Chapter One

Clint pulled out an arrow from his sack. Swiftly he turned and loaded the arrow to his bow in one motion. Then within seconds the arrow flung out off his bow. It whirled towards the bunker that Clint aimed at. He turned back behind the tree his back facing it and looked down waiting for a loud explosion. A few seconds passed. There was no sound of the bunker exploding. He looked angrily back at the still standing bunker.

"What the hell?" He thought as he took a step forward ready to grab another arrow to fire.

Suddenly there was a sound. Like a whipping sound of something flying past him and before he could even comprehend what the sound was he was flung into the snow. He groaned in pain as a shadow began to walk in front of him. Clint groaned in pain as he looked up in shock to see a teenage boy walking past him. The boy had dyed silver blonde hair with brown from the roots and wore a black jacket. He walked passed him with a smug look on his face.

"What? You didn't see that coming?" He asked as he smirked then disappeared before Clint could stand up and load an arrow.

Clint stood there his arrow pointed where the silver haired boy had been. He was too shocked to say anything. Thinking back he definitely didn't hear or see the boy. Where had he come from? Was he on Hydra's side? The whole reason the team was here was to retrieve the sceptre from Strucker. It felt like just last week he had been helping the team defeat Loki and his army from invading New York. It really had been over 3 years.

A lot had happened over three years. It had been a tough one on him. With the threat of Loki and him getting into Clint's mind sparked an argument between Clint and Laura. Laura was Clint's wife and she felt that her and her children were not safe. Clint of course had that uneasy feeling too. That being in the team put his family in danger. That started many arguments for the timespan of five months. Laura argued that he was putting them all in danger and she also didn't like that since he was living at the Avengers' lair that he was never home. This hurt Clint that his wife saw him as an abstinence father. All he wanted to do was protect his family and being Hawkeye was the best way he thought. Well, Laura didn't think so and so they decided on a divorce.

This killed Clint because he felt like no matter what he did for anything he screwed it up. However, he thought it was for the best so he could protect his family. He even asked Fury to make sure that S.H.E.I.L.D had no files or knowledge on his wife when they had gotten married. So, when the divorce happened he made sure that it stayed that way. All he wanted was Laura and his children to be safe.

Clint's thoughts flooded his head and he completely forgot about the bunker. Suddenly a shot was fired and he felt a splintering pain in his side.

"Gah!" He yelled as the bunker blasted him.

He fell to the ground again in pain. The feeling was unbearable and he knew he couldn't get up.

"Clint!" Natasha yelled as she ran over to him.

She knelt down and examined his wound. It burned a lot. It hurt like hell.

He was in too much pain to see what was happening. His mind still fuzzed at the thought of that kid and how the kid caused him to get shot. This made him angry as he thought back of why didn't that damn bunker not get blasted anyway.

Had the kid stopped his arrow from hitting the bunker?

"We have a enhancement on the field!" Steve yelled through his ear piece.

"It must be the damn kid." Clint thought as he gritted his teeth.

Clint groaned again as Natasha looked at his wound. He could definitely feel blood seeping into his clothes.

"Someone want to deal with that bunker?" She asked as the bunker shot around Clint and her.

Suddenly there was a loud roar and Clint heard Hulk smash the bunker. Natasha sighed, "Thank you."

Natasha pulled out a bandage wrap from her pack and began to wrap his side.

"Gah." Clint groaned as the pain hurt even more.

He couldn't say anything his brain fuzzed everything out. God, he just wanted the pain to go away. Natasha moved to help him up.

"Come on you can get up." She said helping him up easily.

He screamed in pain as he got into his feet.

"Nat-" He said but stopped when he found the pain hurt so much he couldn't speak.

Natasha began to help him walk over to the Quinjet. All he could do was limb slowly and grit his teeth trying not to cry in pain. Around them a few soldiers ran at them but Natasha shot at them awkwardly while holding Clint up.

"Clint's hit pretty bad guys we're gonna need to evac." She said into her ear piece.

"No I'm- i'm fine." Clint groaned as they reached the Quinjet.

But he knew he was done.

They waddled on board and Natasha pulled out the stretcher and put it in the middle of the Quinjet. He felt bad he took Natasha out of the fight.

"Come on get on the stretcher." She said as she helped him on.

He groaned in pain again as he finally laid back. His hand shook as he put it over the bandaged wound. God the scar he was going to have would suck. Though one thing remained in his head. Who was that kid? Clint began to get angry. If he had seen the kid coming and had paid more attention this never would have happened. If only he had been better. God, again he let the team down. Clint wanted to help but really after every mission he felt like he did nothing. Sure, he stopped a couple of bad guys but really compared to Thor, Steve, and Tony he wasn't even close. How could he be compared to a god or Captain Fucking America.

"Clint..." Natasha said as she watched Clint get lost in thought. He groaned as he looked up at her.

"What?" He asked horsely but he knew what. She knew he was bringing himself down. Thinking he was less then everyone on the team.

"You'll be fine don't bring yourself down." Natasha said as she brought her hand to meet his.

She looked at him and he got madder.

"I'm so fucking useless." He mumbled.

"Hey, that's not true and you know it." Natasha said now getting angry at him.

"It's because of that damn kid." Clint groaned.

He shifted lightly moving his back so he was more comfortable but yelled in pain.

Natasha stood up alarmed by sat back down when he stopped yelling.

"Kid?" She asked him.

"Yeah, I went to shoot the bunker but my arrow didn't hit it. Like something stopped it. Then-ugh-" Clint began but couldn't because the pain hurt too much.

"Hey go easy on yourself." Natasha said soothingly. "We will get you back and all stitched up."

"Then this kid-boy-he knocked me over. Nat I didn't even hear him come up. Then he like disappeared." Clint said through gritted teeth.

"Steve did say their was an enhancement on the field." Natasha said.

"Yeah bet it was-ugh-him." Clint said.

He gave up on talking and just sat there waiting for Steve, Tony, Thor, and Banner to fight. Tony probably was in Strucker's base. Steve probably had Strucker and Thor was probably doing god knows what. Definitely something more useful then him sitting out because he was hurt.

Clint groaned. The thought of doing nothing killed him.
