Chapter Eleven -- Again

"W-What is it?!" You asked her, genuinely concerned. She looked away, you could tell she was avoiding eye contact. She sighed and continued to look down.

  "I . . ." She started to sob, "I can't take it anymore." She hugged you, "I can't," She said between staggered breaths. You hugged her back.

  "Can't take what?" You started to get more concerned.

  "Everything, you're my only support, Andrew never has the time anymore because of our father." She seemed pissed off, emphasizing father. You smiled at her.

  "Don't worry, I'll stay as long as I can," You said softly, her sobbing softened and she lightly lifted her head.

  "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to see me like this," She mumbled, looking away again.

  "It's no problem, sometimes you just gotta let it out," You responded, lightly petting her head, calming her hair down slightly.

  "T-Thank you," She said softly, calming her breath down, making it so you could actually understand what she was saying.

~~Andrews POV~~

  I sighed, 'I have to tell her.' I thought. I walked over to my oversized bed, sitting at the edge. I took out my phone and browsed the recent photos, all of which had (Y/N) in them. I sighed and got up.

  I kept repeating the phrase in my mind, 'I have to tell her, you can do it Andrew.' I heard her talking to someone in the entrance lobby, cluthcing the door handle, I breathed in and walked into the lobby room.

  "Andrew!" (Y/N) called as she approached me, I looked down to avoid eye contact with her, she sudddenly looked a bit more down, I could tell she was secpisious.

  "(Y/N) . . . " I breathed in deeply, exhaling just as deep, "I would kindly as you to leave this property." I winced as I said it, holding back the look of sadness. Her eyes widened a bit.

  "T-Thats a funny joke, now what was it you really wanted to tell me?" She seemed to get more hasty as I didn't answer her for a bit.

  "That is . . . what I came to tell you." I looked down and she just stared at me, she had no idea what to say.

  "T-Thats not true . . . y-you're bad at pranks Andrew . . ." She continued to give me a scared look as I didn't answer.

  "W-Wait brother, that can't happen, she's . . ." She stopped as I turned around, a tear fell down my eye but I looked away before they could see, I snapped my fingers and guards rushed to my side. 'I'm sorry.' I thought. "Guards . . ." I hesitated, "Take her away . . ." As I said that, it felt like my heart cracked in two.

  The guards took (Y/N) by the arms and started to walk her towards the entrance door, where they would soon put her in a limo and drop her off in the town. I clentched my fist, 'Is this . . . really . . .' I looked back to the door, the look in (Y/N)'s eyes, it compelled me, magnatized me.

  I ran towards the car, hoping to tell her one last time how I truly felt, the door shut and the car drove away as I stood in the doorway. I wanted to shout for them to wait, but something held me back, the fact that I wanted to please my father . . . no, had to please my father. I sighed and turned around to see my sister, pissed as ever.

  "Andrew! Why?!" She yelled, I looked down slightly.

  "I . . ." After thinking a bit, I finally answered, 'I . . . don't know," I lied, she slapped me and ran off to what I assume is her room. I rubbed my stinging cheek, 'Maybe I deserved that.' I thought. I sighed and felt a hand fall on my left shoulder. I looked over to see my father.

  "I didn't think you had the guts," He stated, seeming happy about it, "Now she won't get in the way of the marrige." I thought for a second.

  "Hey father, what date would the wedding be pushed back to if someone say . . . sabatoged it?" I asked, he looked at you oddly.

  "Christmas Eve . . .why do you ask?" He still seemed confused. I smiled.

  "It's nothing, I was just asking," I mumbled, smirking as I walked away, 'I have to calm my sister down.' I thought as I walked to her room. I clutched the handle, slowly creaking the door open, my eyes widened and a tear fell down my cheek . . . 

~~Your POV~~

  You sat in the car, still completely shocked and slightly confused as to what happened. The speed bump knocked you out of your thoughts, you looked out the window and saw a sign that read Blytonbury, 'Great, back here.' You thought.

  You stepped out of the car as it stopped in the parking lot of the park, you thanked the person and grabbed the little belongings you had and walked through the park, it wasn't as bussy, especially since the festival was pretty much over, people were packing up, leaving or just checking out what was still there.

  You smiled, it was kind of nice to be back, seeing the familiar lake and Autumn leaves, you looked at your watch. 'This time I'l make it in time!' You started to run back to the only place you could, home.

  Weaving past people, the cool air brushing your face and blowing your (H/C) hair. You took a right, continued straight for 2 blocks, then you stopped. You looked up at your house, towering over you like always.

  You ran up the steps and knocked on the door faster then you ever have before, there was a snap of the lock unlocking, then the door slowly opened. As soon as your mother realized it was you she froze.

  "(Y/N) . . ." She started to tear up, she hugged you tighter then she ever had before, "Y-You're finally back! I'm so sorry, I . . ." You pulled away from the hug, causing your mother to stop talking. You smiled brightly.

  "It's ok . . . I should be sorry." You took your shoes off and entered the house, cozy like always, the smell of cinnamon filled the house, home . . . just as you left it.


A/N: Hello guys, I hope you are enjoying this story, I sure do enjoy writing it. Anyways I'm not sure if this is a thing in X Reader stories so just tell me if it isn't and I'll change it, anyway, enjoy!
