• A Closed Door •

Me and Lucifer headed downstairs to get breakfast, we were both dressed up and grabbed some food to sit down where everyone else was eating. I say down next to Angel who was flirting with Husk yet again. I sighed and began eating.

"Oh hey baby cakes!" Angel turned to me, "How have you and short king over there been?" He pointed at Lucifer and he looked up from his food confused why Angel was pointing at him.

I smiled and sighed, "We have been good so far-"

"Is there any tension between ya two?" He smirked and tried to get some information out of me.

"There is nothing happening between us!" I laughed and Angel raised an eyebrow, grinning.

"Come on, you're just not telling me cause we are in public, after you eat actually tell me! We can go somewhere else." He raised both his eyebrows looking down at me. "Yeah?" He questioned me.

I groaned and rolled my eyes, "Fine, fineee, if you want to know so bad." I started eating again and so did Angel.

"Haha, that's what I thought." He finally said before stuffing more food in his mouth.

After everyone was done eating, Angel grabbed my arm and dragged me away, I made eye contact with Lucifer for a second but quickly looked away.

"Alright, toots, spill the tea!" He sat down on a chair and so did I.

"Okay.. so, there had been a bit of tension between-"

"Like what?!" Angel burst out, smiling.

"I mean, he just calls me pretty and flirts with me majorly, keeps his shirt off and shit. He likes embarrassing me and making me laugh, he smirks at me a lot and genuinely seems like a really big flirt around me. He does get embarrassed sometimes around me but that's only sometimes." I finally finish off and Angel thinks for a moment.

"He likes you." He confidently says leaning back, drinking some alcohol. I raise an eyebrow at him and he finishes his drink, "What? I'm being serious!" He reassures me.

I sigh and roll my eyes, "Yeah, like the KING OF HELL would like me!" I lean back on my chair more and Angel shrugs.

"Well, do you like him?" He raises an eyebrow at me and I begin to blush.

"I mean- yeah, i like him.. he is really handsome and confident and still very nice." I stop talking once Angel held up his hand signaling me to stop.

"Would you ever, ya know, get down baddd with him?" He smirks and I hesitate.

I thought for a moment before answering, "Look, I like him, if he wants he make out or get 'down bad' with me, i'm down too, but i am not good on making the first move, he would have to."

"Do ya want to get a bit naughty with him?" Angel smirks and I grin, sighing.

"Depends, how big of dick does he have?" I joke around and Angel laughs.

Once we talk a bit more, I say, "You really think he is into me?"

I get up and look at Angel again. "I mean, based off of my experience, he definitely sounds like he likes you, unless he's just a big flirt." He grabs another drink from the tiny coffee table and starts chugging it.

"Well, did he flirt with anyone else?" I ask him.

"I- uhmm- nah, well that's only because there was no other girl except for Cherri Bomb, but he didn't seem to have an interest in her." Angel got up from his chair and put a hand on my shoulder. "I don't know, toots, I think you should flirt back." He winks and I scoff.

"I kinda have been, but i don't know..." I cross my arms and Angel starts walking away.

"Just do it more! It'll be fine!" And that was the last thing he said before I could say anything.

I begin walking back to where we all ate and saw Lucifer talking with Vaggie. Once again, we both made eye contact and instantly looked away. I didn't want to deal with anyone for a while so I just went up to the room again to relax.

Once I opened my door, I felt my phone buzzed and I dug it out of my back pocket. Of course it was Velvette. I decided to answer since i had nothing else to do.

"Hey girl, what's up?" I asked.

"Sup (Y/N), listen, i'm positive one of my coworkers has a crush on me and he is ugly as fuck!" She scoffed and so did I.

"Really? Why? What does he do?" I asked her and she sighed.

"That bitch just always tries to talk to me whenever, compliments me 24/7 and just makes flirty remarks!" Velvette stated, "I'm getting such the ick from him!"

I think for a moment before responding, "Just tell that shitty bitch to back off of you, straight up say that he is too weak and ugly for you." Velvette starts to laugh.

"I would, but he would immediately quit! He is the best worker I have!" She complains.

"Alright, then just kinda give him the cold shoulder, if you always talk with him or respond he might think you don't have a problem with him, so just start ghosting him kinda." I finish off and I don't hear speaking. "Hello?"

I hear Velvette from the other side start to speak again, "Oh yeah, my bad, dumbass Vox wants to call me." She sighs.

"Will everyone just step off your dick for once? God." I stare and she giggles.

"Damn right! I'll call you back, bitch, Vox is being a whiny baby and won't stop harassing me to call, give me a minute." She hangs up and I immediately crash in my bed, groaning into my pillow.

After five minutes of just laying in bed scrolling on my phone. I hear someone walk in, I quickly check to see who and it's Lucifer.

"Looks like someone doesn't have manners, what if I was naked?" I questioned.

"Doesn't matter, anyway, why'd you head back upstairs?" He sits on my bed looking around my somewhat clean room.

I didn't realize i was blushing for no reason, but i was, "I- I just didn't want to interact with anyone really." I sighed and his eyes widened.

"Oh, would you like me to leave?" His mood slightly shifted.

I shook my head, "No it's alright, I just didn't want to be around a lot of other people, you can stay here." I sit up on my bed and Lucifer gets up to close the door, a sudden rush of anxiety goes through my body wondering why he shut the door, it's only us in the dorm room. "Uh?" I awkwardly smile as he stands at the door.

"Well, if you don't mind, there's something I'd like to discuss, (Y/N).."
