Ch 6

"Kashi-nii,Everything will be explained. For now, we need Naru's mask and then you can meet us in the Hokage tower." Hinata said as she and her boyfriend popped next to the white haired man.

"Alright,I'll meet you there." Kakashi agreed grudgingly then handed the black mask to Hinata as he said to no one in particular and then disappeared in his signature puff of smoke.

"Let's head to the tower," Sarutobi told the older ninjas as the two Reapers disappeared in their respective shunshins.

(With Naru)

"Naru?" Sasuke called out as he and Hinata were at Kakashi's apartment looking for the blonde.

"I'm in the bedroom," Naru's subdued voice had them worried.

"Are you alright?" Hinata asked as she approached the girl sitting on the bed watching the three children sleeping.

"I'm just... tired," Naru replied, brushing an unruly brown lock from Kankuro's sweaty forehead as the Sabaku siblings had fallen asleep together with the oldest in the middle while Hinata sat beside her, watching her face, waiting for her to explain why she was so down.

"I know but the day isn't over and we have a lot more explaining to do," Sasuke rubbed the blonde's shoulders in an effort to relax her.

"What if he doesn't really mean what he said?" Naru asked after a moment of silence. The couple now understood her somber mood. She feared Kakashi's reaction about the children.

"I mean... I know he did say that he would take them in for my sake but what if he changes his mind or he really didn't want to do it in the first place or he just-" Hinata cut her off.

"Naruto, listen to yourself!You're rambling. You know that he meant what he said. Kakashi is not one to joke about serious matters like this." the dark haired girl's voice was gentle yet stern.

"What if he decides that he doesn't even want me anymore when he finds out what happened to me? I couldn't... I can't bear it if he suddenly decides he -" unshed tears shone in the corners of her eyes as she hung her head not wanting them to see her when she was vulnerable.

"Naru, loo at me Naruto.Listen to me, you know Kakashi's not like that. He loves you and you love him so what's the matter?" Sasuke began as he moved to kneel in front of her as then he he pulled her chin up so that he can look her in the eyes.

"I'm not the same Naru he knows," she replied.

"You are,You're still the hyper blonde he knows and loves. You've just gotten older, matured physically but nothing had actually changed." Hinata explain.

"I'm scared."

"We know that,But you know you'll always have us behind you. Besides, you had to tell him the truth sometime."" Sasuke embraced his younger sister.

"I know, but I'm still scared-" anything else she wanted to say was cut off when the building started to shake as the three turned in unison toward the window to see a massive mushroom cloud rise from one of the training grounds.

"You've got to calm him down,You need to calm him down before he destroys the whole village." Sasuke urged the blonde hiding her face in his chest.

"But -"

"No buts,Go to him, tell him everything he needs to know. He'll understand." Hinata once more cut in.

"Look after the kids?" Naru ask resignedly.

"Of course,Now go" the pupil-less girl replied, Naru left in the signature leaf shunshin.

(With Kakashi)

"Damn it!Why? Damn it, why couldn't she just tell me?" Kakashi cursed loudly as he stared at his now broken hand as he stood in the middle of training ground eight.

The landscape had changed where there was once lush grass, there was only burnt soil and the trees had also been toasted by the raikiri he had used while hand glowed with lightning chakra, the sound of chirping birds could be heard in the distance as he used the earlier version of his raikiri.

"Chidori!" he rammed his glowing hand into the ground creating another massive billow of smoke.

"Kakashi," Naru's voice froze him in his tracks.

He could just barely make out her form through the smoke but he was sure it was his blonde haired goddess as the smoke cleared he saw
Naru still in her armor but without the mask on.

"You have to be careful!Look at your hand, it's broken in so many places I don't even know where to begin fixing it," Naru was already starting to heal him and Kakashi had no time to react to her presence before he was made to sit next to a tree while his fiancée turned her attention to his injured hand.

"Naru,Why?" his voice trembled under the emotions muddling his mind as Naru knew what he was asking but at the same time she knew that she didn't want to answer his question.

