6 - Leopard's Temper

"Better luck next time, ice boy," Quinn gasped out between fits of laughter. They had called it at the best of seventy-five and Benji's aim had changed for the worse in the last twenty-five rounds. "I think that was the worst shot I've ever seen you take." She shook her head, grinning at him. "Luka," she called loudly, "You can come back. Bring Atlas with you so I can actually have some competition, it's not like Benji's even hitting anything in here."

Her jaunty manner was lost as she shrieked, jumping away from Asterin who had poked her in the side, playfully, with her knife. "If I recall, I beat both of you, fifty-five to twenty."

Quinn whipped her head back to Asterin. "That's besides the point." She moved behind Asterin and plucked the knife out of her hand. She threw it hurriedly from her position behind Asterin. Benji watched it bury into the board knocking his only dagger out and forcing him out of the game, he wouldn't normally have minded but he wouldn't normally flee from his family before noon either. Quinn twisted out of Asterin's range and smiled from the board back to him. "Seriously Benji, just because your second in line doesn't mean you should try to be second best all the time."

She collapsed back onto the couch laughing. She looked to Asterin for a similar reaction. But this time Asterin only frowned at her, her eyes focused on Benji's face. "Quinn," Asterin reprimanded, "come on. Benji's already had a bad day." Quinn looked at her in disbelief. Her teasing wasn't unusual, and Asterin had rarely commented on it before.

"It's just a game," she grumbled. "What's up, anyway, I always kick Benji's ass." She looked to Benji, whose face was deepening to scarlet, and gave him a suggestive wink. Asterin sighed, having learnt long ago that Quinn was simply...Quinn. Asterin reached over towards the bookshelf, grasped two leather-bound books, and shoved one into Quinn's hands. Quinn's eyes glinted in annoyance, but she took the book, settling into the couch to read it. Luka walked back into the room, a wary expression on his face as he settled beside Benji.

"Okay," Asterin said warily, tapping the leather cover of her book decisively and holding his gaze. She curled into the couch beside Quinn, who did not bother to look up from the worn, leather book cradled in her hands. "Benji, Quinn doesn't always kick your ass, but she does always spin a verbal warfare. Ignore her. What's really up." Benji gazed mindlessly at his calloused hands. Asterin's words were collected and nonchalant, diplomatic as always and an invitation. He nodded before slowly bringing his molten eyes towards Asterin's. Beside him, Luka clasped a comforting hand on Benji's shoulder.

"They never listen to me"

Quinn loosed a breath as if to say 'here we go again'.

"– they have no regard for whatever I say. If I come up with an idea, Bryn always, always, finds a way to undermine it," he went on angrily, his fists clenching.

At the sound of Bryn's name, Asterin's contrasting eyes narrowed in distaste. Luka gently caressed Benji's back in comfort, before his hand travelled down to clasp Benji's own, squeezing it tightly and encouraging him to go on. "They treat me like a child," Benji continued defeatedly, "like I'm some sort of mindless, stupid –"

"Well," Quinn interjected matter-of-factly, closing her copy of Rocking the Ruks, a storm brewing in her cloudy, grey eyes, "you are pretty stupid." Asterin just pitched an eyebrow, casting a wayward glance to the fiery female beside her.

"Quinn," Asterin began, "just because I snapped at you earlier does not mean that - "

"No," Benji interrupted with a near growl. The good mood they had always managed to create in this place, with the friendly competitions and dumb games of an all day fiesta, was drained from the room as Benji's hurt expression morphed into one of anger. He knew Quinn had finally went too far.

"Let her continue."

Quinn's eyes narrowed, trying to determine whether he was mocking her or not. Benji tilted his chin up, steely facing his friends.

"Do you hear yourself?" Quinn eventually accused. Her hair building into a fiery halo framing her face. She flicked a quick glance towards Asterin who did not meet her eyes before focusing her full attention on Benji. "You are a prince, you live in a palace, and you're annoyed because mummy won't let you parade around in front of the Kingdom?" She shook her head, reopened her book, and continued reading. Benji stood in shock; he couldn't believe that Quinn – one of his best friends – would say such a thing. He looked towards Asterin and Luka, hurt glistening on his face.

"Do you all think this?" he inquired quietly, focusing on Luka's golden face. His friend looked into his eyes, his face softening.

"Benji," he began slowly, "of course we don't. It's just that, sometimes, you get me really worried when really..." he shrugged, "And, I guess...maybe, you just blow things out of proportion." Benji's heart broke, he felt helplessly cast out to sea under his friend's soft gaze. Asterin looked at him, her eyes steady.

"We will always be here for you, Benji," she said simply, "but remember that you're only seventeen – you will have a lot of chances to contribute to Terresan. You just have to be patient." Her eyes searched his face. He knew she was right in what she was saying, but the painful truth still settled heavily, like a stone in his stomach. He looked away from them towards the entrance of the cave, which was beginning to glow softly; the sun was setting.

"It's getting late," Benji said, betrayal etched over his features, "I should leave". Although they had built this place as their home Benji was itching to get out. He knew instinctively it was late and the pressure of getting home only built onto his insecurity. He felt suffocated and he stepped out of Luka's embrace in an attempt to regain some control. A greenish glow poked out from underneath the carved entrance as the bioluminescent plant life light up the Stags chamber above. His eyes were fixated on the door and his silent fixation drew his friends attention. Quinn glanced up at him, her hard gaze softening.

"BJ," she began in concern, "you know I care about you, I just thought that -"

"It's fine," Benji responded simply, blinking away the moment and starting to move. Forcing his face to appear unconcerned.

He stilled for but a moment and looked straight at her. "But I am not second best. I will find a way to prove myself - just you wait,"

Luka reached out to him as if to say or do something to reassure or comfort him. He pivoted out of reach and wrenched the cavern's entrance open. A moment later and a flash of white illuminated the cave. Benji felt his form swallowed into the beast within. The predator always lurking just beneath his skin.

By the entrance of the cave, where a tall, blonde male had stood only moments ago, loomed the gigantic figure of a spotted leopard. Its black and yellow pelt was sleek and glossy, and its tail swished powerfully. It bounded through the entangled vines that guarded the hideout.

Benji looked back at the inviting warmth of the cave and his friends for a moment with tawny feline eyes, then turned and padded out into the chilled night upon the mountains. 
