Chapter 4

The destination was Machen Library. "Hey! Ara!" She heard Hellboy speak through the comms.

" yeah, Red? " She replied getting her gear on, the fake her could only wear what the real her is wearing, so she has to suit up.

"We're ready for ya." He said. " come get your knives. " she loves her knives, they're efficient and easily concealed although she does carry a gun, just in case things get too messy.

"I'm on my way." She warned him. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her brother, Abe and the garbage truck that they travel in. Then when she opened my eyes, there was smoke around her, before it disappeared. She had just managed to show up before they left the truck.

"Okay, guys, let's sync up our locators." Clay told them. He opened his Jacket to show the little device that they would use. He clicked the top and it made an activation noise before lighting up . They all turned theirs on, everyone's lit up dark blue except for Hellboy's who's turned red. "Seal the doors. Red, Blue and Ara are coming in." Clay spoke through him comm. They all turned to go inside as Clay began to debrief them on what they knew at the time. " 1900 hours, an alarm was tripped. A large entity, type 5, reported. Very aggressive. Six guards dead. "That was when Ara became annoyed , she hates innocent human casualties. 'This type 5 is going down.'

" wait a sec, I thought we checked this place. " Ara asked confused.

"Fakes and reproductions." Hellboy agreed with her.

" Apparently , not everything was fake. " Their father said out of nowhere. Hellboy looked guilty and quickly hid his cigar behind him so their father wouldn't see it. If he didn't already know that Hellboy smoked It would be really surprising.

"Father" Hellboy said formally

"Father" Aravind said smiling, Hellboy and her greeted him at the same time. He looked at Hellboy, the look he gives him when Hellboy is in trouble. He winked at his daughter as she continued to smile.

Two agents brought out the box of weapons, they opened it as the girl looked gleefully at my knives. They were throwing knives that Tom had specially designed for me a few years ago at Christmas. They were double edged with a circle in the middle to hold, there were 4 in total and anyone who didn't have her exact DNA and touched her knives, the metal would start to heat up. Also, if she spun them around her finger they would set on fire. she had trained extensively to use these.

"The entity is still in there. Video surveillance shows a 16th century statue was destroyed." Their father spoke whilst Hellboy and Ara geared up. "St. Dionysus the Areopagite."

" who wards off demons. " The siblings said in sync.

"Exactly. The statue however was hollow." As Broom says this Abe crouches down by the door.

" a reliquary. " Hellboy said, suddenly interested.

Broom shook his head and chuckled "A prison." Abe had now taken off his right glove and place his hand on the door. " the Vatican seemed it's occupant dangerous enough to include it on The list of Avignon, of which, by the way, we hold a copy. "

"Perfect job for these babies." Hellboy said, holding up bullets with holy water in the nib. " made them myself. " Hellboy gloated to John. "Holy water, clove leaf, silver shavings, white oak. The works." Hellboy was just showing off now. He opened the barrel of his large pistol, the Samaritan, and started to load it. Abe suddenly gasped and pulled away from the door, Aravind was standing next to him and looked to him with worry. He turned to everyone.

"Behind this door, a dark entity. Evil, ancient and hungry." Abe said in a warning tone.

Hellboy sighed "Oh, well. Let me go in and say hi." he cocked his gun.

The two walked through the door, guns raised, knives spinning. He signaled for the agent to close the door behind them. She took a deep breath to psych herself up. The whole building creaked as Hellboy and Ara moved forward. Several statues where pushed over and a few bodies lay in front of them, though she was doubtful that these humans had pulled them down. Sparks went off were the statues were previously. She decided to float so she could see from the same height as Hellboy could. Hellboy crouched by some clothing and picked up a boot that was covered in slime with a large jagged bite Mark on the edge.

Aravind's point of view

"You better check the books, Brother blue." Red told Abe through the comms " we'll definitely need more info on this one. " I had stayed quite this whole time, I did that on missions, partly out of nerves, partly out of concentration and partly out of concern for the people around me. If I slip up they could die, and vice versa.

Red and I looked around a darkened area until, over our heavy breathing, I could hear something eating. Gooey saliva dropped in front of us as we looked up. Red sighed and lowered his gun. I kept my knives up, ready to spin 'em for fire when needed. "Hey, stinky," Red shouted up at it. Oh my God, he's going to get us killed. The purple ish thing was hanging from the ceiling looking like a spider. it still didn't seem to notice us "kitchen's closed. What you having? Six library guards, raw, plus belts and boots." This made me feel sick, so I stopped floating. "Man, you're gonna need some heavy fibre to move that out."

" Red, I swear if you piss that thing off--" I was cut off by Abe on the comms.

