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[When i write from clays pov, i'm just gonna say clay unless a friend is talking to him]

also double update???



Clay was confused when his phone buzzed, as all of his friends were busy doing something and couldn't be on their phone, non the less he checked his phone,

He had the say the notification shocked him.


Wsnns go yhe pqrk

Clay was confused, so he messaged back


Clay had a really caring nature and whether the person was an enemy to him, he still cared

the whole argument between him and George was never was anyone's fault, except someone who was jealous and decided to spread rumours,

clay shook his head and saw goerge didn't even read the message, so he messaged again but thought about his message

|U okay?|

he then deleted it,


Uh u good?

Clay gave up after realising george is drunk, Clay couldnt help but scroll up,  looking at messages when they were 12 before the argument



okay gogy ur being clingy what's up?

Idk wanna hang?
also can i have some money to buy snacks?
My dad doesn't exactly wanna talk to me

Sure :)
Can Sap come?

Fuck yeah dream team bitch!

Clay closed his phone and put it in his pocket as he went down to eat, he felt fur against his legs

"Oh hey honey!" He said softly picking the cat up in his arms, the cat rubbed herself against his chest,

"Hey clay!" his mom walked down the stairs "and hello patches"

Clay smiled "Hey mom, i'm gonna go take the car to mcdonald's , i'm hungry"

"Okay, but be safe okay?"

"I will i will!" clay said walking out of the house,

he got into his car and cranked up the heating, and set off

he arrived at mcondalds at around 5pm he set off at 4:50,

as he pulled into the parking lot he saw people that he didn't want to see,

Tommy And Wilbur, they were just sat on the benches outside

as clay approached he heard the manager come out

"Hey kids! if you can't buy anything, leave!"

Tommy tried to argue back, but wilbur stopped him,

Tommy stormed off and walked into clay

"Oh its you." Tommy said bitterly

"The fuck are you doing here." Wilbur said

"I came here to get food- chill- i'm not a bad guy." Clay said backing up and raising his hands

"Right george said different." Tommy rolled his eyes,

Clays heart sank,

"Can i just go?" clay said quietly

"Why sh-" wilbur started before techno approached stopping him

"Techno!" Clay seemed happier

"Hey! you good?" Techno asked and clay nodded

"Techno why are you talking to him, George sai-" tommy whispered to techno

"that's from george's point of view, not yours, Get to know him, he's a good guy" techno smirked

"How come your all here anyway?" clay asked

"oh Uhm." Tommy went quiet, Wilbur put an arm around tommy

"Dad was angry after the fight today, and took it out on us and just told us to get our own food" techno explained "but we have no money so we all have just been sat out here."

Tommy looked down, while wilbur just kept his arm around him

"This happen a lot?" clay asks

"I mean when george gets into fights it stresses him out i guess" wilbur says

"I mean they are fun to watch, but yeah" Tommy smiled slightly

"god why am i doing this" Clay whispered but got his wallet out and handed them the 35 dollars he had.

"Dream-" Techno started

Clay shook his head "No take it, you need it more than i do, i have food at home"

Clay turned around to go back to his car

"Wait cla- i mean Dream" Tommy said

Clay turned around and awkwardly smiled, and was surprised when tommy actually called him dream

"We can split the money you can get something" tommy mumbled

Clay let out an actual smile this time and walked over to them,

they all ordered their food and sat at a table,

Wilbur and tommy were sat next to each other

and techno and clay sat next to each other

"So, how is george?" clay mumbled

"What's the sudden interest" Wilbur said

"oh sorry"

"Dream we're joking, but seriously how come" tommy laughed

Clay got out his phone and passed it to wilbur

Wilbur sighed and put his head down,

"He's drunk and probably passed out" Tommy said drinking his coke

"oh, does he do it often?"

"The smoking and partying, Yeah, the drinking, most of the time, i don't know it's like something triggers him and just tells his brain to do it to get rid of pain or something" techno said confused

"Didnt you two used to get on well?" wilbur said with a mouth full of nuggets

Clay nodded "Yeah really well, we used to hang out daily, he didn't smoke as much, or drink. it was so rare to see him do it, but he was like 12 though"

"I'll drink with him sometimes, but honestly it's not good for him, we all want what's best for him" wilbur said everyone nodded

"How about i invite my friends and we all go to the arcade?" Clay offered

"Sure, i guess" Tommy smiled

After they all arrived there was some sort of tension,

"So.." tommy said awkwardly

"Yeahh..." Quackity looked at tommy, both boys burst out laughing

"These two get along already" Karl giggled

After they had all settled they walked into the arcade,


"NO TOMMY MINE!" Sapnap yelled back

"both of you stop" Clay wheezed

Suddenly wilburs phone rang, everyone went silent as wilbur put it on speaker and answered it

"Ello gogs" Wilbur smiled

"Will i fucked up." George said through the phone his breaths rapid

Concern shot into tommy and wilburs eyes, and soon clays,

"What happened?" Wilbur asked "George calm down dude, just breathe"

"Will- i-"

"George stop, i'll bring a pack of cigarette round, to your house okay? and we can talk?"

"ok" George took a deep breathe and hung up the phone

"Techno make sure to take tommy home, i gotta go take care of the idiot himself" wilbur gave a concerned smile and left the arcade

Clay looked at techno concerned

"He'll be fine dream, trust me. Wilbur has a way with him" Tommy chuckled

"Q GO GO GO!" Karl yelled

Everyone turned to see Quackity trying to get a stuffed animal out of the claw machine

Clay just chuckled


George woke up, and looked around him seeing shattered glass, he looked around and saw the top of a vodka bottle on the floor

george put his hands up to his face and shakily reached for his phone,

He nearly dropped his phone realising he messaged clay instead, he left him on delivered not bothering to answer

instead he called wilbur

20 minutes later wilbur arrived at the door, of course his mum thought nothing of it and let him in,

"George-" Wilbur opened the door and closed it as soon as he saw the situation george was in,

"What happened?" Wilbur asked sitting next to george trying to avoid the glass

"I- i cant remember, but-" George said showing his phone to wilbur

"Why does he care about me so fucking much- he-" George said but sighed

"Dr- clays a good guy, you just have to find his soft spot, or just talk to him" wilbur smiled

"you spoke to him?" George seemed scared at the thought of losing other friends

Wilbur nodded

"Why did i message him, i'm an idiot" George put his head down,

"Here" Wilbur said giving george a pack of cigarettes,

George lit one, and breathed out smoke, letting out his anger,

George let his head rest on wilburs shoulder,

"You should sleep" Wilbur said watching george let out another smoke cloud,

"M' i don't know" George shrugged

George finished off the cigarette and threw it out the window, he definitely felt better,

"So wanna talk about what just happened? that little panic attack of yours" Wilbur tried to play it off as a joke, but george just shook his head and began sweeping the glass,

Both boys cleaned in silence, once it was clean george looked in the mirror noticing the scar on his lip from the fight

"i'm going to go make sure tommy and techno get home safe," Wilbur said walking out

"Oh and george, Atleast apologise to clay, he was worried," with that wilbur left,

George got out his phone and typed a single message to clay


im fine

