No.14- Holiday.

Thursday 13th November

Dear Diary,

As I sit waiting for the boys to finish packing I start to become anxious about the flight. 13 hours stuck in a small environment with strangers. I know I have Joe, Oli and Caspar with me but I can't help but feel it.

"Hurry up the uber will be here soon" I shout down to them.
"Coming princess" Joe shouts.
"Good good" I reply.

One by one they come up the stairs carrying their suitcase each with a smile across their faces.

"Is the uber here yet?" Caspar asks sitting comfortably on the sofa.
"I've called for it, should be here soon" I reply.
Joe sits next to me and puts his arm around me.

"Feeling ok?" he asks.
"Yep" I reply, kissing his cheek.
"If you start feeling anxious please tell me so I can help?" he smiles.
"I will" I squeeze his hand.
"Love you" he whispers.
"Love you" I whisper into his ear.
"Now, love birds the uber is here" Oli hits Joe on the arm causing us to jump from the sofa.
"Ok let's go" I say.
I take my bag and Joe's whilst he carries the suitcases into the car.

"Handy man" I laugh as we get into the car.
"You joke but you would be stuck without me" He jokes.
"I know" I kiss his cheek.

As we park up at Heathrow Terminal 5 I pay the driver and we all get out and make our way into the terminal.
As always we walk to the Virgin Atlantic check in desks and proceed with checking in and then through to security. We get to duty-free and through to Starbucks. We get coffees before making our way to our gate. We walk through the tunnel to the plane; me and Joe in front and Oli and Caspar behind. I step slowly onto the plane and we take our seats in the middle aisle. Joe and Caspar were at either end with me and Oli in the middle.
Throughout the flight I edited, watched several movies and slept and soon enough we were landing in Thailand. We get through the airport and into the taxi's parking. We got a taxi to the hotel.
We have two hotel rooms with a door leading into Oli and Caspar. I unpack my clothes and join the boys in the other room. They were discussing places to visit because Joe had been here before.

"So what's on the list for tomorrow?" I ask as I sit next to Joe on Caspar bed.
"The Grand Place first before it gets busy" Oli says.
"Ok and for tonight?" I ask. It was only 3 in the afternoon.
"Maybe go chill round the pool?" Joe smirks.
"Good idea, I will go change" Caspar says.

We all change into our swimming clothes and make our way to the pool. We sit around the hot tub as it's the more private and not full with people. The boys are already in and I'm sat on the seat watching them.

"Come in" Caspar says to me.
"Ok" I get in and sit next to Joe on the tiled seat.
"Why are you so gorgeous?" Joe whispers.
I shrug my shoulders.
"So for dinner tonight why don't we head into the town and find a really good pizza restaurant?" Caspar says.
"Pizza what a shock" Oli jokes.
"But it does sound good" I smile.
"Smile" Joe says to us as we all pose to the camera.
"That's a good picture" I say pointing to the camera.
"Yes because you're in it so you make us all look good" Caspar says.
"Thanks Caspar" I blush.
"It's true you look amazing" Joe says as Oli and Caspar start to talk inbetween themselves.
"Even though I have no makeup on" I say.
"You're beautiful with or without makeup" he kisses me softly.
"Why are you so cute? You're making me jealous" Oli says.
"Because we are" Joe replies and kisses me to annoy Oli and Caspar.

After an hour of talking in the pool we finally make our way back to the room. I have a shower and get ready for dinner. We walk to the town to a pizza restaurant, on Caspar recommendation. We take our seats and order.

"Going to be a good few days" I say.
"I know the places tomorrow and the meet up the next day" Joe says.
"To Thailand with my best friends" Oli raises his class and we make a toast to holidays.
We leave Caspar and Oli and make our way back to the hotel.

"Why don't we make the most out of having the room to ourselves?" I smirk.
"Thought you wouldn't ask" Joe opens the hotel room door and we kiss until we get to the bed.

"Ready?" he says.
"Ready" we lay back on the bed continuing the kissing.

