Chapter 1, part 3

(Happy (late) 4th of July people!)

   The door opened and there stud a short man, with a large green turtle neck, bright blue jeans, and red eyes with tear marks down his cheaks. I felt horrible for making him cry.

Principals POV

   It's 4th of July and school is on, a field trip is planned to celebrate. I tried to ignore to absence of Baldi, keyword on tried.

   We loaded everything up into the buses and drove off, I sat in the front, on the other side bully was forced to sit on the seat next to a teacher in the front because of... Reasons...

   We neared the park, as the bus stopped I stud up with the rest of the students. I went over the rules like,

"No cell phones, no kissing, no piggyback rides, and of course! No running in the park." Everyone groaned and trugged out of the bus and speedwalked to the playground.

   I smiled, Baldi was still in the back of my head, I shook my head as Playtime came up to me, tear stained cheeks. She held up the two halves of her jump rope. I sighed and smiled.

Baldi's POV

(TRIGGERING SUBJECT UP A HEAD! Sorry but this will take a while for me to write this part, because it may bring back memories. Sorry again!)

   I was slumped down on my bed, my neck was aching and my back was sore. I held the knife in my left hand, my right wrist held a burning pain that dulled then rised, making me not move my arm as much as I can.

   I walked tiredly to the bathroom that was conected to my room. I turned on the water putting my wrist under the tap, wincing at the sting of pain. I walked back to my room, every step I took felt like chains were holding me down.

   I flopped onto my bed and fell asleep, the pain lessening each second that I fell into sleep.

(Bleh... I'm happy it didn't take me nine million years to finish. Still,  that last part was hard to write.)
