Where am I?

"Hey, can you hear me?"

I open my eyes.

"Oh good he's alive"

The first thing I see is two white haired boys leaning over me. One of them had a pink tint to his hair.

"Are you okay?" The pink-ish haired boy asked me as he leans his hand forward to stand me up.

"He looks fine, Nagito" said the other boy. Nagito huh. He doesn't really look like a Nagito, He looks more like a Makoto.

"Ah, sorry" Nagito says as he crosses his arms. I look at the other white haired boy. He was wearing a pink oversize hoodie and cargo pants, he also had a small heart tattoo on his neck.

"Oh!" Nagito broke the silence "uhm."

He sounded at loss for words, but eventually spoke.

"I'm Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student. Nice to meet you."

"And this is-" the other boy interrupted Nagito mid sentence. "Enzo Haruka. My talent is the Ultimate Matchmaker. Pleasured to make your acquaintance." He said.

"And you are...?" Enzo asked. "Me?" I asked. "No those dolphins getting high off of a puffer fish right there." Enzo snapped, geez, so aggressive. "Right, my name is Hajime Hinata, and my ultimate talent is...is..."

I paused for a second. "I don't- I can't remember." I awkwardly said.

"...what." Enzo replied, so monotone and scary, the fact that he's taller than me isn't helping either.

"What do you mean you don't remember? Do you have amnesia or something? there's someone on the island who can-" I interrupted Enzo. "No! I mean, i don't think i have amnesia..." "Maybe it's just everything happening so fast with the field trip" Nagito tells Enzo as he puts his hand on Enzo's shoulder.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Hajime. I know this island situation is confusing for all of us, but i hope we can get along well" Nagito said happily while Enzo was giving subtle nods.

"Oh, here." Enzo says as he passes me a tablet looking device. "that pink bunny was passing them out when you fainted." he says. I grab the tablet and turn it on, i read "E-handbook" on the screen, then i turn it off. "thanks" i tell them.

"Yeah, your welcome" Enzo said back, "Shouldn't we introduce Hajime to the others Nagito?" "Others? I asked "Yeah, others. This is a school trip y'know. there's gonna be other students."  Enzo explained. "they're probably exploring the island, c'mon! Let's go look for them." Nagito said as he jogged away from the beach we we're on.

Nagito and Enzo lead me out of the beach into an airport where I see three different looking guys. Nagito drags me to a pink haired guy in a jumpsuit with very pointed teeth, kinda cool looking.

"Hey Kazuichi. Hows fixing the plane going?" Nagito asked. "Not so good." Kazuichi responded in a miserable tone "I don't think there is a way i can fix it, there is no engine in any of the planes."

"None?" I asked. "Yeah none." Kazuichi said as he looked up. "Huh? I don't remember meeting you." He said as he was looking right at me "Lemme introduce myself."Kazuichi said as he stood up.

"The name's Kazuichi Soda. The one and only Ultimate Mechanic. Nice to meet ya."

"Hi Kazuichi, my name is Hajime. Sorry at the moment, i can't remember my talent." "Hey that's alright! you probably have amnesia or something, don't worry the ultimate nur-" "Nah." Enzo interrupted. "Nagito said he probably doesn't remember temporarily. Shouldn't be too long from now that Hajime remembers what it is."

"Ah, I see." Kazuichi replied. "So I guess the planes are useless to us, huh." Nagito said. "Huh?" I asked. "Well, Kazuichi is the Ultimate Mechanic, he said it himself that he can fix it without the engine, so unless we can find one, the planes don't really have a use to us." Nagito explained.

"And I cant even go look for one because there is no junkyard or anything like that here." Kazuichi told us. "Well yea, of course there's no junk yard. Didn't you read the rules?" Nagito asked. "Rules?" I asked. "Yea, the rules are in your E-Handbook. Check out rule 3" Enzo tells me. I pull out my E-handbook right away and look at the 3rd rule.

Rule 3: Littering is not allowed. Let us coexist with this island's bountiful nature in "mutual prosperity".

