Chapter 15

"Alhamdulillah"Jalillah said giving Amatullah a very tight hug. The previous day Amatullah warned them not to tell anybody about her test since they are not sure about it,three of the kits read positive and two read negative. Amatullah don't know when the tears rolled down her eyes,they are no ordinary tears,they are tears of joy.

"How many months?"adda jalillah asked

"One month"she replied.

They were on their way back home when Tariq called Amatullah asking her to return home immediately,since they are already near his parent's they decided to go there and then she can leave alone in her car.

"Amatullah you're savage,you are the talk of Instagram I mean almost every blog I follow posted you"Ablah informed running to show her.

"I have to leave now,Tariq is waiting for me"she said walking into adda's room to grab her things.

"The tailor brought the cloths too,why don't you go with yours"adda said handing her her bag.

The drive from her inlaw's to her's is a fifteen minute drive but it took her 18 minutes. First because of the new revelation and second because of the traffic light which is not working in her favor.

"What's it"she asked walking into the room

"Pack your bags we're traveling"he informed as if he's not the man who will be getting married tomorrow.

"Why and to where?"she asked.

"We have a hajj to perform and an unfulfilled honeymoon"he replied in the same tone he spoke earlier.

"What about your nikkah tomorrow?"she asked

"I'm not getting married,and don't ask me why"he said closing his luggage.

"I'm not going anywhere"she said sitting on the bed and crossing her legs.

"Our flight leaves in two hours...forty four minutes"he completed after looking at his watch. "Meet me in fourteen minutes else I'll leave without you"he said before walking out. Amatullah don't know what to do,should she follow him or just stay here. If she have to follow him then everybody will think she changed his mind on getting married and if she stays then they will insult her and still blame her so she settled for the former. She prayed magrib first which was called when she was on her way before she packed her clothes. Packing wasn't that hard since she know where everything is.

"Let's go"she said opening the back sit where Tariq sat.

"I gave you an extra six minutes"he said

"Drive fast"he informed the driver.

"Here"Tariq passes her her passport and visa.

"I almost forgot that you need a password and visa to travel"

"Your phone"Tariq asked and she silently gave him. He then put it on flight mode before keeping it in his jacket pocket.

They arrived at the airport a few minutes to eight and they quickly took their luggage and walked in. It took them an hour to finish with the clearance and all other things. They boarded the plane and it took off some minutes after.

"And now I'm stuck in this dress"Amatullah complained.

"There is a loo you can change it"Tariq suggested.

"Nah I'm good,it's only about four hours and some minutes"

"Then have fun staying in this"

Their flight landed in Jeddah,Saudi Arabia a few minutes to five in the morning(Saudi time),the pilot wished them luck with their ibadah and he also informed them that the moon have been sighted . They quickly took a cab and headed to a hotel. Amatullah noticed that Tariq have been wearing his mask since from Kano,he only removed it in the plane and then wore it back immediately when they were about to get off. She knew he was doing that because he don't want to be seen and that only means that nobody in Nigeria know about their trip.

They decided to stay in a hotel because they were too tired,even tho Tariq slept in the middle two hours of the flight Amatullah couldn't,she decided to watch LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA,a Korean film that was recommended to her by Ablah and Habiba.

The following day they took a bus to Madina with the plan of leaving for Mecca four days before Arafat which is on Monday. They decided to perform Umrah before hajj.

Kano, Nigeria.

"I don't know what have gotten into you Sadiya. Why will you force him to get married again even tho he don't want see what you've caused us"Alhaji yelled at her.

"I'm sorry Alhaji but this girl is suffering from heart problem and it's all because of him"

"How is that his fault? What you made him do is more heart breaking than not ever accepting to marry her in the first place"Tariq texted him a few minutes ago telling him that he's not willing to marry Basma and when he called him his phone was switched off. He even went to his house by himself but the gateman told him that they have left a few hours ago.

"What did he do?"She asked,she taught Alhaji was asking this way because Tariq told him the truth about her forcing him.

"He said he don't want to marry her and from the looks of it he have left the country with his wife,I don't even know how to look at her family tomorrow"Alhaji said finding a chair to sit on.

"What,it is always that girl. Hajiya Hauwa was right she have bewitched my son"she cried.

"Mind you Sadiya,this girl did nothing to Tariq and if there is anybody who have been bewitched then it is you"he said annoyingly

"Alhaji it's been years since you yelled at me and now because of Amatullah you are raising your voice on me"

"I am not yelling because of Amatullah,it is because of what you've done,instead of you to think of a better solution no you did what you taught is right and now look you've made us look like fools"he stormed out angrily.

Hajiya Sadiya quickly picked her phone to inform hajiya Hauwa but then changed her mind instantly. She will convince Alhaji so that they will go to the house in the morning and sort things with them. And the taught of Amatullah controlling her son and making him do what ever she want made her hate her even more.

The following morning she spoke to Alhaji about going to meet the family but he said no,she had to plead with him before he agreed and together they found their way to the house. Hajiya Hauwa was surprised to see them in their house at that hour asking to discuss with her and her husband. She lead them to the guest sitting room then went to call her husband.

"I know you will be surprised to see us this early in the morning but then we are very sorry about what we have to say now"Alhaji Tahir started.

"Hope there is no problem"Basma's father asked

"Hope you are not calling off this wedding?" hajiya Hauwa asked.

"I will appreciate it if you call Basma here before we proceed"Alhaji said. Hajiya Hauwa went ahead to call her by herself and almost immediately they came back together.

"Well we are not calling off this wedding but Tariq is calling off this wedding"He informed. He can see the shock on their faces but what Basma did next surprised him.

