Chapter 16 Stalker

I felt really uncomfortable, all I could think of after the movie of My Little Horses was fear. It was night time which made me even more scared! Zane was next to me looking at me questioning on why I was scared. I just told him i'm fine but he cared so much about me that he hugged me.

"Somethings wrong, I know it" He whispered softly.

"I'm fine" I stated back, it only made his hug tighter.

"I'm not falling for that"

"Plea-" I got interrupted by a sudden knock.

"I'll get it, you stay here" He let go and looked into my eyes before heading towards the door.

I heard the door open and I just continued watching My Little Horses. Then someone's voice boomed. It sounded like Aaron, before I go up I heard a thud.  Quickly, I made my way towards the door to see Zane on the floor holding his stomach.

"Zane!" I quickly went to his aid, and saw Aaron standing there.

"Let's go" He said and grabbed my arm, the pain was real. Aaron never acted like this, and I don't like it! His grip was strong but I manage to do something.

I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, he let go of me to groan in agony and I took my chance.


He was unconscious, point one for the girls. Me being upset I dragged him by the foot and went to Garroth's house. He was actually light, to my surprise. I knocked the door and waited for someone to open it, eventually Dante opened the door.

"Hey, Dante. Can you please take care of Aaron" I smiled sweetly.

"Sure... But why is he unconscious?"

"Let's say. A girl may look sweet but isn't" I grinned, he felt scared but dragged Aaron to the couch while I bolted to my house and after I said thanks.

When I made it to my house with the door still opened. Going through the door way and closing the door quietly. Zane managed to go on the couch before I got here. He seemed fine, Celeste was cuddled against him. The guy who got punched, grabbed her and hugged her. I stood in awe, this guy was sweet.

"Are you not a cute fellow" He whispered enough for me to hear, he made Celeste face him.

Celeste looked happy, her tail was wagging a lot and she looked like she wanted more hugs. She then saw me and started barking. Zane then turned to what Celeste barked at (me), he had a big smile plastered.

"Heyyyy, Aphmau" He smirked saying it in a soothing voice.

"What is this Travis 2.0?" I giggled, thank goodness Kateyln and Kawaii~Chan are out with their other friends. Kateyln would be annoyed because she doesn't like Travis. Though, I ship them.

"I dunno, maybe?"

"Hahaha. Very funny! Why aren't you hurt?"

"I have to suck it up like a real man!" He replied puffing his chest out. Zane looked pretty silly doing that but it was funny. We started chatting and acted like nothing happened at all.

Sorry for the slow uploads. My mind is filled with school stuff and karate stuff so... Yeah.