"I see... A junkyard wouldn't really make any sense with this rule." I tell Kazuichi. "Yeaaa, I guess you're right. But hey! Have you met the other guys in the room yet?" Kazuichi asked. "Uhm no, Nagito dragged me straight to you actually." "Well you should totally meet them. In fact, one of them is a prince." Kazuichi whispered "I'll call them over for you to meet."

"Hey Gundham! Sojah! I want you guys to meet someone!" Kazuichi shouts. I glance over to the other guys Kazuichi was talking about. One of them was wearing a suit and had very bright blonde hair. The other guy was wearing mostly dark colors and i think he had...Hamsters on his shoulders?

  "You dare shout and disturb me, Tanaka the Forbidden One!? you mortals have no respect for the Gods Of the Underworld!" The hamster guy yelled. "Ok Gundham we get it your terribly weird. Listen, Kazuichi brought you two over here to me Hajime, Hajime Hinata." Enzo explained.

"I see, well its the royale thing for me to go first." the suit guy said "Salutations Hajime. My name is Sojah Nevermind, very pleased to meet you."

"Ultimate Prince?" I asked. "Indeed, I am 1st in line to be King of The Kingdom of Novoselic" Sojah says. Wow. A real life prince, i suddenly have the feeling I need to bow now and say "Your highness". "Oh and by the way, you can find my sister around the island too. Her name is Sonia, you will know its her once you see her." Sojah says. A sister? Wow.

"Hmph, I assume you wish to know my name aswell. Very well then." Gundham said

"My name is Gundham Tanaka! Remember it as it will one day rule the world!"

"You will never guess his talent Hajime. I literally had to look it up on my E-handbook." Enzo told me. "Uhm,he's the Ultimate Cosplayer?" I guessed. "Hah! You mortals can't even guess my Ultimate Talent with your naked eyes!" Gundham scoffed.

"Well if you dress like crackhead people are probably not gonna guess your actual talent Gundham." Enzo said back.

"Crackhead?! Hm. I admire your courage mortal, one day I hope we go face to face on the battlefield."

"Right, uhm, Gundham what is your Ultimate talent?" I ask. "Hmph. Wouldn't you like to kn-" "Shut up." Enzo interrupted.

"He's the Ultimate Animal Breeder, apparently we was in the animal club back in school and he was the best of the best. Rumor has it that he can talk to animals but I think that its just a lie. however you cannot tell me you guessed Gundham's talent at first glance" Enzo told me.

"Eh, I personally think the hamsters give it away." I replied. But hey, whatever floats his boat. "I feel like we should get going so Hajime can catch up on meeting everyone." Nagito said.  "Bye now." Nagito says our goodbyes as we leave the airport. "Goodbye gentlemen. Hope we can talk again properly." Sojah yells. "Yeah! Hope so too!!" Kazuichi yells after. We leave the airport completely to the next destination, which is a...mini market? On an island?

The market doors automatically open letting Nagito in first, the first thing I notice is fully stocked shelves of the most random stuff i've ever seen. Then, I noticed two girls with wacky hair talking to each other.

"Eeek! I'm so sorry Ibuki! So terribly sorry..."

"Its alright Mikan! Just leave this to Ibuki!"

The 3 of us walk over to the very loud girls for my introductions. But before I introduce myself, the Ibuki girl starts to shout at us. "Heyyy! Nagito, Enzo and- uhmm..." "Hajime. My name is Hajime Hinata." "Ah that's right! Introductions are a go-go!"...what?

"I-buki Mi-o-da! put it together, and what do you get? Ibuki Mioda! That's Ibuki!"

"Ibuki is the Ultimate Musician." Nagito explains. "She used to play guitar in an all girls band which was super popular among high school girls. They were so popular that one of their songs sold over one million copies." One million?! How come I've never heard of her band?

"However due to creative differences, Ibuki went solo from her band." Enzo continues. "Creative differences?" I ask. "Yup! creaaaative differences!"

"Oh, uhm... Hajime? Uhm..." I glance over to the other girl who is trying to talk to me. "Eeek! I'm sorry for butting in l-like that!" "No no! It's fine. Uhm, what's your name?" I ask.

"Me?! U-uhm..."