"I was scared,I'm still scared. I didn't know if you'd feel the same about me if you knew what had happened to me. I still don't know how you'll react to what I'm about to tell you and I'm afraid of how you'll react." she began, refusing to look at him and instead focused intently on healing his hand as tears had began to fall as she confessed, her grip on his hand tightening though not to the point of pain.

"Naru...I promise you there's nothing you can do that would make me turn away from you. I love you, I've loved you even before you knew about me and that will never change." Kakashi's voice was firm as he turned her face to look at him. Darkened blue eyes stared back into a lone onyx orb..

"I'm still not so sure about that," she mumbled.

Kakashi was mesmerized as she was beautiful and knowing that she was his didn't do much to contain his urge to kiss her at the moment, her cerulean eyes reflected pain and he wanted to take all that away from her, he didn't want to hurt her ever so he couldn't resist her, she was so alluring and he had to kiss her.

Kakashi pulled Naru close, his forefinger and thumb holding her chin as he stared at her eyes, silently asking for her permission, he had drew his face close, waiting until their lips were a hairsbreadth away from the other's. Naru closed her eyes as he claimed her lips, his own rough yet gentle against her inexperienced ones, slowly, shyly, she responded to him her mouth mimicking the way his lips moved.

She tasted sweet and he wanted more of her, hr had swiped his tongue across the seam of her lips making her gasp in surprise then he had took the opportunity to slide his tongue into her moist cavern massaging hers and coaxing her to do the same to him while he moved his hands to her sides, lightly trailing up and down, making her moan into the kiss.

"They're waiting for us at jii-jii's office," Naru replied a few moments after they pulled away.

Kakashi rested his forehead against hers as he contemplated on what to do next as he knew they needed to be briefed but at the same time, he didn't want to leave, he was too comfortable sitting there with Naru in his arms.

"Let's go?" he asked his voice back to his usual lazy baritone.

"We probably should,We'll have to stop by your apartment though; Hinata-nee and Sasu-nii are still there watching the kids." Natsu explained.

"You brought them to my apartment?"

"Well, you did say you wanted to take them in...Unless you change your mind..." Naru said suddenly unsure of herself.

"No,I'm just surprised. Let's go then?" Kakashi was quick to make amends.


Naru had transported them to the apartment in a swirl of fire as they had found Sasuke and Hinata on the sofa dozing off. Sasuke lay on his back with Hinata on top of him.

"Let's go," Naru said to the couple.

"Already?" Hinata asked sleepily.

"It's best to get it over with so we can get on with our lives." Kakashi crossly.

"Alright fine," Sasuke smile as he rose.

"What about the kids?" Kakashi asked.

"I'll take care of them," they turned to the bedroom door to find a dark blue fox with three tails.

"Yukimaru,Who summoned you?" Naru ask as she rushed towards the fox as he had sent her a look that clearly said 'who-do-you-think?'

"Right, stupid question, so why are you here?"

"I've been sent to watch over the kits especially the twins,They felt the chakra outburst and they wanted to make sure it doesn't happen again. Now I believe you have a meeting to go to." Yukimaru said.

"We'll talk later,Take care of them Yukimaru." Sasuke said.

"Of course, go," he replied as the four humans disappeared in their respective shunshins.

(Homage Tower)

They arrived at the tower to find the adults sipping tea as they waited.

"Oh, you're here,We can begin then." Sarutobi said calmly.

"What's to be said here cannot be heard by ears other than ours,Hokage-sama we must ask you to make your ANBU leave." Hinata looking at the 2 ANBU.

"Do you doubt our abilities?" one furious elite ninja jumped from his hiding spot in the shadows to confront the Reapers.

"I never said anything about you not being strong enough,I merely said that the information we're about to pass on is not to be taken lightly-" Hinata glared at the dolphin masked ANBU.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" the rude ANBU cut her off and Hinata lost her patience.

"I am Hinata Hyuuga!I am heiress to the Hyuuga clan, fiancée to one Sasuke Uchiha and future matriarch of the Uchiha clan. Who are you to question my identity?" she said, her voice dropping to a cold whisper and she growled.

