
Vic pov


I groan trying to open my eyes as they're swollen. I sniffled and drag myself out of bed to go to school.

I still cannot believe, they found shawn's body in the same alleyway were I was sexually assaulted. Maybe it's the guy's gang coming after me. It's been a week since I was informed and it's my first day back to school without her.

I sigh turning on the shower using all cold water taking off my clothes.

I look into the mirror...tear stained cheeks, swollen eyes, runny nose.

I step in the shower just letting the water run down my body. I lazily start washing up and get out.

I sulk out the bathroom and into my room getting dressed clasping on the bracelet Shawn gave me for my 16th birthday, it has the year we met and a picture in the middle.

I smile as tears fall down my face.

"Hey baby, I'm not letting you drive since your brain isn't in the right place so I'll be dropping you off and picking you up." My mother explains

I wipe my tears away and turn around "last time I let that happen, I was stranded until the next day." I glare at her grabbing my bookbag

"I know I know, just Incase an emergency happens I asked the next door neighbor rose to pick you up and she said okay." She walks out her heels clicking against the hard wood floor.

I sigh tiredly not wanting to go to school.

Grabbing my book bag and phone I walk out closing the door behind me.

As I walk pass shawn's door I contemplate opening it. I shake my head swallowing the lump in my throat.

"YOU READY TORY?!" Ma yells out from the stairs as I'm walking down them

"Yes mother." I walk pass her with my head down opening the door.

I walk to her car waiting for her to unlock it.

We get in and I put my headphones in and "got me" by ari Lennox and ty Dolla sign plays.

I groan changing it, once I'm content with the song I close my eyes deciding to take a small nap.

I wake up to a tap on my shoulder

"We're here honey." I hug her and get out waving her off as she drives off.

I look at the door wanting to just go back home.

I open the door to the school walking in. I feel all eyes on me but I ignore them.

I walk to the locker me and her shared my hands shaking as I open it. People wrote all over either signing their name saying they love and miss her or #LLS.
I start to feel sick and take a deep breath to calm myself down.

Putting my stuff in grabbing what I need and I close the locker and start to walk off.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around. There were about I'd say half of the school with either a teddy bear, balloons, shirts with Shawn on it. They give me a smile of sympathy.

My chest tighten and I break down crying. A girl from the basketball team named Zee holds me and I cry into her chest. She rubs my back and I wipe my nose on her shirt.

"Come on nowwww." she whines and I laugh softly. I pull away wiping my face.

I turn around again and everyone is gone "where did..." I look seeing the girl gone.

I'm alone in the hallway. I run to the trash can throwing up.

I'm going crazy. I lean up and and turn to go to class but stop once I see the scenery infront of me.

It's the same people but there's blood on their shirt, the teddy bears are missing limbs and everyone is missing their eyes with blood dripping down their face.

The open their mouth and a high pitches scream fills my ears. I cover them trying to block them out.

"...Victoria.." I hear them start to calling my name.

"LEAVE ME ALONE." I start rocking back and forth feeling a panic attack coming


I jump up seeing everyone look at me with concern. The hallways are filled again and Zee is on top of me...well was on top of me until I accidentally threw her off.

I regulate my breathing and stand up dusting myself off.

I smile and thank everyone before running off.

"Fuck, I need you Shawn...I miss you...why did you have to go?"  I cry out once I get to the bathroom.

"I didn't go anywhere." I snap my head up and look in the mirror but it's nobody but me.

I squeeze my eyes close as my body start to shake and I get light headed.

"What's wrong bestie?" Holding my head


"But I'm right here." I feel someone touch my shoulder.

I turn around and it's no one there.

I storm out the school and go to the alley where everything happened. There's yellow tape around the crime scene but I don't care, I just want god to take me now.

I sit down and just cry, I cried myself to sleep.