"M-my name is...Mikan Tsumiki. uhm, from the b-bottom of my heart, I wish that we will get along w-well."

"I...uhm." Mikan was at loss for words. "Just give her a second, she's not so good with socializing." Enzo whispers. "Ah, I see." I whisper back. "Uhm...erm..." Mikan tries to continue, But Ibuki interrupts. "Heyyyy Mikan! You don't gotta stress ya self out! You just gotta say your name and your Superrr Duperrr awesome talent! Hey, reader! Can you tell Ibuki how many r's were in what Ibuki just said?!" Ibuki says. "Reader?" Nagito asks. "Oh nothinggg!" Ibuki tells Nagito all cheerful.

"Oh! Uhm well, My n-name is Mikan, a-and I'm the Ultimate Nurse." Mikan tells me. Wow. The ultimate nurse, she must've tried really hard to get that title.

"Sorry to cut this meet and greet so short Ladies, but Hajime has to catch up on meeting everyone else on the island." Nagito tells them. "O-oh...I see" Mikan replies, sounding a bit upset. "Catch ya later boysss! Hope Ibuki see's you again! Bye now!" Ibuki shouts. After that, we left the Market. Just the 3 of us.

"Hey Nagito, do you think we should take Hajime to the hotel next?" Enzo asks. "Hotel!? This place has a hotel?" I asked. "That's how I reacted too, but yeah it does." Enzo said. "Lots of money must've been put into this trip to have a market and a hotel." I say. We entered the hotel gates to be greeted by a VERY ripped guy.

"Ah!" I screamed. "Oh, I didn't mean to scare you." The guy says. Say, what's your name?" "Hajime." I respond. "Hajime Hinata."

"Hello Hajime. I am the Ultimate Team Manager. NEKOMARU NIDAI!!!"

"Oh, uhm hello i'm...Hajime Hinata.."  I say again sheepishly. "Huh! I cant hear you! Your voice is too soft! say it loud and proud like a MAN!!!" Nekomaru shouts. "Uhm... My name is Hajime Hinata!!! Nice to meet you Nekomaru!" I shout back. "Hahaha! That's the spirit!"

"Nekomaru is the Ultimate Team Manager, hes travel to many towns and manages multiple sport club teams." Nagito explains. "U-uhm, Nekomaru? we might have to cut this introduction short... Hajime has to meet everyone else y'know!" Enzo tell Nekomaru with a very awkward smile.

"Hahaha! I see! It's great to form friendships and bond with others! welp, bye now, nice meeting you. Hope to see you again Hajime Hinata!!!" Nekomaru shouts with a great smile. We walk away, waving back at Nekomaru and walked towards the next person.

"Hey Enzo? I got a question." I say. "Go on." He responds. "We barely even talked to Nekomaru but it seemed like you wanted to get away? ?" I ask. "Yeaaa. I'm gonna ignore you- Oh look! its baby gangsta!" Enzo shouts. Baby gangsta? What even is that? And why didn't he answer my Question!?

"Who the hell are you callin "Baby gangsta"?! Got a fuckin bone to pick with me or somthin Enzo!?" Wow. This guy is already in a crappy mood. "H-hey, relax Fuyuhiko! Enzo was just kidding!" Nagito says. "...no I wasn't-" "ANYWAYS" Fuyuhiko interrupts. "Who's the new punk?" Fuyuhiko Says glancing at me.

"M-my name is Hajime Hinata...nice to meet you." "Hmph." Fuyuhiko responds.

"The names Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu. Just to be clear, I dont plan to be acting friendly and crap with you guys."

Looking at him now, I think I understand the "Baby gangsta" joke. He has a baby face, but hes hella rude. Also, Kuzuryu!? Isn't that...

"Fuyuhiko is a high school student heir to the Kuzuryu clan" Nagito explains. I knew it! I've heard that last name in the news, multiple times. "Also, I wouldn't just go out calling him "Baby gangsta" like how Enzo just did, unless you don't like your fingers." Nagito continues.

