Fighting an Assassin

Even since Error had invited Lala into his house, Error was getting used to...well...trying to get used ti being with the new that that he had to deal with, in which he goes in his bed, as Lala hugs Error's body. It was a little bit awkward and uncomfortable for Error, but he had to get used to it, until he became comfortable.

The thing is, he is not entirely sure if he will ever get used to having Lala by his side. But day by day, night by night, he was able to get used to Lala having her next to him, and after a while, Error finally became comfortable with her. And speaking of comfortable, Error actually has a visitor on one of his nights with Lala.

Geno's spawn, Goth, had accidentally visited both him and Lala while they were both in bed. But Lala was asleep, and Error was awake. Thankfully, they were able to not wake Lala up, and quietly had a conversation together on time random topics, before they ended the conversation and they both said goodbye to each other, before he disappeared completely.

Error sighed, as he looked up at the ceiling, thinking of what he had to go through with Goth. Of course, he is not fond of Goth, he just learned to tolerate him, nothing more. But there is this one spawn that he does have some liking to, named Extinction.

Extinction is basically an accidentally made child made between Error and Reaper, though how in the world that happened is unknown, as even Error has no idea how he was born. Basically, it is a child of both the Gods of Death and Destruction. This makes a very dangerous combination, as Extinction, unlike Reaper, has the power to control the powers of his Death Touch, which is said to be dangerous to anyone that get's touched by it. Thankfully, he is very docile, at least when he is not frightened, and Error has managed to keep him on a tightly leash, though only when he gets way out of control. Now that he is a teenager, he can not venture off on his own. But Error, wanting to make sure that the kid does not get themselves killed along the way, was able to show the kid AUs that they are able to go to, and AUs that they are not allowed to go to, as well as showing the, the reason as to why they can't. Extinction was thankfully able to take Error's word for it, and understood the warning.

But nowadays, Error actually began to miss his son, and hopes that he can reunite with him. But for now, it will look like that he will have to wait for his own son to return, or at the very least, hopes that he can bump into him.

"Well...c-c-can't think about him now. I'm sure that-hat I'll meet him ag-ag-again."

Error than looks up at the ceiling, before he closed his eyes, and began to fall asleep. But Error has one thing that is in his mind.

'Why does it feel like that something is gonna happen to me?'


The best day, Error and Lala are having breakfast with Papyrus, who manage to cook then something. Ever since coming back to Remnant, Papyrus manage to now become skilled at cooking some more food from Japan. And needless to say, thanks to Error's help, he manage to make them delicious, and not make them burned. He is just lucky that his older brother is here to help Papyrus. Now, they are sitting at the table, with Lala and Error on the floor, next to each other. They began to eat, as Papyrus at along with them. But...there is this other thought that Lala has in her mind, that she really wants to have.

Lala moved her tail a little bit, as she sits down to eat along with Error and his brother. Lala's tail than wrapped around Error's waist, as he than moved Error closer to her than ever before. Even though Lala said that they need to pretend to be a couple, it seems that she decides to make those feelings genuine. And needless to say, Error is not feeling comfortable about getting into a relationship. But Papyrus seems to be happy about this, as he than spoke out to both Lala and Error.

"You both are acting like a married couple already."

This made Error even more embarrassed, as Lala spoke out to Papyrus with a blush now present on her face.

"D-Don't misunderstand us, Papyrus!"

Papyrus held his hands in the air, as he spoke out.

"Sorry about that. It's just that the way that you both are coming close to each other, it's actually, very cute."

This made Lala smile a little bit in surprise, as she than spoke out to him.

"Really? You think that it is cute?"

Papyrus nodded.

"Of course I think it is. I never thought of it as ugly."

Lala smile, as she and Papyrus began to converse with each other.

Error smiled a little bit. He does not know why he is. He is just simply doing it. Looks like the fact that his own brother is happy really is the reason that he is smiling now. Error continue to smile as he watched the whole thing, but than, he stopped and began to frown. No, that does not work in what he is feeling right now. He feels deeply concerned, as Error stood up from the chair, and began to run out of the door. He began to looks up and look out of the outside, as he tries to see and wait for whatever it is that is gonna come down. But as he is waiting, he than hears a voice from behind.


It was Lala, who came in to check and see if he is okay.

Lala looked rather confused, she spoke out to Error.

"Error? What's wrong?"

Error than spoke out to Lala.

"I think-ink we have an unwanted-wanted vis-s-sitor!"

As if on que, something, or someone, began the fall from the sky, and crashed into the ground, catching both Lala and Error by surprise. Error looks forward to see who it is, as Lala looks in the same direction as Error.

Error looks and narrows his eyes, as he sees who it is that has decided to invade his home.

