The next week was super hectic. We had over 300 people on set working behind the scenes. It was pretty stressful, but also a ton of fun. The other actors, including Brad, surprisingly, were all really fun to work with. Liz was a saint, giving us time to make mistakes and get each take right before moving on. 

The plan was to shoot all of the action scenes first, with all the big stunts so that we could get them done and not have to worry about running out of time to do them. Everything is going well so far, but it is kind of hard to stay focused when doing scenes with Angelina. Even if they are scenes where she kicks the living fuck out of me.

I feel like she is enjoying doing that way too much. We have really early mornings, starting at around 5 am, but our days usually wrap up around 8 which was nice. 

It was our last day of shooting this week, and Liz decided to let us go early because it was Friday night. She winked at me as she did so, and I knew right away Kelley had told her about Angelina and I's date. 

The two of us decided to go home and change, and I was due to pick up the actress by 6. I had made a reservation for us at this nice restaurant on sunset. It was super fancy, but fancy enough to avoid wearing jeans.

I chose to wear this outfit, along with my Rolex. I didn't really bother with my hair that much, keeping it kind of messy.

I pulled up to Angelina's house at around 5:50. 

My phone pinged with a text when I parked in her driveway.

Angelina: It's open, I'll be down in a minute :)

Y/N: Copy that my lady, I shall wait for your to grace me with your presence in the foyer. 

I laughed at my own response, imagining Angelina rolling her eyes with that cute smile of hers.

I got out of my car and walked to the front door, opening it. I closing it behind me and sat down in one of the chairs in her living room by the stairs.

I was on my phone playing temple run for about 10 minutes and Angelina still hadn't come down.

"Ange, we have to go! The reservation is at 6:30!" I called up to her, standing from my seat.

"Hang on!" 

"Oh my god." I mumbled to myself. I leaned against the wall, going back on my phone, waiting for her to come down.

I heard the clop of her heals as she descended the stairs, but didn't look up because I had just reached blue coins. The noise got closer as she approached me. 

"Well?" She asked. I couldn't resist looking at her any longer, the blue coins could wait. I shut off my phone and looked up, my jaw immediately falling to the floor.

My eyes grew wider than saucers as I stared at her, unable to form words. 

"Well?" She said again, clearly amused at my amazement. 

"U-uh..." Was the only thing I could manage. It took me a few moments, but I was able to to say a real word.

"Wow." I said, my voice a whisper.

I could see a deep blush spread on Angelina's cheeks as I looked her up and down, admiring her flawlessness. 

"Do you like it?" She asked, sounding a bit unsure.

"Like it? I love it! You look amazing. No-more than amazing. I-there aren't even words to describe your beauty." My voice was soft when I said the last sentence as my gaze met her own.

"You look really handsome." She complimented, causing my own cheeks to flush. 

"T-thanks....uh, shall we?" I held out my arm which she graciously accepted.

After locking her front door, we walked to my car. After getting situated, we drove off to the restaurant. 

Thankfully, the place we were going to had a strict no camera and/or picture/video policy, so we didn't really need to worry about the paps. 

After checking in and getting settled at our table, we ordered drinks. Water for me (yuck) and wine for Angelina.

Our dinner was great, the food was wonderful and we talked about the past week and all that. It was nice spending time with her again after working with so many people everyday. It was just the two of us. 

Our dinner came to a close at about 8, which still left us plenty of time. I didn't want to ask her to be my girlfriend at the restaurant, so I asked her if she'd like to go for a little scenic drive.

She nodded with a smile and I payed before we got back into my car. We drove along the beach for a little bit until I found a nice spot where we could walk. No one was around as it was a chilly winter night. Thankfully, we both brought coats.

We took off our shoes and left them in the car, preferring to walk bare feet in the sand. We held hands as we walked, enjoying the sound of the waves. I was growing more and more nervous by the minute, but I really wanted this with her. 

I gave myself a little pep talk to try and hype myself up.

Once I felt I had the courage and stop walking. Angelina turned to me. 

"I-I wanted to ask you something." I started, cursing myself for stuttering. "Anything." She told me, holding my hand a little tighter.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"