"I am from the great Byakuya clan," the ANBU said proudly.

"We've been serving the hokages since the beginning of the Third's reign and will continue to do so. Now, I don't think you know who you're talking to but I can get you punished just for speaking to me in such a tone," his arrogance proved to be too much for the usually quiet heiress as she had slammed him into the wall, the bookshelves shaking with the force, her action causing her fiancée and sister to smirk in unholy glee.

"I think I forgot to mention that I'm the Tenshi Reaper," her pupil less eyes glowed eerily, the edges turning silver while the center morphed into lavender.

"You dolphin, have been reporting to Danzo." She snarled at her captive. The man's eyes widened behind his mask, his fear of the girl holding him manifesting itself through his other senses.

"You're afraid." Hinata taunted.

"That's good, it means you'll tell me everything I want to know."

"I-I-I won't s-s-s-say a-a-anything," the man stuttered in response.

"Sasu-kun, could you?" she turned to her fiancé, smiling sweetly at him. Sasuke grinned at her, his eyes turning red, three tomoes spinning rapidly.

"Of course hime," he walked towards his woman, wrapping his arms around her waist as she removed the frightened ninja's mask.

"You know I'd do anything for you," he whispered huskily into her ear.

"Mmhmm," she murmured as he kissed her neck.

"Now let's see what you've been hiding from me dolphin-kun," he turned his attention to the man who now has his eyes scrunched shut.

"Now this won't do, I need to look into your eyes for this to work," Sasuke's voice was strangely seductive.

"Could you open your eyes for me dolphin-kun?" Hinata's voice was equally hypnotizing and he couldn't resist as chocolate orbs were revealed as dolphin opened his eyes, and then he was trapped.

"They're dragging it out," Naru muttered angrily.

"And just when I really want to go to bed." She looked around to find that the adults were watching the couple interrogate the ANBU.


"Naru, how long have you been a team?" Kakashi asked his fiancée.

"About seven years," she led her to the couch in the office.

"Since we've been training with jii-jii together, it's only natural that we become a team."

"So what are they doing now?" he asked as he sat down, pulling Naru into his lap as he did so.

"They're interrogating him," Naru said as she snuggled closer to him.

"He's the same one who Sasu-nii almost killed on the night of the Uchiha massacre."

"What happened back then?"

"I was attacked in my apartment and Sasu-nii saved me," she began.

"Then when we came here, we were trying to get into jii-jii's office but he stopped us. I tried to go past him, he grabbed me by the neck and called me a demon. Sasu-nii almost revealed everything then, he was lucky Sasu-nii only slammed him into the floor." She finished just as dolphin crumbled in front of the couple.

"What have you learned Hinata, Sasuke?" Sarutobi addressed the couple now seething with rage.

"This man was the mole," Hinata faced the elder ninjas.

"He was a double agent. He was the one reporting to Danzo about your movements and decisions jii-jii."

"He also initiated most of the attacks on Natsu when she was younger," Sasuke spat.

Naru had noted the way Kakashi tensed underneath her and had to fight off the smile at his protectiveness.

"I've always known he was up to something," Sarutobi sighed heavily.

"Let's get on with the explanation so everyone can go home."

"Naru why don't you start by telling us how you three look like teenagers now," Hiashi said.

"It's because of Kurama," she began.

"You know, it will be better if she explains everything." She continued and before anymore could be said,

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Kyuubi no Kitsune."

A puff of cloud appeared where she slammed her hand into the floor. When the smoke cleared, there was a woman standing in the middle of the room, her buxom figure was clear through the fitting kimono she wore, her flaming red hair flowing down her back; slit red eyes and full lips completed the beautiful woman's looks.

"Hello Naru, Hinata, Sasuke, Hiashi-san and hokage-sama," she greeted all those she knew.

"Hello Kurama-san," Sarutobi greeted back.

"Naru summoned you because we need to know what happened to them to make them appear older."

"In that case, pull up a chair because it's a very long story."