When the smoke began to be cleared up, Error clenched and grabbed his right hand onto his right eye, as he needed to be ready to fight against the intruder. After a minute, the smoke was gone, and Error can see the appearance of the one that had crashed before him.

Coming out from the crater, was a girl with golden hair and black clothing. This made Error rather a bit confused, but he does want to know who it is that he is speaking to, and why they had decided to go and invade his home.

"Wh-What in the-the-the...who-o are you?"

Error said, as he looked at the golden haired lady. Error had never seen someone such as her before, and yet, somehow, she landed right in front of his house. Error clenched his fist, as he feels like he is going to go into a fight against the lady. He just knows that this will happen inside of his mind. He clenched his fist tighter, as he than hears the female speak out to him.

"I go by many names. But you can call me the Golden Darkness."

Error glares at the first me called the Golden Darkness, as he than spoke out.

"Gold-olden Darkness-ness. Wh-Wh-Why have you decided to invade-invade my home-ome?"

Error does not believe that this person is not simply here to say hello. In fact, he believes that they were here for another reason, and it is likely not a good one. He gets into a stance, just in case he must fight Darkness. And he is right to do so, as she spoke.

"I have got a contract that says that I need to kill you. So I am gonna fulfill the contract."

Error narrowed his eyes, as he scoffed at the lady that is before him.

"Yo-ou, winning against m-m-m-me? How-ow do you plan on tha-tha-that?"

The golden-haired lady made a fist with her hair, and attempted to punch Error. But Error, having been able to grow stronger thanks to his training, caught the fist with only one of his hands, all without effort. Error or does not look amused in the slightest bit, as he than spoke out to Golden Darkness, barely impressed with what it is that she has tried to do with one of her many strands of hair.

"Ser-Ser-riously? Tha-That is the absolute best your-you-you can do?"

Error clenched his own fist, and tries to launched a punch at Golden Darkness. She was able to avoid the punch, but than, she still got hit. Similar to Error404, Error can now make shockwaves with his punches, and thanks to that, it allows Error404 to still hit someone, even if they were able to miss his punch. Golden Darkness skidded from the ground, as she than was able to stop herself, and look at Error. And Error looks back with annoyance in his eyes, as he than spoke out to himself.

"Her-Here we g-g-g-go."

Error than, in the instant, leapt up and tries to grab at the Golden Darkness. But the Golden Darkness was able to move out of the way, as she utilizes another trick.

She than turned a bunch of her hair strands into fists and tried to launch them at Error. But Error opened a portal, and it went into the Anti-Void. She retracts the hair fists, as Error went in front of the Golden Darkness, as he tries to grab her by the face, just to make it easier to catch the assassin.

But the Golden Darkness avoided his attack, and tried to attack with her claws. She got close to try and cut him badly, but he always avoid the attack effortlessly. After a minute, he than was able to grab the Golden Darkness by the arm, and held it immensely tightly.

Error and the Golden Darkness look at each other straight in the eye, as Error spoke out.

"Do-o you really-ly think that you can win-in inside-ide of a loosing bat-attle?"

Golden Darkness, however, spoke out.

"I will not stop until you are dead."

Error than spoke back.

"Th-Th-That-at is if you-ou can-an kill me-e."

Golden Darkness than tried to knee Error in the stomach, but Error was a lot tougher than he looked, as Error simply looked a little bit annoyed at what the Golden Darkness is trying to do. The Golden Darkness than looks, as Error grabbed his eyes, and summoned red strings out of them. He than launched them at the Golden Darkness, who than jumps mourned the way to try and avoid getting hit by them. But when she landed on the ground again, she than turned a strand of hair to a blade, as she than launched her hair blade at the strings. The result was that she manage it slice them up.

Error looks completely annoyed, as he than launched more strings at her. But at the exact same time, Golden Darkness swung more and more hair blades, as she managed it slice up the strings very badly. So much that they immediatey became short. And Error looks incredibly annoyed at what had happened to his strings. His left eyelid twitched a little bit, but his expression barely has a change on his face.

"Ok-Okay. That is-is-is just cheap."

Error than summoned an Error Blaster, and tried to fire it at Golden Darkness, but she was able to avoid the attack. But unfortunately, this was merely a distraction, as Error than wrapped blue strings around her, and slammed her back down to the ground. Error looks down at the female, as Lala spoke out to Error, oddly concerned for the life of the female, of the Golden Darkness, who Error was fighting against.

"Is she okay?"

Error looks at Lala and spoke out.

"Don-on't worry, she ain't dead."

Error than walked up to the female and stopped in front of her. She than looks up at Error, as Error than spoke out to her.

"H-H-Have you give-ive-iven up yet?"

The Golden Darkness spoke out.

"No. Not yet."