"Are you guys done? I dont got all day for your punk ass Introductions. You better hope we dont cross paths again." Fuyuhiko snaps. "Nah I think we're good here, thanks Fuyuhiko." Enzo says. "..." Fuyuhiko is silent, so we walk away silent too.

We we're about to walk into the hotel, but we were stopped in front of the pool by a red haired girl. "Hey! arent you the guy who fainted on the beach!?" she asked. "well, uhm.." "C'mon man! You gotta pull yourself together in this situation! It's the boys job to protect the girls in this situation!" She shouts. Geez! Shes even more aggressive than Enzo!

"Mahiru shut the hell up. If your not gonna introduce yourself then you had no reason to just shout at Hajime like that." Enzo snaps. "You want me to introduce myself? I haven't dont that yet right? Well then..."

"My name is Mahiru Koizumi. The Ultimate Photographer. I'll be counting on you from now on."

"Mahiru is the Ultimate Photographer, its pretty clear to see she has a promising future as a photojournalist. I hear she has won many upon many awards, which is considered impressive for her age." Nagito explains. "Y'know, I'm pretty relieved, you two seem decent. I can't really tell who's an ultimate or who's plain out insane, sorry for shouting so suddenly, I hope we can get along well and get off this island together as well." Mahiru says.

"Thats nice Mahiru- wait, what do you mean"you two"?!" Enzo yells. Nagito drags Enzo into the hotel before he started to "throw hands" as he would say, at Mahiru.

"Oh wow."

The lobby of the hotel was HUGE! if this was a normal school trip, i'd probably be smiling right now. There are only two people in the lobby, both are girls. (minus the 3 of us). one of them was playing an arcade game, while the other girl was drinking tea looking at the window leading to the beach.

"Hey, why are we the only ones in this hotel again?" I ask. "It's an uninhabited island. It can't be helped, Hajime." Nagito explains. "Yea but, it seems so well kept. Like people have been using it recently." I say. "Hajime, we go to hope peak academy. They probably hired the Ultimate Maid and Butlers or something to clear this place out before we came." Enzo said.

"That is a possibility.." Nagito replied.

We walk up to the tea girl and before I can say anything, she talks first. "State your business." She says bluntly. "I just wanted to introduce myself, if that's okay with you." I reply "An introduction...? Yes that is fine."

"MY name is Hajime Hinata, nice to meet you."

"My name is Peko Pekoyama. It is nice to meet you too."

"This dignified young woman over here is know as the Ultimate swordswoman. Its hard to belive that someone with such a cute name like Peko Pekoyama can be so skilled with a blade. I've heard shes a kendo master and that most adult men don't stand a chance against her." Nagito explains.

I look back at Peko, now that I take a good look at her, she does really seem like a swordswomen with that intense look in her eyes and the bamboo sword too.

"If what that rabbit said was true, and we are expected to live here together... It is necessary for men and women who live together to have respect for each other. Don't try and do anything out of line or inappropriate. I would prefer if no one gets hurt." Peko explains "R-right." I reply. I wasn't even planning on doing anything weird anyways.

"Hey uhm, Peko? Sorry to cut this introduction short but Hajime has to meet everyone so its not akward for him later.." NAgito tell her. "Ah, I see. Farewell Hajime, I hope we get to speak again." Peko says as she picks up her tea again.

The 3 of us walk over to the other girl who is playing on a arcade game called "Loser Luigi Cousins" Huh. Sounds familiar.

"Just a heads up. Tap on her shoulder before you say anything so she has your attention." Enzo explains. I walk up to the girl and tap on her shoulder just as Enzo said. The next thing I see is the words "PAUSE MENU" on the arcade screen, then the girl turn around.

"Hello, can I help you with anything?" she asks. Wow she has a really soft voice. Her hair is very pretty too..

"Hellooooo...Mars to Hajimeeee..." Nagito says waving his hand in my face. "Oh! S-sorry..Uhm hello, I wanted to introduce myself, my name is Hajime Hinata." I say. "Oh right, introductions, got it..." she says back.

"My name is Chiaki Nanami, The Ultimate Gamer. Video games are my hobby, and I adore all genres...Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Chiaki..." I say quietly. "Yeah, totally." she replies. ...This conversation is going hella slow...