• Day Two•

I wake up to the sun beating through the window, Joe's arms are wrapped around my waist and our clothes are scattered around the room.
Joe rubs his eyes and sits up.

"What the hell happened last night?" I say.
"We had a lot of fun" he smirks.
"I know we did" I kiss him.
"Are Caspar and Oli home?" I ask.
"Probably" Joe kisses me again and get up. He puts his boxers on and walks through to the other room. I follow him after I put some clothes on. We find Caspar laid on the floor and Oli laid on the bed.

"Shit what happen to them" I say tapping Oli.

"What...Why? Mia, what's up?" Oli stutters.
"Time to get up" I smile.
Oli sits up and Caspar sits on the bed rubbing his head.

"So what happened last night?" Joe says.
"We went to a few clubs and got really drunk and managed to get back here" Oli explains.
"Good night" Joe smiles.
"But I bet your was better" Caspar winks.
"Between me and you it was fucking fantastic" Joe says.
"Your girlfriend is right here, please talk about guy stuff whilst I'm not here" I get up.
Joe kisses me and I walk back to our room to get change whilst I leave the boys to talk about boy stuff.

We are all ready and have eaten breakfast. We make our way to the Grand Place to explore there. It was fun and after we ended up in Starbucks.

"Can't believe we are sat in Starbucks in the middle of Thailand" Joe laughs.
"Typical us" I laugh.

We continue to laugh and finish our coffee.
We explore some shops while Caspar and Oli go to a meeting.

"Omg put that on" I hand Joe a woollen patterned hat.
He puts it on and I start to laugh.

"Do I look funny?" he asks.
"Yep" I laugh "Look in the mirror" I point over to the mirror.

"I think I suit it" Joe says.
"You do, please get it for Caspar he will look so funny" I say.
"Ok" Joe goes and pays for the hat.
We make our way back to the hotel and met back with Oli and Caspar. The boys get ready to film a video. I'm on the camera.

"Action" I press the record button.
They are filming a 'Trying Filipino candy' video.

"Try this" Oli hands me a candy.
"Ok" I say.
I take a bite.
"Oh that's awful" I say spitting it out.

They finish up the video and put the camera away.

"Can we go cuddle for a bit?" I ask Joe.
"Ok come on" he says. We walk to our room and lay on the bed. My arm was on his chest and his was around my waist.

"Having so much fun with you" I smile.
"Me too and tomorrow is going to be so fun with the meet up" Joe says.
"Love you" I kiss him.
"Now have we cuddled enough?" Joe asks.
"Yep" I kiss his cheek and get up.
"Good, we can do more later" he winks.
"Ok" I grin. We get changed and go round the pool for a bit before grabbing dinner. We then walked to a bar.
I was already quite drunk by this point.

"Another drink for my princess" Joe puts the drink on the table.
"Thanks" I kiss him.
"You're drunk Mia" Joe says getting closer to me.
"Can't we go back to the hotel now? I want to have some fun" I wink.
"Ok" Joe kisses me and we leave the bar.
We hurriedly get to the room removing our clothes and hopping into bed.

• Day 3 •

My head is pounding as I wake up, I'm naked. What happened last night? Joe is already up and taking a shower. I get one and start to get dressed.

"How drunk was I last night?" I ask Joe.
"Enough to have sex on the floor" Joe points to the floor.
"Shit" I feel embarrassed.
"Believe me I loved it" he kissed me.
"I did too, want round two?" I winked.
"Please" and we moved back to the bed.

3 hours later.

We were at our meet up and they were a lot of fans waiting to see us. We spent 4 hours meeting everyone. Afterwards we headed to a restaurant for dinner and then for a drink to end the holiday. We go back to the room to pack before our early morning flight tomorrow.

• Day 4•

It's 7am and we are leaving Thailand and as always I don't want to leave. I've had a lot of fun but I don't want to go home.

We take a taxi to the airport and soon enough I'm sat on the plane cuddled up in Joe's blanket. I love him so much....

Thanks diary for listening.
