Chapter 9 - A Brother Help

Austin pov

I looked at my two workers unsatisfied. They should be glad I'm the one interrogating instant of my brother. But they are being ungrateful toward the mercy I gave them.

"Lets start this again." I cleared my voice and smiled at them. "What happened?"

They both keeping silence and refuse to cooperated with me.  

"Ladies.. this wouldn't been smooth if Andrew the one asking you." I warned them. But still no positive respond.

"We did't do anything." She replied.

"We just chating. She left and it's not because of us." The other added.

I texted Andrew few minutes ago and he'll be here in no time.  I can't wait to see they end their act. Andrew walked in without knocking. The two ladies tremble in fear.

"What the problem bro." Andrew acted like he did't know.

I smirked and play along with him. "They are the problem." I pointed to them.

Andrew look at them furiously. He stare and glare at them intensively like ready to kill them anytime.

"Jason." Andrew call the chief security  over the intercom. "I want you to switch off the cctv in my brother office now and hide the elevator on this floor." He direct and end the call.

The two culprits turn pale after the called. Their imaginatiom must be running wild. I grinned satisfied.

"Are you playing the safe way or the rough way?" Andrew start his game.

Not many escape from Andrew mind game. He knows how to frighten them especially women. He's the bad boy type. He lives his teenager years playing around enjoying life.

"Andrew started."Listen bitch, you should been nice when my brother ask for favour cause I don't have time dealing with pigs." He burst in anger making the ladies tremble.

"I'm able to eliminated you from you job position also eliminated you from this bisness path forever. I'll make sure you wouldn't get any job even as a cleaner. You'll live as pity as the dog on the streets." He said strongly.

"I'll give you 5 seconds to think again starting now." Andrew giving them a chance.

On the 5 second one of the girl confess. "Shasa teased her."

"How?" I asked curiously.

"She called her rotten egg."

"I'm just playing." Shasa end up crying. "It did't mean anything. A lot of people talking behind her back. I just got carried out."

"Talk about what?" I asked again.

"They said she is you mistress. She's your fuck buddy."

I stunned at the news I just heard. I'm grasping my first tightly. Its because of me she having the panic attack.

"Listen carefully pets. That girl you and your stupid friend making fun is my brother important person. So now, get lost from this room and tell everyone not to butt their head in my brother bisness or I'll deal with them myself. " Andrew gesturing the two to leave.

"Take the stairs pets." He yelled before they out from his sight. He turn and face me. "Are you alright?"

I don't respond. I just stared at him back.

"Austin.. " Andrew called.

"I'm not."

"Its ok Austin. We'll fix this." Andrew stroke my cheek and patted my shoulder.

"How?" I lost my reasonable. "I'm not good with women. They always cheats and leave me. I thought being nice is good enough but nice is boring." I almost lost my voice in my sentence.

I'm trying hard to control the mix feeling I have.

"Its alright. You have me." Andrew fulled me in his arm. He gave me a brotherly hugged and patted my back.

"What if she hates me Andrew?"

"She would not. You an amazing guy with amazing record."

"What if she don't find that good enough?"

"Then you'll show her the thing you best at."

"Like what?"

"Being a gentleman." Andrew said it softly.

I chuckled. I'm good at that. That's one thing I'm confident with.

"Thank you Andrew. I'm glad you are here with me."

"If you are grateful, buy me another car." He teased.

We laughed and I throw all the what if question in my mind. I need to see her. I need to tell her my thought.