"Hey Chiaki? We understand that your playing a game right now, so we will leave you alone. But we promise we will come back if you want us too!" Nagito explains. "Yeah, got it. bye boys." she responds.

We say our goodbyes to Chiaki and head up the stairs of the hotel. When we reach the top, we are greeted by loud shouting.

"Thats right! Im having a hard time because...Its full of poison! It really sucks." Said a guy who looked around 4'3. "Speaking of which...You can help! Just use your mouth to suck it out!" He continues.

"Poison...Hmm...I see.." says the girl he was talking to. Huh? could that girl be Sojah's sister? they look completely identical!

"Uhm, do you guys have a moment?" I ask. "Denied." the guy says. Denied who does this guy think he is?! "Oh! hello, it is nice to meet you." The girl says. "Hello. Nice to meet you to. My name is Hajime Hinata." I reply.

"Oh your the new guy huh. Why hello there." the short guy says.

"My name is Teruteru Hanamura. On the streets, I'm known as the Ultimate cook..."

"On the streets?" Enzo asks. "Bro thinks he was homeless in this AU..." "What was that?" Teruteru asks. "Nothing booster seat." Enzo replies. "So uhm... Whats your name?" I ask the girl. "Oh I am sorry I have not properly introduced myself!" She shout back.

"My name is Sonia Nevermind. The Ultimate Princess. Charmed to meet you Hajime."

I knew it. Wow. Sojah was right, you can tell she a princess just by looking at her. I have the same feeling of bowing down just like I did when I met Sojah...

"U-ultimate Princess? That means your Sojah's sister...right?" I ask. "Oh yes! That is him!" she answers. "We are both exchange students form a kingdom in Europe called "Novoselic"." she continues. "I may cause trouble here and there, but I hope we can get along well."

"S-same here Sonia. Same here." I reply.

"To be honest I feel happy. Back at home, I did not have any friends my age besides my brother that matched my status in society...So to be able to do something like this with people is a new expeirence for me.." Sonia says sadly. "So, I shall extol your virtues!" She finishes with a smile.

Yup. I defiantly feel like bowing down and saying "your Majesty".

"Hey, you four,am I being left out of the menu or something?" Teruteru asks with a smug smile. "N-no that's not it..." I say awkwardly. "Oh Teruteru, it must be a necessity for someone like the Ultimate chef to check out the kitchen first, eh?" Nagito asks. "Mhmmhmm, yup yup and I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested too." Teruteru says. "Thats nice horizontally challenged." Enzo tells Teruteru cheerfully. For and Ultimate Matchmaker, Enzo isn't lovey or flirty at all. Hes actually pretty damn brutal.

"Oh and Sonia." Enzo blurts out. "This guy is a S tier pervert. If he says anything out of line, just tell Peko okay?" Enzo finishes. "Alright! Understood Enzo!" Sonia replies.

"Alright Enzo... we should probably get going now. Bye guys." Nagito says.

The 3 of us quickly leave the hotel site to another area of the island. Which is a...a farm? Okay, this is definitely getting out of hand.

The first person I see is a very small child like girl sitting on the floor poking at something on the ground.

I go to walk up to her to introduce myself, but i get stopped by Enzo as he grabs my arm. "Look, Hajime. I'm gonna save you some time here, that is Hiyoko Saionji. Shes the Ultimate little gremlin." "He means that shes the Ultimate Traditional Dancer." Nagito says. "So they say..." Enzo mumbles. Judging by what Enzo just said, I don't think he wants her around.

With me having no choice but to ignore Hiyoko, we walk up to another girl instead.

"Heyyyy! Who are you guys?" She asks. "My name is Hajime Hinata. Nice to meet you." I reply. "Gotcha. and who are the other Two?" she asks. "Huh? Haven't the two of us met you already?" Nagito asks. "Ah right! Sorry I'm not good with remembering names." she replies.

"I see, well I'm Nagito Komaeda and that's Enzo Haruka. Please don't forget it again." Nagito asks.

"My name is Akane Owari! Nice to meetcha!"

