll go places."

Rena jumped up, and shot off.

(Time skip)

The hybrid dangled a dead rabbit from a fishing pole from up in the trees.

This better be worth it!

She nearly fell asleep-

Then, she felt it.

A persistent tug at the line.

Grinning, she jumped down, arms outstretched to grab.

She saw the fox's ears go back, and turn tail.

Rena growled when she barely starts to remember a fox's speed. So, she summoned a portal in front of the fox, sparkles of magic forming around her palms. 

The fox tried to swerve around, but Rena was determined. And perhaps over dramatic.

She tackled the fox into the portal.
