Long Live (Taylors Version)

Listening to speak now Taylor's version while writing this so I'm sorry in advance

Y/n's pov:

I thought about miles offer and deep down I had missed him so I texted him

Y/n: okay let's restart

Miles: I knew you'd come around meet me on the rooftop tonight at midnight

The rooftops were always something I considered to be our thing. It was kind of nostalgic seeing him say 'meet me on the rooftop' and we both knowing exactly which one.

I had lunch with Felicia today so I was getting ready for that and I had a date with Peter tonight so I also had to get ready for that later tonight

Basically I had a lot of plans so I got ready quickly and headed to the cafe Felicia told me to meet her at

"Hey Fe" I say as I sit down across from her

"It's so good to finally have you back" she said

Felicia had definitely changed. She still had sass but not as much as she used to which I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing

"We have so much to catch up on!" I told her and we got to the good stuff

"Are you still.. you know?" I asked her referring to Black Cat

"Yeah but only when I need to be...me and dick sometimes work together and I go undercover but mainly I just work at a bar" she explains and I nod along

"What about you ... will silk ever come back"

"No, speaking of I think I'm gonna visit my dad..." I told her

"What! Sorry...what?"

"I haven't seen him in 4 years...the last time I did he shot me! And it's all so mixed up and I just wanna talk...he was my dad after all" I explain to her

"Well if that's what you wanna do then do it. How about things with Peter?"

"We have a date tonight and he's real sweet I don't know if it'll turn into anything super serious but hey we will see"

"And have you ran into any...old friends" Felicia asked as if she had known something and I rolled my eyes

"You were the one who gave miles my number weren't you?"

"Guilty as charged, so tell me everything"

"Well me and Peter were at a bar and I spot miles and miles spots me we have a short awkward conversation and Peter was watching the whole thing. Then I get a text from an unknown number telling me to meet on top of Oscorp and so I go and it's miles and we argue for a while but then he offers for us to start over as friends and I told him I'd think about it, which I did. And now we are meeting up again to start over" I explained and took a sip of my coffee

"Damn girl you got a lot on your plate. So your seeing all of your best pals on the same day? I feel cheated"
We both laugh

"Yeah well sorry about your luck. So was there a reason you wanted to meet up or was this just for the old time sake"

"Y/n... I want you to be my maid of honor" Felica asked and my mouth fell open

"Fe you better be serious right now"

"Of course I am who else would I ask"

"I'd love to be your maid of honor!" I squeal

After brunch I go home and quickly get ready for my dinner date with Peter which caused a makeup, hair, and outfit change.

He picked me up and took me to a restaurant which was a much nicer place than I had expected.

"Are you nervous about classes?" He asked me

"No not really I think I have anything to worry about"

"What about that guy from the bar? He a friend from the nursing school?" Peter asked looking at the menu

"Oh no he's from highschool actually"

"I thought you didn't finish high school?"

"I didn't but sophmore year we were like best friends but when I got expelled and left I hadn't talked to him since. Crazy how on my first day back I run into him"

"We're you guys like a couple or anything?"
Boy does this guy ask a lot of questions. But in all honesty if I were in his position I would be to

"Eh yeah only for like a couple weeks but we broke up a couple days before I had left it wasn't anything too serious" I explained and we eventually move on to different subjects

At the end of the night Peter asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes as I had been having a great time with him and hey it's college your supposed to date!

When I got home I did the same as before and had a hair, make up, outfit change for when I needed to meet up with miles.And when it was time I headed up to the roof.

"Glad you've agreed to come" I heard from behind me so I turned around

"Well I can always leave if I have to" I told him and he smiled

There was a picnic blanket with a picnic basket on it and miles sat down and patted the sit next to him as a way to gesture for me to sit down which I did

"I'm y/n y/l/n I'm a nursing student and y/f/c is my favorite color" I said as a put my hand out for him to shake which he does

"Nice to meet you y/n I'm Miles Morales also know as Spiderman and my favorite color is blue. What else should I know miss y/l/n" he asks as he opened the picnic basket and starts laying things out

"Well I have a boyfriend named Peter and my best friends name is Felicia. I used to be a vigilante here in this city but I quit years ago" I explained
"What about you?"

"Well I'm not seeing anyone at the moment but back in highschool I had this amazing girlfriend- it's funny you guys actually have the same name. Unfortunately I messed up and I'm trying to fix it"

Miles and I talked for hours and I realized maybe I shouldn't have shut him out all those years ago...but then again I was still scared to let him in.

We talked about everything and I mean EVERYTHING

"You know i actually found out my dad used to be a criminal" miles told me and I looked at him surprised

"What? Really ?"

"Yeah it was definitely a shock...he doesn't know that I know tho" he told me and while I looked at him I could see something change in his eyes. I knew at that moment I'd hurt miles when I left.

- Flash back • Miles Pov -

Its been only a couple of months since y/n left. I knew I cared about her but jeez her leaving it's like- she took apart of me with her. I've barley eaten and I barley go to school and when I do I leave early. I spend my time being spider man because  it fills my mind up with stuff that isn't her.

I had Gwen of course but even Gwen was upset. We agreed to keep our distance from one another for a while to give each other a break.

And after y/n and I talked for the last time I went straight to mj's to tell her I can't hang out anymore. To which she confessed feelings for me and I rejected her. I felt horrible but In all honesty I didn't wanna hang out with anyone.

I didn't wanna talk about it and I didn't wanna think about but the more I tried to ignore the fact she left the more I thought about it.

All the what ifs filling my head. If she had stayed maybe I could've fixed it. I knew I wasn't technically the reason she left but I still felt like a part of it.
I wasn't just mourning her but I was mourning my uncle too. Who had passed shortly after she left. I blame myself for that too.

"Sweetie?" I heard a knock on my bedroom door and it was my mom. I was just staring at my ceiling when I said "yeah?" And she peaked her head in

"Wanna go do something with me today?" She asked

"No thanks mom" I say still looking at the ceiling and she came in and sat on my bed with me

"Honey you've been in bed for months. Don't you think they would want you to continue living your life?"

"I didn't just lose my uncle and my girlfriend mom...I lost my best friends"