"Akane is known as the Ultimate gymnast, and an all around super athlete. Rumor has it that shes a bit of a troublemaker, but her athletic abilities are off the chart." Nagito explains. "However, her basics and fundamentals are all over the place. So her routines are mostly improvised. Its pretty impressive." Enzo continues.

Looking at her again, I wouldn't have guessed she was a High School student. She has the physic of a real Olympic Athlete.

"Huh..? Hajime...Don't tell me your into girl with curvy bodies?" Nagito says a little loudly. "Your doing that on purpose aren't you?" Enzo asks. "Hey dudes? This whole hanging out session has been fun but I gotta go. lets hope I remember your names next time!" Akane says walking out of the farm.

"Hey the sun is about to set, Who are we missing because I know we didn't get to everyone." Enzo states. "Hmm...I think we still have to introduce Byakuya and then we're done." Nagito says. "Well, we havent looked by the fountain have we? Lets go there" Enzo suggests, and we do just that.

Enzo leads the way to one of the largest fountains I've seen in my life. Then, I lay my eyes on a tall-ish male in a very bright suit. That must be Byakuya.

"Oh and before you talk to Byakuya, don't be scared or overwhelmed. trust me." Enzo tells me. I walk up to Byakuya, but before I could even get a word in, he rudely interrupted my train of thought.

"What do you want?" He asks. "Byakuya? Do you have a moment for introductions?" Nagito asks for me. "Introduction?" Byakuya asks. "C'mon Hajime" Nagito says as he lightly pushes me towards Byakuya. "Uhm, hello. My name is Hajime Hinata." "..."

"My name is Byakuya Togami...The Ultimate Affluent Progeny."

"I'm done. that's it right? Back off now." He says bluntly. "Wow. hes even more of a prick now then he was in the first one." Enzo mumbles. "First one?" Byakuya asks. "Forget what I said."

"Byakuya is the Ultimate Affluent Progeny, meaning he is the main heir to a very powerful financial business. I've heard that hes already started to manage the business operations, and his net worth is, well, enormous." Nagito explains.

"Just like-"

"Enzo, please. stop." Nagito interrupts. "You there, Hajime was it? Tell me why Hopes Peak Academy choose you?" Byakuya asks. "What is your talent?"

"Uhm...The thing is..Uhhh.." "He doesn't remember. Boom, saved you 34 seconds." Enzo says. "You can't remember?" Byakuya asks. "Well yeah, that's what I literally just said silly" Enzo says. "He only lost his memory temporarily from shock, Hajime probably cant remember much." Nagito explains.

"Hmph, how foolish. Well, I do believe we have finished talking. Bye now, and Hajime. I hope you gain your memory back." Byakuya says.

"Yeah, I hope so too"


"Was that a school bell?" I ask Enzo and Nagito. "Guys! look at that monitor!" Nagito shouts. Me, Nagito, Enzo and Byakuya Walk over to a small monitor to be greeted by the pink bunny known as Usami.

"Congratulations everyone! Looks like everyone has collected all of the hope fragments! I'm so proud of you guys! Soo...I have prepared a prize! A hopeful prize! Sorry for the trouble, but please meet up at the beach. Thank you."

The monitor screen goes black.

"The beach huh..." Enzo mumbles. "Well? let's go now. No time to waste." Byakuya says suddenly. "Right. Lets go guys." Nagito continues. As Nagito speaks, we all rush towards the beach.

When the 4 of us make it to the beach, we are greeted as the last ones there. Even Usami was there.

"Oh goodie! Everyone's here!" Usami says all bubbly. "took you dweebs long enough." Hiyoko says all snarky "Oh shut up you hostile Bull." Enzo snaps back at her. "Oh no no! fighting is not okay on this island!" Usami yells.

"Well? you gathered us here for a reason. state it now." Byakuya instructed. "Geez, so blunt!" Usami says sadly. "Anyway Usami, what was that resent you said you were gonna give us earlier in your announcement?" Ibuki asks.

"Oh yes! here ya go!"