She than launched more golden strands of blade hair at Error. But Error reacted fast, as he jumped into the air, and avoided getting hit by blades at the end of the strands. Error, he than extends his arm, as an Error Blaster than manifested in the air. It fired, and blasted the blades that are formed on the hair strands. But Error was not careful, as he than felt hair wrapped around his legs, before he is than tugged to the ground, and raised up in the air. But Error does not look afraid. In fact, he seems like he has a plan to get himself out of the Golden Hair trap that he is in. Golden Darkness pants a little bit, feeling a little tired, before she spoke out.

"Now be killed."

A blade is formed from the back part of the head's hair, and it than rushes towards Error, who, with quick reflexes, caught the hair at the flat part of the blades. He than snapped the blade without effort, and Golden Darkness was aught by surprise, realizing that Error can still fifth, even when he is trapped. As that happened, suddenly, a spear made entirely of color pixels of a blue and green color fired out of complete nowhere, and sliced the hair, which than freed Error, as a voice spoke out.


A male voice shouted out. Error, Lala, and the Golden Darkness turned to see the source of the voice, only to be caught by surprise at who it is that has appeared.


Error said, surprised to see that one of his and Ink's spawns has suddenly came out of nowhere and defended him.


Gradient spoke out, as Golden Darkness and Lala were surprised at what he said.


Gradient points his Stylus at the Golden Darkness, as he shouted out.

"L-Leave Father-ther-her alone-lone-lone!!!"

Gradient then swung his Stylus. And the moment that he did that, spears made of green and blue pixels formed, and tried to fire at the Golden Darkness. She was able to jumped out of the way. But unfortunately for her, a Gaster Blaster, which is black and has Gradient's cross eyes, fired at Golden Darkness. Gradient once had a split personality. One that accessed the abilities creation on Ink side, even though it is a digital version of what Ink is capable of, and the other personality takes after Error. But thankfully, Error494 was able to merge the 2 personalities together, and now, they are capable of doing both at the exact same time. Basically, Gradient, while he has more powers than both of his parents, is now as strong as Error is when he was untrained by his master, Error404. At Error's current level, while Gradient is not as strong as Error, he is now able to present a respectable challenge from Error.

Of course, in the past, Error did not accept Gradient at first, and considered it an abomination that needs to be destroyed. But despite all of that, Gradient still loved him. After some training by his master, Error404, he became somewhat accepting to his son, Gradient. While he does not change his opinion on Gradient, he no longer has any desire to destroy him, and is much more acting like a father to him. This made Gradient very happy, and while he did not get his father's full love, he still got something from Error that he always wanted: for his father to at least consider Gradient as his son, and that's enough for him.

Golden Darkness landed on the ground, and attempted to attack. But than, cyan strings appeared from Gradient's hand, and wrapped itself around he Golden Darkness' arms, as Gradient than reeled her in, before he than swung her down to the ground, causing considerable damage to her. But the Golden Darkness is still not giving up. She stood up from the ground, as she than looks at Error and Gradeint, before charging into Error and Gradient, and tried to use her fist to attack them. But Gradient than swung his stylus, which than made a wall of digital paint, as the fists hit the wall. This barely damaged the wall in anyway, and the Golden Darkness looks very determined, as she spoke out.

"I do not care how many you are. I will fulfil my contract."

Error and Gradeint readied themselves, as the Golden Darkness than lunged at them. But as she did, Lala than shouted out at her.

"Leave them alone!!!"

Lala than moved her tail, points it at Golden Darkness, and than, fired a laser beam from the tip of the tail.

Golden Darkness was caught by surprise. And not just her. Error was also caught by surprise at what had just happened. Lala has somehow fired a later from her tail. This was something that not even he had expected from Lala.

"S-So there is another function for the tai-tail. Th-That's quite impressive."

Even Error seems rather amazed by what he had seen.

"Th-Thanks, Lala-Lala-Lala."

Error than looked at the Golden Darkness, as he than walked up to her, and spoke out.

"He-Heya. I have a question for ya. Wh-Why is it that-that there is a contract at killing me?"

Golden Darkness, looked confused, as Error looks a little bit stern at the Golden Darkness. She than spoke out.

"The person that made the contract for me to fulfil...claimed this you are planning a stealing something."

This made Error confused himself.


Even Lala looked confused, as Error spoke out.

"What-at are you talking about-bout?! I nev-ever stole anything-thing! In fact-act, it's not even my jo-job!"

Golden Darkness looked confused, as she spoke out.

"What do you mean by that?"

Error spoke out this to Golden Darkness.

"My job-job is not to steal stuff! It never is-is. My job is destroy-destroying stuff!! I never steal, because I have no use of it!!!"

This made Golden Darkness freeze. She spoke out.