"Red, Aravind, I found something. This entity's name is sammael, the desolate one.Son of Nergal, Brother of--" he cut himself off. Sammael started to get down and approach us. It chucked the body away as Red and I made looks of disgust. The lizard thing jumped down and faced the other way.

"Listen, Sammy I'm not a very good shot, but The Samaritan here uses really big bullets." Red said, showing ' Sammy' his gun. Sammy turned around, hissed and growled at us. It was like predator crossed with a dinosaur...gross....thing. "So, what do you say we work this out in a nice peaceful--" He was cut off by Sammy running away to put right. I started to spin my knives, preparing to chase it. "Oh, crap." Red muttered, making me laugh as I sprinted after the slimy bastard. Red walked as it galloped. Red shot several bullets, all of them missing their target. I threw a fiery blade at Sammy which hit him and slowed him down, but not for long.

"Red, I'll hit it, slow it down, then you shoot it, Got it?" I shouted over the gun fire. He nodded. I spun my knife, lighting on fire I threw it. Red shot at the perfect time and Sammy fell to the floor.

"That's it for you, Sam." Red raised his pistol to it before putting it back in its holster. I sheathed my knives.

" Red, Aravind, you need to hear the rest of the information. " Abe said over the comms.

"Nah, he's taken care of." Red said as we continued to walk away.

"No, listen to this. Sammael, the desolate one, Lord of the shadows," Red made the gesture that Abe talked too much "son of Nergal, hound of resurrection." Abe finished.

I turned around and looked at where Sammy supposedly died " Ohhhh, shiiittt. " I muttered, loud enough for Red to hear.

He closed his eyes, then tilted his head up, before opening them again. "See.." He paused. Then he started to turn around , "...I don't like that." He saw where I was looking and then he also noticed the lack of the ancient evil hound of resurrection.

"What? Hound of resurrection?" Abe questioned Red. "Harbinger of pestilence. Seed of destruc--" Red interrupted.

"Cut to the end, will ya. How do we kill it?" Red was becoming impatient. I just hope we have the right gear to kill it.

"Hmm, doesn't say." Abe told us.

" how bloody convenient! " I exclaimed annoyed by Sammy getting away, and we still had no idea on how to kill him. I started to pace. I turned around and was confronted with Sammy.

"Whoa!" I screamed as he threw us back. Even though this isn't the real me, the real me can feel the pain, but only temporarily and it doesn't physically show. I was lying in a broken glass case that I had just broken . I was winded, but if I stayed here much longer , Sammy may escape, or kill Red.

Red flew into the door, bending it slightly. Sammy walked towards him. I acted quickly and threw a flaming knife at it. It squealed before picking us both up and slamming us around a bit before throwing us out of a window. Red landed on the metal bin then bounced off onto the floor Whilst I hit the floor directly, face first.

"Owwww, that hurt." I muttered. Red moaned whilst sitting up.

"Oh! Crap." He say up as I heard his bones crunching "You okay, kid?" He asked me. I lifted up my arm with a thumbs up, still lying on my stomach , waiting for the pain to pass. I slowly sat up.

"Not the real me, I'll be fine in a sec. What 'bout you?" I asked him, clicking my spine. He nodded at me.

" Children" Our heads shot up at the new voice coming down the alleyway. I know that voice. The voice gave me chills and I involuntarily shivered."All grown up, I see." The man sounded Russian and has his hands in front of him, overlapping each other over a book. He looked at me "But you are still young."

" that voice. " Red said, he know it too?

"It was the first lullaby you ever heard, my children." The man replied. Now I was scared. " I ushered the both of you into this world. " I wasn't sure how to react, so I carefully unsheathed a knife in case an attack came. "I alone know your true calling, your true name." He looked at me again " But you, my dear, was not supposed to come through, you have no true name or calling. He brought you through, I did not. " at this point I started listening.

Red grunted, picked up his pistol and stood up. "Name this." He went to shoot, but there was no one there to shoot at. Red breathed heavily. Until there was a large thud behind us, I guessed Sammy boy followed us out the window. We hesitantly turned to face the creature. I still hadn't gotten off of the floor but before I could, Red fired at Sammy. But he had other ideas. A large tongue shot out and wrapped around Red's arm.

"Red!" I squealed urgently, trying to help my brother fight the monster off. We didn't know what it could do, so the fact that it was touching Red's skin worried me. I tried to hack at its tongue as Red moaned in pain as the tongue burnt his arm. Shots hit the tongue and I looked up to see John. He kept shooting at Sammy until he was writhing in pain in the floor, a look of disgust, fear and shock plastered on John's face. Red is not gonna like that.