"What?"She half yelled. She have an image to keep,what will her fans say when they find out that she got dumped on her wedding day.

"We know how this is but we are very sorry"Hajiya Sadiya apologized.

"Your apologies won't change anything,I don't even know why I'm speaking to you guys"and with that she ran out banging the door.

"And you can also keep the lefe that was brought earlier,this is the only way we can apologize for what our son did"Alhaji said but nobody said anything so he added with "if you don't mind then we shall take our leave".

Hajiya Hauwa was too shocked to say anything, she taught everything will go as planned but her daughter ended up getting rejected on her wedding day,what is more embarrassing than that.

"She have to get married today,it don't have to be Tariq" Basma's dad spoke.

"Then who will she marry? She don't have any more suitors because she have sent all of them away"

"I have already invited a lot of people,the governor of Kano and a lot of other ministers. I can't just call them and tell them that the wedding won't be taking place"

"Do as you please Alhaji but if you can excuse me then I have a daughter to tend to"and with that she walked out angrily.

Just as planned Basma did got married on the same day,in the same place and same time just not to the person whose name appeared on the invitation card and whose face was in the kamu pictures. She got married to someone nobody will ever believe. They had to cancel the dinner they organized because of that.


Amatullah and Tariq did enjoyed their time without their phones. Tariq made sure he hid their phones to prevent Amatullah from contacting anyone. He want them to have a little more time alone.

They toured round Madina for five days before they took another bus to mecca on the sixth day. They lodged at the hotel Tariq booked a few days before they arrive Saudi. They visited a lot of places which include mount uhud,masjid quna,masjid Al qiblatayn and masjid an nabawi,jannatul baqi, Al Madina museum,grave of hamza,wadi e jinn and then then Rashed mall was the last.

They did the umarah first then proceed to start with hajj which was on the 9th. The following day was eid so they headed to pray before they continue with their hajj. Amatullah went to pray in the female section while Tariq in the male. After the prayer,she was waiting for Tariq where he asked her to when she saw a lady,a very beautiful one and she sarted walking towards her when another woman walked in front of her.

"Assalamu alaikum"the lady salamed,the lady looked familiar but Amatullah couldn't place where she knew her from.

"Waalaikumu salam"she replied with a smile.

"How are you,you don't recognize me right"she asked

"I'm good and yeah but you look familiar"she replied.

"I'm the doctor who checked you that day,well I hope you have confirmed it"Aunty Nusaiba asked.

"Oh yeah it's actually positive"she replied

"Congrats,are you here alone? Well you're a very nice girl but you have to be patient with your husband and his new wife and just put it in mind that that is for the best"she advised leaving Amatullah dumbfounded.

"My friends are waiting for me bye"she said

"Thank you"Amatullah replied with a smile.

"And what is positive?"Tariq asked turning around.

"For how long have you been eavesdropping" she asked instead

"Long enough to know that you're ill and this lady checked you"Amatullah couldn't be more happy that nobody said anything about being pregnant.

"Tariq I saw someone just now"she said looking at the place the lady stood earlier.

"Who is it?"he asked

"Me,I saw myself"she replied.

"Oh that's good"

"I'm serious,I saw a girl that looked just like me"she tried to convince him.

"Okay it's okay let's go"Amatullah have been looking around to see if she will find the girl but didn't. The only difference is that she looked a little bit younger than her.

"Tariq do you think the knot got tied with Basma while you were away?"Amatullah asked

"I don't think because I've already told dad that I don't want to get married"

"But that Aunty was saying a total different thing"

"Maybe she was away when they called off the marriage"he replied.

They stayed in Mecca for a few more days and then left of the 15th of dhul hijja.

They went to Maldives then to France and then Egypt before they returned to Nigeria. They spent a week in all the countries making their trip a total of five weeks.

They stayed in lily beach resort while in Maldives then they visited the Malé Atoll, Sun Island, Banana Reef, Alimatha Island,Whale Submarine, Majeedhee Magu,Bioluminescent Beach, Grand Friday Mosque and National Art Gallery. They had a dinner date in Ithaa Undersea Restaurant.

They also did a little touring in France visiting only the Eiffel Tower and Disney land. Amatullah was ill so they couldn't go out to. They spent most of their time in the hotel room. When Tariq insisted that they go to the hospital she told him that it's okay she will be alright and that she know what's wrong with her.

They did a lot of touring in Egypt which include visiting the pyramid of Giza,cruising the Nile,touring Aswan,diving the Red Sea,a dinner at south Sinai beach,visiting the museum,visiting siwa oasis and St. Catherine's Monastery.

They took a lot of pictures in all the places they visited.

Their flight landed around seven in the evening Nigerian time. They took a cab back home because waiting for the driver will be a total waste of time.

"Here"Tariq passed her her phone.

She quickly switched it on the phone and dialed Ablah's number. Even tho she have been away for weeks she kept her in mind,she knew she will be very mad at her for leaving her in her in-laws'.

She didn't answer the call so Amatullah taught she will be busy. She then renewed her data bundle then went online to check her messages,she is sure Ablah won't let her be without sending messages.

Why is your phone switched off?
Ke where are you?
So you ran away with Tariq to stop him from marrying again right.
Ke call me when you see my messages
Ugly birdddddddd🦅
Everything is a messss😭😭😭💔
Amatu where are you,my life is a mess rn😭😭😭😭😭
Do you know who Basma got married to?

Amatullah asn't sure what is happening but she's sure it's not something good and how on earth is Basma married? And to who?. She just hope it's not Tariq.

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And how is basma married? Who did she marry?
