Chapter Twenty-Three

Cade pov: 

I arrived at Margot and Alana house. Margot was waiting for me with a smile on her face. I got out of my car with a small bag of my clothes. "Welcome back Cade." said Margot. "Thanks for let me stay with you." I said. "Of course." said Margot. We walk inside. Alana was sitting on the couch sipping wine. "How bad is it?" asked Alana. "Pretty bad." I said. I explain to them about the call, visit Seth, and find Andy's place with my pictures. "That is creepy."said Margot. I just shrug my shoulder. "Dinner will be here any moment. We just order pizza tonight." said Alana. "Fine with me." I said.  Soon dinner came. We were eating and talking. I was laughing at Margot's terrible jokes. 

My phone ring. I answered it. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey Cade." said a voice. It was Will. "Oh hey Will. What up?" I asked. "The body we found was Andy's grandfather. He died about two days after Andy got release." said Will. "Cause?" I asked. "Heart attack." said Will. "So Andy tries to preserve the body." I said. "Yeah." said Will. "Thanks for letting me know." I said. "Enjoy the rest of your night." said Will and then hung up. Alana and Margot was smiling. "Sorry it was about the case." I said. We went back to talking.

Will pov:

I can't believe I am stalking Cade. I was sitting outside of Margot and Alana's house, watching Cade through the window. Shit, that the hell is wrong with me. My car door opened and Hannibal got in. "What are you doing Will?" asked Hannibal. "What are you doing doctor." I reply back. "I asked first." said Hannibal. "Watching Cade." I said. As soon those words left my lips, it sounded so creepy. "Watching Cade to protect him from Andy." I said, trying to save myself. It was kind of the truth.

I didn't want Cade harm. "Guess we had the same idea." said Hannibal and look at the window that shows Cade. 

Hannibal pov:

Young Will have falling for him too. I need to make my move soon.