"That thing. That thing." John said in shock.

" what do you think you're doing? " Red asked sternly. Uh oh.

"What?" John asked, still in shock. Red wasn't concentrating on Sammy though, he was used to the monsters and he was more focused on his anger. "Helping you. I jus--" he was cut off by Red hitting a bin with his shoulder taking cover as John came over.

"Nobody helps me!" Red shouted at John. I raised my eyebrow at him. " Well, she can... " he pointed at me "...but she doesn't give me any choice! It's my job!" He started to walk away saying " and hers! " I nodded satisfied at the answer.

"You wanna help? Here." He held the Samaritan out to John " Load this. " Red passed John a special bullet. "It's a tracking bullet. Crack the pin."

Red took the gun from John. "Jesus, what's that on your arm?" I looked and saw a slimy looking sucky thing on his arm. It looked like it was eating his arm, or drinking from it.

" oh crap! " Red looked at the thing on his arm. Suddenly Sammy's tongue came through the metal by my head, I jumped. It repeatedly put holes around as Red looked for the best way to get the creature off. I threw a flaming knife at it and it sizzled off his arm.

"What the hell is that thing?" John asked. Red thought for a moment before passing the small creature to John who shrieked and tried to catch it.

" let me go ask. "Red got up and went to face Sammy.

" great idea, Red. Talk to the thing we killed twice and keeps trying to kill us. Go for it. " I sighed in annoyance before getting up and joining Red. He turned towards me and gave me a warning glance. I shut up after that.

Red raised his gun at Sammy. He was up on the wall ahead of us. All was silent until Red shot the green bullet at Sammy which knocked him off the wall on the other side. I could hear a truck reversing and Sammy galloping but I couldn't see what was happening.

"Why, you little..." Red jumped over the wall. Myres kept shouting hey at us, so I turned to face him, his gun still raised. I let Red run ahead as I slowed down to wait for John. I floated over the wall before John jumped over.

" Wait! " John shouted, trying to keep up with Sammy and Red.

"He ain't gonna stop for you, Hun." I told him. When Red was doing a job, he wouldn't just stop when he is in pursuit.

"We're heading towards civilians." John said into his wrist. Hopefully he has a device in his hand, otherwise I'd be seriously concerned about his mental state.

"Crazy costumes, huh?" I asked the scared civilians, trying to keep them calm. If it wasn't the right time for crazy costumes, we could never explain it.

"Trick or treat." John finished. I gave him a look.

" trick or treat? Come on dude, what are you? 10? " I said to him.

"Well your, what? 20 something and I heard you saying earlier that you wanted to go trick or treating." He quipped. He had me there.

"Touche...but that's not the point. And besides, I'm supposed to be 60. I'm just glad I have all my teeth with all that chocolate I eat. " we continued running to the extremely busy road. John and I were hit by a car, but me not being real at the moment, was fine. John had hurt his arm. A car came right at him. But before I could get to him to shield him, Red stepped In front of him, his stone arm raised as a sign to stop. It kept approaching but I knew Red would be fine. I turned to John and assessed his wound before trying to help him up.

"Red means stop!" Red shouted as he brought his stone fist to the hood of the approaching car. The car flew above us as we all watched it. Luckily, the car landed the right way up, and the guy inside was fine, except from the airbag in his face.

Red looked down to John. "You alright?" He asked.

" Yeah" John replied shakily, despite the blood dripping down his arm.

"Stay here." Red told us. I sighed but did as told. I sat next to John on the road.

" I'll be back in a few seconds. " I didn't allow him to reply as I disappeared.

I was now the real me, in my room. I ran to my draws and picked up a bit of cloth. I concentrated on John sitting on the road. I saw him looking at me in surprise as I reappeared and I held up the cloth. I applied pressure on his wound and he hissed in pain.

"Hey, Myers." Red's voice came through the comms.

"Yeah? Yeah? Yeah?" John repeated.

" How's your arm? " Red asked. I smiled, he was at least trying to get along with his 'new liaison ' which I called progress.

"Yeah, my arm's fine. Ara took care of it. Where are you?" John replied looking around.

" I just fried stinky. Listen, Ara tell father I'll be home but, uh, he shouldn't wait up. " Red told me.

"Mkay Red. Tell her I said hi."

" No. No, wait, wait. Yeah, I gotta go with you. " John said. Red won't let that happen.

"Hey, Myers?" Red said again.


" Bye. " After that I could tell that he had turned his locator off.

"Damn it." John cursed. I rolled my eyes. John should know by now that Red did things alone.

red was heading for Bellamie hospital where Liz lives now. I remembered the deal that I had made with Red earlier about how I needed to cover for him.
