The tension in the air was so thick you could practically cut it with a knife, and the ominous "Aaahhh...." that reverberated through the dimly lit alley only added to the spine-chilling atmosphere. I felt a shiver crawl down my spine as I turned to make a hasty escape, but destiny had other plans for me that night.

Just as panic threatened to consume me, a mysterious voice cut through the eerie silence, sending a ripple of intrigue down my spine. "Miss, let's go."

I hesitated; my eyes fixated on the enigmatic figure that seemed to materialize out of the shadows. The hoodie and mask obscured his features, leaving me with more questions than answers. Before I could voice my curiosity, a gut-wrenching scream shattered the stillness, and my attention snapped back to the source.

There, lying on the ground, was the same man who moments ago held me at gunpoint. His agonized cries filled the air as he clutched his head, his once-threatening demeanor crumbling like a house of cards. It was a surreal and sinister twist of fate, and I found myself torn between the enigma of my hooded savior and the unfolding mystery of the man who now lay defeated before me.

Suddenly, a firm hand grabbed mine, yanking me into action. I didn't understand what was happening, but the urgency in the stranger's eyes told me it was time to run. As we sprinted through the labyrinthine alleys, I couldn't shake the feeling that safety was a fleeting illusion, and the answers to my questions lay hidden in the shadows. Little did I know, this enigmatic companion held the key to a mystery that would unravel the very fabric of my existence.

Mark’s P.O.V

My heart raced as I processed the shocking revelation. Organ smuggling? The allegations against Mr. Gladstone were just the tip of the iceberg. I couldn't fathom how people could stoop so low, trading human lives for profit. Determination surged through me—I had to save the girl first. I immediately covered my head with the hoodie and kept a mask on my face. I don’t want my face to be revealed to anyone.

"Miss, let's go," I said, grabbing her hand, our escape through the shadows beginning.

Emerging onto the main road, I released her hand with a solemn 'Go.'

With determination burning in my eyes, I sprinted into the unknown area, leaving the past behind like a cloak of mystery. No glances backward—I was on a pursuit, chasing the elusive truth with every step, my only focus to catch the enigma that slipped through our fingers."

I sprinted back toward the restricted area, muttering to myself, "Where the hell did, he go?" Finally spotting him, unconscious but still a threat. I have to call Meredith and get him to her as quickly as possible.

"Mark, where are you?" Meredith's voice crackled through the phone.

"I found crucial evidence on Gladstone. Bringing him to you. Ramp up security at the office. I'll spill the beans once I'm there. Inform everyone, and be quick."

"Him? Who is that?"

"I'll tell you in soon. Bye."


Ariel’s P.O.V

"Ari, what’s wrong with you? What happened to your face?”

Her mother's concern was evident in the way she furrowed her brows, eyes scanning Ari's bruised complexion.

“It’s nothing, Mom, I’m fine. Just a small fight.”

The air thickened with unspoken questions, leaving a palpable tension between mother and daughter.

“What fight are you talking about?”

Ari hesitated, glancing around the room as if the very walls had ears. "Nothing, Mom. I’m hungry. Just get me something to eat. I’ll take a bath.”

“Ari…Ari…” Her mother sighed, frustration dancing in her eyes. “This girl never lets me speak anything.”


"Ari, why did you inhale your food like it insulted you today?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, normally, you savor your meals like it's a five-star experience, especially when your beloved show is on. But today, you didn't even spare it a second glance. Spill the beans, what's going on?"

"Nothing Crystal. I'm just battling a food coma."

Crystal raised an eyebrow. "So, it's Crystal now. Okay then. spill it, Ariel Rodney. What in the world went down at the park? I don’t like repeating myself, and trust me, I have ways."

I couldn't hold it in any longer. I wrapped Cris in a tight hug, tears streaming down my face like a waterfall. The pain in my heart was an inferno, and I needed to share it.

"Baby, what happened? Why are you crying? Did someone do something? Spit it out, Ari, please don't cry. Please." Crystal's eyes mirrored my pain as she joined me in tears.

"I was inches away from disaster today, Cris. You were spot-on about them. They aren't just monsters; they're something worse. Unbelievably grotesque. I never fathomed anything like this could happen to me. If it weren't for him, I'd be six feet under by now." “What are you talking about Ari? What happened to you? You are scaring the shit out of me. Who is HE?”

I did not reply to her but bawled again. I cannot even imagine what happened a few hours ago and can’t say anything about this to her at least now. I need some time to recover. I want some space.

“OK relax babe. Chill. Look it’s nothing around us. Nobody is here. Don’t get scared. Take a bath now you’ll be relaxed. I’ll make up a story down there. And do not do any stupid thing here while I’m gone. I’ll be quick.”

As soon as she kissed my forehead and left, I realized I needed to take control of the situation. I’m glad Cris didn't ask me any more questions about it, but I'm ready to face them if they come up. Retreating to the bathroom, I splashed my face with water, desperately trying to wash away the peculiar sensation that clung to me. Returning to my room, I perched on the edge of the bed, as if distance could erase the memory etched into my thoughts. In a feeble attempt to escape the day's bizarre events, I cocooned myself in the sheets, praying that sleep would be the elusive sanctuary where reality couldn’t follow.