Usami passes everyone a small little charm of herself... What the hell? "Usami..what is this? Nagito asks. "Teheheh, its an Usami strap!" She squeals "An Usami Strap?" I question. "Yup! Just look at how cute it is" Usami replies. "Usami...This is..Amazing!" Enzo shouts. "Hey to anyone who doesn't what their Usami strap, can I have it? Please?" Enzo asks. "Huh? Why do you want them so badly?" Chiaki asks.

"Oh its simple really, see I am the Ultimate Matchmaker with the highest money making dating apps and services all across the globe! So, if I have a pretty pink and cute mascot like Usami, my business would skyrocket even more!" Enzo explains.

"Huh? So you don't help people find love to see them happy, you just do it for the money?" Ibuki asks. "Nope! I do it for both. Anyways, to anyone who doesn't want their Usami toy..Pass it over!" Enzo demanded.

Just like Enzo says, everyone passes their Usami toy to Enzo. Except Chiaki. "Oh Chiaki? You want yours?" Enzo asks. "Uhm, yes I do. That's why I kept it." Chiaki replies. "Alright then. Thanks guys!" Enzo says and he stuffs multiple Usami toys into each of his pockets.

"So is that all we came here for? Just some toy?" Peko asks. "Well no. There's something else." Usami says "It's a motive! a motive for you all to get along."

"Is it a party or somthin?" Akane asks. "Bingo!" Usami says cheerfully. Everyone cheers. "Whooo! A Party! Hey since we are on an island, shouldn't it be like a barbecue or something?" Ibuki asks. "A campfire sounds amazing too!" Mahiru says. "Lets find a hoop snake and cut it up into little pieces!" Hiyoko shouts.

"Hmm...Everyone seems to have different ideas." Usami says. "So since we are by the ocean, I have these for you all! Here you go!" Usami says as she hands us all duffel bags with a bathing suit in each of them.

"So its a...Beach party?" Akane asks. "Thats right! Love, love!" Usami replies. "Huh?! Theres no way I'm swimming in a situation like this!" I shout. "Yea, I'm with Hajime on this one. Not about the situation thing, I just don't want to be seen in a swim suit." Enzo says Rubbing his arm.

"Ok, suit yourself!" We look towards Akane as that is where the voice came from, but we were shocked to see that she was already in her bathing suit. Did she put it on when we weren't looking?

I noticed that everyone else was gone for a split second, but then I see a girl with colorful hair dashing towards us. It was Ibuki!

"YAHOOO!!!" Ibuki screams as she jumps into the ocean. And before I know it, everyone is in the ocean, well everyone except Me, Nagito and Enzo.

"Huh? Nagito your in your bathing suit too. Why won't you join everyone in the ocean?" Enzo asks. "Well, if you guys aren't going then I don't really want to either." Nagito explains.

"AWWWWW!! That is sooo sweet Nagito, I'm so jealous of how nice you are." Enzo says happily. "I-it's nothing, really." Nagito replies with a chuckle.

The 3 of us sit down on the beach and talk about whatever while everyone else was splashing in the water.

Until suddenly, the sky turned gray.

"What the-!" Nekomaru shouts. "What is going on?" Sojah also shouts. "Is it normal for weather to change so suddenly like that here?" Sonia asks. "I dunno, but these clouds don't look natural." Akane says.

And if all of this wasn't enough, it had happened. The monitor had turned on, and something was talking thru it.

"Uhm..Mic check! Mic check! Testing, testing... Is this thing on? Am I in? Good! Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, but can everyone please report to Jaberwock Park! Thank you! Phuhuhuhu..."

The screen went black.

Usami was silent, dead silent. For a minute or two.

"Let's go check out the park." Usami said, we all nodded in agreement.

When we arrived at Jabbereock park, Usami started shouting "Show yourself!" Over and over again. "Hey Usami? What the hell was that? Because you sound like you know..." Enzo asks.



We all look around to see where the laughter was coming from. Then, he appears.

A small black and white Bear jumps up from behind the statue to sit right in front of all of us.

"So it really is you..." Usami says.


authors note————————————————————

Hiii! So first chapter in. This took me 3 days max to make so you might expect one chapter per week since I plan to continue to make longer chapters. Well that's it for now, byeeeee!❤️