"You...destroy stuff?"

Error nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yes-es. I do. What-at is the poi-oint of stealing-ling stu-stuff that means nothing-thing in my eyes?"

This made Golden Darkness look down, and finally...she looks at Error, and by the look on his face, he is not kidding. He never steals stuff. He destroys stuff, and that's all he does.

"I see...this was all a big misunderstanding. I apologize. A certain intel from somewhere wanted me to kill you because he made an excuse of saying that you are where to steal the throne of the Deviluke."

This made Error confused, as Lala, caught by what the Golden Darkness said, spoke out.

"Who did?"

The Golden Darkness spoke out to Lala.

"Someone who calls himself, Lacospo."

This made Lala a little bit angry, as Error than spoke out.

"Judge-Judging by that-at expression, you know-ow of this Lacospo."

Lala looks at Error and nodded.

"I do. He is one of my suitors that my father showed me."

Error looks at Lala and spoke out.

"Suit-uitors? He tried to marry you to some people or something. That-at is just plain ridiculous."

Lala nodded her head, as Golden Darkness, as she spoke out.

"Well...I don't think that Lacospo is going to like it when he knows that I have abandoned my mission to kill you."

This caught Error's attention, as he spoke out.

"'re not gonna try and kill-kill-kill me?"

Golden Darkness shook her head, as she spoke out.

"No...I'm going to stay with you and the Princess herself."

This made Error shocked, as he looks at Lala, before he realized something.

"Sh-She said-aid something-thing-thing-thing about a thr-throne of Devil-Deviluke. Is she saying what I think-think she's say-saying?"

Lala looks at Error, embarrassed, and struggles to say some words to Error, but was very unsuccessful at it, before Error finally caught on, as he spoke out.

"I see. Than I shou-should not quest-question it further-ther-ther. But what will you tell this Lacospo?"

Golden Darkness looks blankly at Error, as she said.

"I'll just either tell him that I will still make an attempt to kill you, or you are just too powerful for even more."

Error than spoke out.

"How about-bout the form-former. Say that to him that you are-are still trying-ing to kill-kill me."

Golden Darkness nodded, before Lala than spoke out to Error, wanting an answer on one thing.

"Error, do you mind if I can ask you something?"

Error looks at Lala, with a confused look on his face, as Lala than spoke out a question that she is very curious to know.

"Gradient said that you are his father. Are you really a father?"

Error than looked a little bit uneasy, but he spoke out.

" is complic-licated. You see, Gradient was no-no-not born in a normal way. He was bor-born in the aftermath of a fight I had with someone who I really do-do-don't like. he was born when pieces of our attacks somehow mange to fuse with each other in order-der to m-m-m-make him. So be lucky that I am not married. Also, despite his looks, he is only a couple years old.

Lala than looks at Error, and spoke out.

"Error. You don't mind that I got to be with Gradient, right? Like, as someone possibly important to him?"

Error looked a little bit confused, and Gradient looks just as confused as well. But Error just shrugs, and spoke out.

"I do-do-don't see the prob-b-b-problem with th-th-that."

After he said that, Lala felt extremely happy with that it is that Error said

Lala feels excited if what Error had just said, as she tugged at her own hair, and felt very ecstatic.

"Eeeeeeehh...this is so incredible!! I get to be a mother for this little cute child the you have made!!"

Gradient felt embarrassed by that, as he pulled his hood down a little bit. He clearly does not want to have his face shown like this.

But then, after a little bit of feeling a little bit embarrassed, Gradient, he than looks up, with a smile present on his face.

"R-Really. Yo-You'd-d be a moth-mother to m-m-me?"

Gradient said, as Lala nodded her head, as she feels very excited about being one for Gradient. Gradient smiled, and this smile is a very wide one. Having mothers with Ink is enough. But one with Lala, who is a very cheerful person, seems to be a very nice thing to have, as he than spoke out.

"Th-Thank you."

Lala nodded, as she spoke out.

"You are very welcome, Gradient! Especially since you look almost like Error so much, and he is already a very cute person to begin with."

Error's eyes are suddenly filled with the word, Error, all over, as he felt embarrassed by what Lala said to Gradient when he had mention him. Than, Lala hugged Gradient out of nowhere, and needless to say, it made him squeal a little bit, not to mention making him severely glitched at what Lala is doing.

Error smacked his head at what Lala is doing now. He than spoke out to himself.

"I forgot-got. He has Haphephobia-phobia...j-j-j-just like I do."

He pinched his nose and shook his head, as he than spoke out to himself.

"Well...hope-fully that Lala does not go to-to-to far with Grad-Gradient."

Error than looked, as he sees Gradient still glitching out in Lala's embrace. This is gonna take a long time.
