Chapter 9

I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating. It's just that there has so much schoolwork and tests lately. I'll try to update more often. Remember to vote and comment. :)

"What the hell?" I hear his mother say in an angry voice. She starts swearing and cursing him. Wait, why would he get expelled. He doesn't look like a person who would do something bad like that but I have only know him for almost week, he could have been faking about who was or maybe it has something to do with his secret.

"Mom, calm down" I hear Brian say in a soothing voice. She continues to curse and scream at him. I have never heard my mom curse not once in my lifetime even when my father beat her but my father cursed all time. I cursed only when people got me mad or I was frustrated. If somebody started making fun of anybody that I loved then they will get cussed out immediately but I would never not ever dare to cuss out my father otherwise he would be beat me. I could already imagine it. He would have a beer bottle in his left hand. He always carried liquor he drank in his left hand because it was the weaker hand and he would use the other hand to beat us. He would stop only when he felt satisfied and that was usually when you could see the blood running down our skin.

" Mom, let me explain!" I hear him yell at her. She starts to protest but then stays silent.

" I got in a....fight. Some guy was trying to aggravate me. I tried so hard to ignore him, mom but he still kept on harassing me. He started punching me so I punched him right back. I was sent to the principal's office and then he sent me here" he says.

I hear his mom sigh. I can tell she is pissed at him.

" Just go take a seat in here and relax. I'll have a meeting scheduled with your principal but your grounded for two weeks" I hear his mom say.

" That's fair" he says.

The door to my room swings open. He comes over to my hospital bed and says"Hey." I can tell that he is not his normal self. He seems different somehow. It's like he was wearing a mask that hid his feelings and now the mask was off. Now I could see how really feels. I can see it in his eyes. It is filled with a mixture of emotions. Anxiety. Fear. Anger. Sadness. And most of all Pain.

" Hey" I say with a smile.

" Did you here all of that?" he says. I don't know what to say. I don't want him to know that I was eavesdropping. I could lie but I'm a really bad at lying. My mother could always tell when I'm lying. Anybody could tell when I'm lying. I get noticeable symptoms such as anxiety, sweat that covers my whole body and my voice is in a whole different tone.

"No, of course not" I say lying. I was pretending to scratch my back and my voice was in a high tone.

" Your horrible at lying" he says.

" I know" I say. " I'm sorry about what happened."

" It's okay. It wasn't your fault" he says.

"Do you hear about my mom?" I say tear running down my face.

"What?What's happening?" he asks wanting to know what I was talking about.

"She just went into surgery. She might not survive" I say sobbing in between words.

" I'm so sorry" he says and starts hugging me. I hug him back. His hugs feel warm like I am wrapped up inside a cozy blanket. We stay hugging each other for a long time in the same position.

Then I start to think about the reason he was expelled. Why would that guy try aggravate him for no reason at all? That does not seem fair to me. I feel bad for him. He probably has a hard time at school. Then I get curious.

" Umm..Brian..Do you have hard times at school?" I ask nervous about what he was going to say. He let go of the hug immediately.

"What do you mean?"he says confused.

" You having issues at school" I say.

"Why do you want to know? Why do you even care?" he says angrily.

" I've known you only a few days but I do care about you, Brian"I say rubbing his back. I do care about him. I've known him for less than a week and I actually do care about him.

" Okay, fine.People make fun of me because of my secret" he says.

" What's your secret?"I say.

" I already told you I'm not telling you" he says.

I sigh. " Will you ever tell me?" I ask. He stands up and says " maybe". He kisses my forehead and walks out of the room step by step without saying one word. I hope he does tell me his secret. Then I start to ponder more about it. Why would he tell me the secret? I just met him less than a week ago. We told each other things that were personal and he comforted me but it doesn't change the fact that I met him only a less than a week ago. He probably doesn't trust me. I have to gain his trust. I need to know the secret. I have to find out. I really do hope he does tell me. I feel my eyes begin to close. I'm tired. I yawn loud and obnoxiously. I put my head down on my pillow. I close my eyes lightly and whisper " maybe" and then I fall into a very deep sleep.
