My Death

Hayley Stewart was a girl who liked watching Disney and action movies. Who liked wearing clothes that made her look badass and feel sexy in her own skin. 

And who liked guys that she knew were no good for her, but who she was good for. 

And right now she was in her car, on her way home after going out with her friends, partying and just being stupid. Her best friend, Kayla was driving because she was supposed to be the designated driver. Only because she's allergic to alcohol, not because she didn't want too drink and have fun or because she's responsible, because she's just as much of a while card that Hayley was. 

They were going down the road when suddenly an eighteen wheeler suddenly came at them, and killed them. 

When Hayley woke up she expected to be in a room with Angels or in the firey pits of hell or something, not in a pit black room with a man and a woman looking at her. She looked up and them with a confused look on her face. 

"Who the hell are you two?" She asked them, eyeing them both. 

"I'm Persephone, and this is my husband, Hades." The woman said and Hayley nodded. 


"You don't seem more freaked out by that." The Goddess observed. 

"Lady, I just died. Nothing will shock me now." Hayley said in annoyance, causing the God to snort in amusement at the way the girl snapped at his wife. 

"Oh, is that so?" The goddess asked with a thoughtful face before leaning over and whispering something to her husband, causing him to nod and look at her. "Lets see about that, shall we?"

With that both of them waved with hands and Hayley disappeared, only to wake up in a stone room with candles everywhere. 

"Bring her out!" She heard from outside before she was grabbed by two men and dragged outside, only to come fact to face with Elijah Mikaelson. 

"The fuck?!" She said, looking at him with wide eyes.
