
Audraya didn't bother to turn around since she recognized the voice behind her as Damon. He softly approached her and watched as she looked straight ahead at the Mystic Falls waterfall.

"I don't remember a waterfall here," she reminisced, "Sometimes my memory falls short when my mind is filled with a thousand years worth of them."

He sighed, "That sounds hard."

"You'd think."

He shoved his hands in his pockets and moved closer. He sat down next to her on the giant rock she rested on. They spent a single moment in silence before Damon brought up his urgent news.

"Listen...I've got some bad news," he informed cautiously, "Some mysterious figures kidnapped Caroline, Elena, and Rebekah."

She snapped her head towards him, "What?"

"There's an old farm on the outside of town. We figured that's where they are."

She instantly stood up and grabbed his wrist. He let her lead him out of the forest, explaining the plan. As they neared the edge of the woods, she spotted his car and ran them over without a word.

She noticed that Matt in the passengers seat and she opened his door, "Back seat, Donavon."

Matt grumbled, "Damn it, Damon. You didn't say anything about taking her with us."

"Well, right now I like her just a little more than I like you," Damon snapped.

"If you're worried about me killing you, don't be," Audraya assured, "I'm only here for Rebekah. I just lost my brother and I'll be damned if I lose my sister too."

Matt sighed and moved to the back as she took his spot. Damon hopped into the drivers seat and started the drive at top speed, per request.

"I'll distract them while you find them."

"Shouldn't I be the distraction?" she questioned, "You're outing yourself and I'm sure they have weapons to neutralize you."

"I just figured you'd be able to find our people faster," he shrugged, "You know, with your werewolf senses or whatever."

She nodded in agreement as they crossed Wickery Bridge. Matt gave the directions to Damon as he turned down narrow roads that eventually turned into dirt paths near farmland. Another five minutes later, a dimly lit house appeared at the end of the road.

As Damon stopped the car in front of it, Audraya noticed that it looked nearly abandoned. She got out slowly and swept her sights over the area.

Matt pointed to their right, "Barn in the back."

She followed his line of sight and spotted the shabby building. She sped over, leaving Matt and Damon to deal with the defense.

There was a chain wrapped around the barn door handles. A padlock was attached to it in order to keep it secure.

She grabbed the lock and pulled it off. The chain loosened and she unwrapped it. She pulled the door open with a soft grunt, pushing the weight to her other side.

As the door opened, she saw two rows of cages lined up against the walls. The inside was barely lit up but she could see the small shine of metal.

Chains rattled to her left and she snapped her head that way. A head of blonde caught her eye and her shoulders fell in relief.


She ran over and kneeled next to the bars. Rebekah crawled closer and clasped her hands around her sister's.

"Are you okay?" Audraya asked.

Rebekah nodded. Audraya moved towards the lock and ripped it off. She opened the door and unshackled Rebekah's wrist.

She helped Rebekah stand up and assisted her out of the barn. She let her lean against the wall as she went back inside.

The second row of cages held Stefan and Elena on opposite sides. A body laid in front of their bars, the blood trickling towards their deprived bodies.

She pulled Stefan's lock off and helped him out. He grunted in pain as she looped his arm over her shoulders.

"What about Elena?" he rasped.

"I'll get her too."

She led him out to where Rebekah waited and dropped him off. She ran back inside to help Elena but the girl had already broken her own door off.

She stared at the pool of blood that surrounded the body. Fangs peeked through her mouth and dark veins coursed down her eyes.

Audraya's face lifted in mild surprise, "Vampire Elena...interesting look."

She snarled and ran past her. A small gust of wind blew through the Mikaelson girl's hair as Elena ran away. She huffed and rejoined the other two vampires outside.

"Where's Damon?"

"Out front," she answered, "He's the distraction."

He nodded and ran off. Audraya took Rebekah's hand and dragged her over to an abandoned car in the nearby garage. She opened the door to the car and leaned down.

"What are you doing?" Rebekah asked.

"Getting you a ride home."

Once the car was hot wired, she turned on the engine and told Rebekah to get in.

"What about you?" she asked.

"I'll be home soon. Just go now."

The blonde nodded and got in. The car slowly rattled away and disappeared down the road, along with a second car that Stefan had found for himself, Elena, and Matt.

As she walked back to the front of the house, she saw Damon leaning against the car. His head stayed bowed as she approached.

"So...Elena is a vampire."

He nodded lamely.

"I'm guessing you're not okay with that."

He clicked his tongue, "You're good at guessing."

She chuckled and stepped closer, standing directly in front of him. His eyes raised and looked over her face.

"What do you do when you lose someone?" he asked lowly.

She bit her lip, "It's difficult to have a set process for grief. After all, there are many different types of grief."

"Like you losing Klaus?" he asked.

She nodded solemnly, "And like you losing Elena."

He scoffed. She explained that she sort of overheard his and Elena's argument about his actions. And she commented on the love triangle between Elena, Stefan, and himself.

"Anyway," she sighed, "I can go two ways: cry a ton or kill someone."

"I'm not much of a crier. And killing someone is problematic," he shrugged, "Is there a third option?"


His eyes met hers and they stared deeply at each other. She smirked lightly and he stopped leaning against his car.

He stepped close enough to her so that she could feel his breath. His tall figure looked over her and an devilish grin crawled on his face.

His hand quickly latched around her waist, pulling her chest against his. She gasped in surprise at his urgency and her hands fell on his arms.

"How's this for a distraction?"

He grabbed the back of her head and smashed his lips onto hers. She grunted as his mouth made contact with hers. But she quickly kissed him back with a strong passion.

His tongue slipped into her mouth. He used his vampire speed to spin her around and press her against the grill of the car.

Her back thumped against the metal. He picked up her legs and wrapped them around his waist, grabbing her butt to lift her.

His lips traveled down to her neck as he set her down on the hood. They ripped off each other's jackets and her hands roamed under his shirt. His hands slipped down her back and legs, hooking underneath the waistband of her jeans.

He pushed her down until her back was pressed flat against the car and he was on top of her. His lips moved down to her collarbone and he sloppily kissed any exposed skin.

As his hand crawled up her shirt and fumbled with the clasps of her bra, she pushed him away. His dark eyes searched her face in confusion as she sat up on her elbows.

She breathlessly looked up at him in questioning, "We should probably do this in the car."

He smirked,

"Good idea."


When she got home, she noticed that there was a car in the driveway with its trunk open. She curiously moved closer and tilted her head to see better.

A figure's back was facing her, loading crates into the trunk. But it was too dark to see any defining characteristics.

She frowned, "Who the hell are you?"

The figure turned around and stepped into the moonlight. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. Her heart raced in a mixture of relief and confusion.


He smirked and opened his arms out to accept her. She laughed weakly as tears brimmed her eyes. She smiled wide and ran forward, jumping into his arms. He laughed and caught her, holding her tightly.

She giggled as her arms wrapped around his body, squeezing him tightly to make sure he was real. He chuckled and spun her around, picking her up off the ground. She laughed and let some tears of joy fall.

"Hello again, sister."

