

"Hermione we don't know where he is" he replies tiredly.

"Well send out Deatheaters and find him" I snap.

He sighs "We're doing everything we can" he tells me.

"Well it's not enough" I yell storming out of his office. I slam the door behind me. I walk down the hall towards the library.

I take the note out of my pocket and read over it for the hundredth time. It's obvious who took him. Bill Weasley. I take out the book in tracking spells and try again all the spells in it. Nothing happens.

I touch my dark mark and think Draco. Nothing. I knew it wasn't going to do anything I'd been trying for the last three days.

"Where are you Draco" I whisper.

We had searched everywhere. The burrow and shell cottage had both been empty. No sign of anyone. We looked everywhere that the order had ever been. There was no sign of him anywhere.

I groan and throw the book across the room it hits the wall with a bang and falls down to the floor. I leave the library with as much information as I had before. I walk into my room and see a letter sitting on my bed.

I see the initials on the front of it. B.W. I tear open the letter.

Meet me at the place where it all started at 7 pm. Come alone. Or else the ferret will suffer.

My eyes widen I know where it is. He knew what to say so that only I would understand. As much as I want to I know I can't go alone. I bring the only person who I know won't tell anyone else.

I knock on the bedroom door and it swings open. I show Blaise the letter. "Will you come with me I know it's a trap" is all I say.

He nods. "Don't tell anyone" I stress.

"I won't he's my best friend too" he replies. I hug him.

"Thanks" I whisper. He nods again and I go back to my room to wait.

At 6:55 Blaise and I apparate to my old house. He hides in a closet in the living room. I stand there and wait. At 7 sharp I hear the pop of apperation outside.

Bill walks in first. I freeze when I see the second person walk in. He's holding my Draco. Draco is unconscious. I try to surge forward but there is already a wand pointed at my chest.

"I wouldn't move if I were you" Bill says condescendingly.

"Lets. Him. Go" I growl.

"Nah" he says with a smirk.

I hear a loud crash come from the closet. Bill's smirk drops. "What was that" he hisses. "Go check" he says pointing to the wizard carrying Draco.

He drops Draco and I wince at the sound he makes when he hits the floor. I try to move forward but in an instant there's a wand at my throat. I hear Blaise and I spin around to see the other wizard holding him by the robes.

I quickly turn to see the seething face of Bill. "I warned you" he growls. He turns his wand to Draco.

"NO" I scream.

"Too late" he seethes.

"AVADA KEDAVRA" he yells. "

NOO DRACO!" I scream. I surge forward I don't care what he does to me.

Nothing could ever hurt more than this. My world feels like it just got turned upside down. I crawl towards Draco's now lifeless body. "Please" I sob. I hear two pops and Blaise is suddenly next to me.

He's yelling something. "ITS NOT HIM" I hear.

I look up "what" I whisper.

"It's not Draco it's one of the Deatheater scouts Pollyjuiced to look like Draco" he tells me.

I look down to see that he's right. Draco is gone and replaced by one of the lower rank Deatheaters. I collapse into Blaise's arms. He apparates the two of us back to my room. I notice another letter on my bed.

I pick it up and read it.

Your lucky this time next time it will be the real Malfoy.

I crumple the letter and throw it in the garbage. There won't be a next time because I don't care what anyone says. I'm going to kill Bill Weasley if it's the last thing I ever do.
